Page 10 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 1
P. 10

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lwm mot a nunnal day. Joe and pnor lo the eommeneement of Up Ilnlll now, eompameo eovenng
conttaetot got a eall to do some yout wotk, markcd all undetgmunel exeavatuto oftnn dtd pay uttltty damage
weak, and ealleel In a ~ub lot the ptupetty tneludtng, but not lmnted te, tlmm~ 7 the word "L‘xtav.1lox" Iticll
lrcndung pan Evurytlung was all uneletgnound lmcs, P|pL‘~, eahle. DI ~ay~ ”dlg,” >0 tt wuuld he a httle hard

golng along mot ao expeeteel when, uttlttteo. to deny Co\‘cIagL‘ tot dtggtng.

mddcnly, the sub "tatleel to make a ,, ,

K _ _ Thulnllcr|nuL‘~, You advhud that Yet, |flll~ntwnllcn eoneetly, an
tum for the Ilnduground ponet lmcs. V d d I _t d I kmh f t id 1 ‘,1 dh _”
Thuknoeked outfurafcw >3"! 3  51; a gt‘; 31 _“f“°’“ °§j;v“f'<°? M; "Y :3 I
lmmnd Ihcpuwmumpwlmd  Imnnoc mac u oa you w. mu c1.»vLmgc \Cl') .o  lun
— that (hum n no eovemge for the.e eameo a .-peeme eude that detenmne.

tuteplaee Lhclmci when the power d __ d 1 Y" ‘be! an up I d X f Yh 1 up
mmcbmkwm WWW” damzllgvea  ha?’ mn ...g ¢lx.1+c‘nlrdl‘:1.»Y\/lLll'l:l§cr‘ aand 8‘ e
ddmbomuhummnmd  on your e a . pulc) 0 u L: axgL . gr
eleetneal damage, and the clalm.1m.s' ‘°“““$“‘ ‘““ °"‘°“d““ ‘1"°“$,"
damzlgci mngcd [mm a low handed W‘ W16 3“ film“; cf“ A ‘fig f
dulIzlrslouvcrL‘lghk [1'1DlI~ilndd0“£|l’s. §'°j;““ °';*j'f§v  °;
You advlscd out tndepenelent adjllsllsr ““ “‘5""‘" “ ‘ ‘— ‘°““‘3‘ ’ ‘°'
tlmlyuu aa n1.»l}tavcaIuc.1lc tlckct W}:¥f;)i°,:*“‘$;;g>°"fy""““‘°l'
and that you had nu cunuacl with the “W “ ‘ ‘ “EL "“’
fllbcuntxactux " But, tt In the |ntL‘l'L‘~t of pnee, the

“m above languflgc h an Mm” Contractor told ht.-"agent ' all l do

_ _ ‘ tohangoheettoele on he ean geta
fmmalcttcxfiumanatlonzll|nsurancL V V h_ _ I h_ NOT ‘ h
eumpanvtua tunlmclordnnylng ‘ ‘"P“’‘‘ “l ‘ " $‘’'“5 '’ “V°
; K , eovetage tthe lnto an undetgmunel
euvetage tot the aeetdent lt . not a
Iltlllly — heeau.e a ihcct lock m~t.1lIcx

nunnal day anymum lee conttaetot ,

l~ raemg huge losoeo — maybe even the , “W” “'3 ’ “““ ”‘°’“ “ "° “‘‘‘’““5“

butlt In for tt I-mpet eovetage c0~h
10% of 1m b|XslnL‘~s.’
what It euots — just lIkL‘ your ~cIvlCL‘~ do.

There h now NEW language wttlnn Don’! n~k evetythmg you have to .ave
many pOl|ClL‘~ spcclfitally addnewalng a lew dollars’

“""”“5“ ON” 'F‘“'DC’“E “As If vuu want VOUY d1 v tu ikav nomnl tell
BEEN DONE, Thto language |S dneet 3 3 ‘3 — ‘ '
mm the POW: yollxdagcnldtliu tlnath about clvcqélhlngh

Voll  ma csumltls DIE onl c

Pnm tu eummennng work pullcy; have a contract wtth your ~ub~',
(1) You havculhcx What’:cnllcallylmpurlantthat f;§;;“E;fi§§:f1;;;;;:;;=g;§‘;§|§1j*
.1) coaaaaea the appropxlalu local ;;;_:j;:;;,;:§;f;f;§;*j;;;: M tcrtlfltam cf  nammg you 
undetgmunel loeatmg ~L‘rvl(c, or unmgmund _mhm ‘F and ONLY Addmonal In~umd

1,) Vcmt-,¢d that a 10m] “ndugmund IF, .1 locate has bu-n tallcd m, whllc AND

loeatmg euntaet ha‘ been made by dmymg Covmlzt‘ for a claim If a _
fl"Ot1‘Q‘W‘lht1‘fllm~P0"~lb‘l‘ty’and localchaswnotbcclxtallnd  lfyoux CA3! 81; Bsjosfi xlgv DIG}; gm

comp.1nylsn'tdmngllvnl—lnHtmc, n °ruv,g=  M" =-Mm - wu

cl Thelocatingiexvlccllmrcspondcd, n,,n,.,,0,,_ ' dor-Lflfl

a~ Wesrvlrglmsall 2017 law

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