Page 13 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 1
P. 13

Ipcllnuw are the energy llfcllncs nt many nt nnr dzllly zlctlvnlca, trnm drn mg nnr chrltlren tn ~:hmll and
heating nur humuw, tn buying gnxtcrlcx at the xmn: alelnereal by truck~ that run nn dlcml
The US. ha~ t11L‘l:lrgc~'lrlulwurk ufcllurgy plpcllnca nt any natrnn m the world there are rnnre than zulutllll
nnle. nt rnl plpcllncs and 3fl0,UflU mllc~ of natural gm plpclllvm all t1:m\~ the mlmtry Thc~c llnc~ are tucked
undcr enr ~lmL‘l~, lhmugh rll:lghklor1'lol»d.~ and commIlnltIc~,t1m1 trtwullllg helnw Karlnland, forcdx and dL'>L~I{.~
srnce /\n1crl:an~ consume lnorc than mtl mrlhnn gallnm nr petrnlenm prndurt. per day, plpclIl\c~ are an cwclvtlal
cum 1.»ncnt<l!()ur natl<ln'~ IhfYt1\[l'UC(U n: \Vlth()Lll [hum our mzld~ and Ill '|\\\'I|\’\ would be m. crrun wlth truckx trvln
P by . . K
tn meet lhl~ demand. Accurdlrlg tn Natlnlml Trt1n>p0rmtI0n ‘3afctyBnt1rd xtatl.~Xlc~, plpullno are the xaluat, nm.~t
mllablc n1zlnnL‘rf<lrtmn~purKlng enmle ml and nther Ilqllld petrnleunr pmdutlx Prpelrne (>wrlL~r~ and opcrzlmlw are
ever mlndlul nt the ~aN:ly nr thuxc around them and they strlctly mlluw pmvcn ~t1fctypluccdulc~
Many prpelrne Cunlpanlcs regularly rn~pect then rIght.~—of—way u.~lrlg zllr, rnnt nr vehrrle patmlx 1he.~e tralrlcd
.«. m~peetnr. look [or pntentral danger tn plpclmca ~ucl1 a~ cun~tnl:[I()n artn lty nr new uf gm er Ilquld lct1k~
_4,,_, T11u~l: In~pccll()n.~ along then prpelme mIlKc~ are tn album the >«L‘CL\fIl\t't1Ih" lrltcgrlKv(>f[hL*IrlIl1c~
7'‘ \ Prpehne conlpalllua keep m tnnrh nn .1 regular kla~l~ wlth emergency uffl:lal~ and work wltll leral
\ clncrgullty rflxpllhflllrx along prpelme rlght~—m—w:ly m mm of an cnlcrgcllty, ~0lnuKln1c~ lsvull llzllnlng
. _ \ wrth rne .lepartrnent~ nr h:lzt1rdnu.~ malcnulx umlx E\'L*rltlloLlgh Aleakorapllllxcxtmlncly
' if \ lmllkcly, prpehne cmnp:lnIc.~ prnunle rntnrrnatrnn lrke that whreh you wlll find en the fullowlng
pagm that wlll prepare you In the cxcm that rt dncx occur Then hnpe I\ tn ennnnne tn be a quiet
\ nclghbul and prnvmle you wrth thh nnpnrtant rntnrmatrnn tn help tr ynn ~II~pccX a prnblem
\ m ynnr area rrpelme c0rnpanlu~tt1kL~ the aafc nperatrnn nr therr lrlfrzlatnlcnlrc ~crlmI~Iy,
, whlch lrlcludcs pmtcctlng your tarnrly, yollr prnperty and the en» lrorlmcnt. Bccauw nl Khlx
 dlllgcncc, lncldcnb arc xcry [are
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