Page 10 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 2
P. 10

ACTS New In:
t’s like my euntractur iriend enee identity the pertermance of the 3. when and hew te start the
said, ‘The best you can do is yen empluyee and in some companies, investigatien. Aceurding te yuur plan...
are still griing te have damages ~ the investigatien beeemes part of the remember, be consistent.
l know he didn't have many, empluyee evaluation at year's end A 4_ Cunm the mm 50“ M “M
but ii what he said is true, then he document that separates these wliu
is cummen sense and srime et it is
needs to consider mquinng damage iellow company policy and these who mm" Comm!“ um hm h but
iiivestigatien as critical tri his business. talce shurt cuts will create a baseline tur achmvfd by an m‘?N|g1‘m “Q h
. --tdh he .l- lth lh‘ * ‘
untertunately, when a iacility is ‘““““‘ "' '5 ” "“'"‘ ‘ ‘“ ‘" ‘ perceived as henest, curious, iriendly
wurlc triree
damaged, one ui the rirst reactiuns is to and respeettul. laeing uliyective and
blame others. otten the ringer priinting 3. And uric et the main reasens we analytical are excellent qualities that
bmmeg a ,.m,.,,.g1,, e,,dp.,.. pm“... er need tri investigate damages is liecaiise allow the investigater to write down
threats, heated disputes and amliignrius the ether side does. ltyeu dun’! what was seen and heard. it may be
iiivoieing tur damages. investigate, a sleppy investigatien necessary to aslc quL‘~tlon~' (altheiigh
W [h I d I I perturmed by the ether side will and sometimes the damage investigation
i en a re er ama e inves i a run
mm lhfmfl “mt oflhc mfldfim yriu liable From my cxpnricncu, it eceurs when no one is there). it you
P t ml ‘ d I yuu perturmed a clear, concise and nuistinterview someune, learn to be
mav never - earne cerrec iens
V t eensistcnt damage investigatiun that a geod listener. one rii the secrets te
WIS "em b§'mP'=m°m§§ jlnd teens-es an the tacts at hand, you’ll getting the mest rint of an interview is
*“ ‘“1“*"‘ “"‘"f4“ W‘ ‘’ W’ have the best investigatiun why, nut interrupting er rushing tu the next
°““" “" W‘ *‘“'“‘ PW‘ b°“""‘°"* yuu aslcv lseeaiise mest rii the utility aiiestien The interview is net tor the
Merely determining the liabilitv tur a mm" , ’ , ’ ,
V e gatiens l \'C reviewed are tueused ten e cleclc news, den t act as ii this is
damage is a ~h()n—lcrm hr te a long
[rltfid .th-tl.ithd. btk -i .tl tlftlrd

mm Pmblcm A mom “mm to am en ’\u ll’) mg ri u iin ac ii mg rei ing nen s Jus earn ie ic s in

d H b d 1 They are yumping tu euneliisions their perspective. Fan et collecting the

j‘h"“‘8;P‘“ f‘“ G“ _ ° **P°“‘° °" 3’ based on what l tliinlc rather than what [acts is certainly learning huw tu kaki:
“ L" ' “L “ N‘ '"““'5“"°“ P'°°“°‘ l see. The pliotes and slcetches (it any goud pliutograplis and draw legible
‘Wt f°°1"[‘”’“” b°Y°“d d°‘“"‘"““$ “"‘° are included) de net tell the stery ui the sketches Remember it they dri nut tell
is a an
damage the story of a damage te a persun wliri

5*"l:"§:".““:v*. .,  ::;:;‘?:;i;:;:‘.‘.:::°<::.‘i::":‘t:;*’“°
3?" ,“'“°“ “*9 " “"95 '3“ 9- damage investigation is prevenling ; b ‘l H , 51 h ,5 3’, d
‘:1 5:‘ i°“d‘_*"“ 5"“ ‘“5‘’"5 °“‘ reoecurrences uf similar damages, 'E“‘,“L}rv5“:‘“ ff “Ir” “'3 W“ ‘ “ °“°
“ 3 “" ‘Q - preventing potential injuriea, — 3 3 ’

l. A geod investigatien erprises continuous improvement and an 5. Determine the cause. it is
dC,qm.,,C.a.. T1,: d¢,'.,c,mm, may improved lmtlum line. universally reeegnized that ier every
ha ,.. t}m,,.,1.y,,ut\.a pm. EM.“ Gamma ‘hm six SW5 M E accident er damage there is a ruet

‘° ‘”'°“‘ Wm‘ ““‘3’ "‘“3’ b‘ ‘" W‘ successful damage investigation °““""' “ d‘“'“‘ “‘“"' “"" °“° '” '“"“
Pm“, ,,,,..t\.a davaiapcd m Wm - euntributing iacturs asseciated with the
it eeiild be in the training pregram 1. Develup a plan when does the event. what cenditirins existed that may
you cu""_\"[ly me it n1g\y even be a investigatien startl De yuu Inquire have made the damage mrire lilcely tu
dcheieiicy in the quality et peuple you phetus or slcetehesl De yriu have a occur? And what one thmtz, ti corrected,
hire. it an investigatiun does not erpese Damage Report Farm? whe hlls it eiitz wuuld have prevented the damage?
deheiencies that led te or contributed to who gets it? with whem and where is Remember, this precess is net about
the damage er virilation, it is not a gued it filed’ These and uthcr eunsideratiens who x~ 1-able for the cu>t~ mwcmted
investigatien. should be determined priur te the with the damage, but rather an answer
2 A d ‘ I I ‘ investigatien. liyriu don't have a plan, te the question: "What led directly to

- 3'-‘° “V” W "-‘“ ‘"‘P“-“’“ yuu can't be eensistent If you don't the line getting damaged?" Liability

"V"-“k” '“"‘“‘°- 1 “‘“""*-- Y?“ M‘ have a plan, you can't hold one another will liecume apparent tolluwing the
>CYt“<h'“8 your head Hm ~ W‘ “Wt accountable tur net iollowing the plan. [actual investigatiun

it the investigation is cencerned with

the taets of the event, it means that 2. Assemble an invcstigatirin kit 5. Document The damage

even oversights or tailiires te perierm Your kll sliuuld euntain everything investigatien report becomes your

will lie nuted. The goud empleyee yuu’ll need re cenduet a thereiigh fir~t line rit detense fur yuur positien.
etten tells me that everybudy getting investigatien. lt wuuld include note Documenting I~ Import-Int for a variety
the same raise every year, nu matter pads, pens, report trirms, cameras, et reasuns, lint certainly rine et them
hew well they periorm isn’t iair measuring device (tape measure, er the us that the mvmce or mutt date may
and etten irritating lnvestigations Rhinri Hit l<it). be a year or more atter the tact and

s . west Vlrglms 511 2017 lssue2

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