Page 15 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 2
P. 15

C _ ‘*5. I 'y',"\ ‘ T7177-““ . .
 ll. 4 s ..g . I f. . I Dig a ely Proclamation,
' « 1 i . .;£ West Virginia
-V _ . _ ' .4». .1 7 In I A _ A
.>. ~ an Nmva;S:;e:°¢iriM°v;“v:::*:s'v~:+i.:.*i
-  ,._. -_._; renun es lnglmaxesl en a our I5
l ,-, - - 3;’; _. made up of a complex underground infrastructule
1  r '31’  ' , of pipelines, wires and cables. Striking an underground
V / »,. " ‘—,‘f.";‘, 4 . utility line wliile digging can cause harmmyou or Lhose
J -._. ., - ' around you disrupt service to an enlire neigliliorliood. and
W, ' '  v’ poleniially resullinlines and repair cosis.
. "' __‘ -;5.v_~ Anallnlustbeplacedto allbeloreeverydiggingprojeci.
' b  fromsimplelandscapirlgplajattslikaplantirlgtmesor
, shrubs, to building a deck or installing a rural mailbox.
, Every six minutes an undargxound utility line is damaged
because someone decided to dig without flxst cauing 811.
Don't become part omie skatistil: — make sure to call 811!
The plioco to the left is part ofWestVirginia's tommitment
to sale digging. WestVizginia 811 Execul-ive Director, Tom
‘ _ Taylor (lem and West virginia 511 laoard President. Carol
'1 ‘ coslello (right) holds Govenwx Jim Iust1'ce‘s proclamation
, declaring April as Safe Digging Mondi inwest Virginia.
To learn more about digging safely in West Virginia dick on fig
coNrwuEDFROMFAGE11 . — . -. »_ _ vvm wfl, -. ‘P.
l'in not iaylng that HDD is lhcbut solution In cvcrv Cr1~C, - . - .- l_ 75 I ‘ S‘  1.’.
.. — I . ; - . 1 » . — »
bctzluut n . not. But [here am su many oppurlunlncs for _ *1’ _\ up
co.-lsnvings and qulrklyaornplcnng pruiccislliamnnn . » 3 ~ .1 I .—;_4‘_. ' "' ' 1 k ,
upnunlli.n.liuuldn'llic u\‘uluokL‘d. - . ‘ . j'» 1 " \ . —  V.
.V .. .a A . . , _ . A-
sunic.-ayllnncclinulugyln ilicniclusnyliamugruwn f . _» l  .' ,_ 0-; .1.  g
nnccmuuly dainngc prcvcnnun naming nccrlcd lo cmurc , . _  \' «,-. 3,...‘ - - 3-  v_ N >
llunalrcadylauricclnnllncsllnc.arcn'ldaniagedlnilic r g. / ‘*  51*-~  " N‘ _ 
rushtoplacennwuorblggurutllllyllnm _.g — ~ ,3 ' .  V " _ ‘ "
Thcmallygoodcontractors,wlmlhnropnntlcncholHUD,  J" ‘V ‘s "  wfi ', §
all say the fink ~tl:p to any succnmiul pmlnct is to call 811 ' ‘ a_ V  V, ./ "I 
liciurc you d|g. They undcrilzlnd ilic value of waltlng die ‘.-.. "L -' ' ‘ ‘ . - . r’ . ‘ 
nppruprnnc-nincrurilic unrlcrgmund unlnylincsio bc -‘:5: —' .,-- ii ' ' —t.- R‘ '-F . 
'““*°d =‘'-’. ‘.3 if? ,3’. 3|...‘ 1.37‘ “an »_._: 4”’
Whllclocaloxsarcbctomlng mom .1:EurzltL‘,ll's'atlll .c : /Q L’). —' /;"_ ,%a~.¥li ‘: '55»: . ;r «, .- 
lmpurlflnl(U$£CCXaC(1yVs'}ICrClhCllnCUIplPEl~lDEfllCd. ‘~i*{_;. 7: . s ;.  _. cw . ,.j',,_  :
Asarcsult,lhctontmclorwlllplopurlycxpu>£(polholC) -:ty,e» .,  ‘a, .1; ./1’ -‘1. ‘_ 
tlmundclgmund utllltylo dulclmlnntlmhurlzontaland §‘é_.,;~‘-’~; ,:‘ . — ‘ V  . ,,. - '._<’jf:‘lfl‘V4.5',_?‘?';A9
vc-mcallocnnununlicunlny. ‘_ ;:";_§_.,  ill,‘ v ‘ F-' 5.1- ’:';~" _ ~'
 ~  gr ‘ . .- ‘z.->1‘,
suinc mllnlclpzllltlcs and ullllty cumpr1n|L‘~ donut mn~ldl:I » _ _ " A,-2:‘ —-s:r_j_;- , , - i _- V .
polhullngmbcanv.»ptl1.»n.Rzllhl:I, lll~V|L‘WL‘d r1~r1l’I ‘,.. '31‘ _e j _‘ ’.-vzf  r 1,. 1%,’-'4.g;“;?_‘
cs.cnlnl p}1r1~L‘ofIIl‘idL‘rground con~tluctlLm for all lypcs r .3 .  ,:,:.?‘~_—7 _, .3." v,,.j -' 
uiuxcavatlonlncllldlnghonzonlzlldlmnlonaldnlllng "_’_',._.,.»:'=' ' 43 l V_ ..-;,,‘a :'(''.>*. ,-  ~
(HDD)opuatlons gg-‘_~_. ‘,. "‘-‘:;:‘:L\“,'_:—" , ~53»; _ ‘,3r5_ -v “
Ycsslntllcék‘ ncwlmringrigsaauplcd with ullllzlng licsx  '-- - ‘ 5- ' ‘ ’ “'3' £1
pracnccs,lllcc calling 811 and Lhcn boring m1fclyrnakL‘l}ICm . ' «, ‘- »._ _. _ _ _; v \” ,« ' . -'~‘ 4 ~
Bore ~afCly7 5] 
2017 lssue2 West Vlrglma an . 13

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