Page 3 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 2
P. 3

from the desk of
i ,r '-*5‘ ’ 015 flew by, and 2017 is proving to be even liusier
. than last year. During the hrst quarter or this year,
we expzrinnczd a seven (7) perrent inerease in

our inroming ealls over the same time irame last year

and we've plcked up new members as well. Both are

eneouragiiig signs-V

our goal of encouraging all zxczlvatun to make that call

to all while reducing damages is still in from of IN, and

this year lhope you will agree vnth me that we've made
,» progress toward inalong west Virginia a sater plaee to
live and work.

on a national level, were reminded that when the call

‘it to an is made, damages oeeiir less than one (1) percent
of the time A special thanles to all of you who eontinue
to work tirelessly for the satety and proteetion of our

— communities and tainilies.

1 look torward to seeing you at the many eonterenees and
meetings we've lined up to attend this year l appreeiate meltlmg you as you stop by the west
Virginia 211 booth. Your comments and ideas tor improving our serviees are always weleoine.
lt should eoine as no surprise that there are diiterenees in perspeetive as we wurk together
to reduce damages to our underground taeilities lam hopeiul that at the end or the day our
diiterenres will lead us to better understandings and solutions.

A special thanles goes out to those ui you who have shown your support tor damage
prevention in west Virginia by advenis-mg in this pulilieation. Not only have you given us
the unique and aitordable opportunity to promote damage prevention through this medium,
but in addition you are able to promote your products and/or services with the very damage
prevention process-ionals and staleeliolders you seele to reach and on a quarterly basis. lt is
dennitely a win/Wm.
l luck iorward to wurklng with you throughout zul7 to provide an even higher quality
service and to improve rost eitertiveness for all members of west virginia 311. Don't forget to
tell us how wc'm doing.

Tom Taylor

Execullve Dlmclur

wet virgino xii

2017, Issue? wasrwgiair E11 . 1

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