Page 16 - West Virgina Magazine 811 2017 Issue 3
P. 16

It’ All Ab t th C
S Oll G overa GS. ..
or I Paul For That Lzalnltty Insurance. Why Duln’t It Pay My Clmm?
meta. Ms
1: habtlny pollnca ate not the Blanket watyet et sttbtegatten, manket Lets aaiumc yon don't have that xcu
~amc. Absolutely, dcfimlcly, Addmunal Insured, tlm lhl guns on cxclustun — you're all guud, nghl?
peetttvely net. I’ol|Cm~ ate And On And, by the way, t}1cIL"s a [M Wu an 811, Cm a mm? win the
getttng tnete epeettte wtth ehatge tet eaeh ttetn added And, by —. Y“ 7 D mu V, U V _
eaeh year that pt1~.~1t's. Pncc .-hepptng the way, KhL‘m's my pen-enat tayente ‘“q“"‘ b "_““>“ '3 my 3 ‘°' 3°"
hem agent te agent t. not tn yent be.t — "(ht eetnpany wan’! add a Blanket 3'“ “N “C” 3’ 5°“ “’ 3“
tnteteet anymote. Buymg an |n~‘umncL‘ watyet. " wen, new what? 11 ynu iailed to call 311 in eontpuanee
ohey llil te get the htd H gotng V _ K with ont state law, and on hit a line
F3 bloviIIp1nyouIfaCc1i|h1:n:'s a “W P°‘‘‘3' 3”“ ”‘°“g1“ M" °h““P" and git billed int the daztages ttathet
yual bccamt: mneh more cxpcnaxvc
elann yont baIg£un- Illan blown npz),
pohey wan’! pay tot. it will probably
You really need an ; .4 have to eome ont ni
agent whe ha. a lot . " ynur paehet. Mmt
of Eu~IomL‘r~ that do “ state. now have
pmlty tnneh what yen V 4 g , laws mqulnng that
de Aektng a tnend , ,f yon ean and get a
et two tn yent hne ‘ - . 1‘  ’ uckct. 1r yen ate
of wotk at even a  ' . -.v :3 ' tn ytoxatton et the
compL‘l|l0r —who then  \ . . , - ‘Q « law, your tn.ntanee
agent te mtght help ‘ . \ eotnpany \‘\’|U vmw
yen avcud 1eat-ntng l thte ae "uxpcctnd
the hard nay why an ' et mlcndcd," and
L‘xta\'t1lox'a pehey ha.- - , nepe, they won’!
dtitetent xangnage V L ‘ _ pay. CDmpamL‘~ art-
than a eat dealets 1' getttng mete and
pohey. l|’~ an abont more ~'L‘n~1l|ve tn
the eeyetage. — wlml _ V (hum lavtw a~ they get
H eeyeteel and what’. , ’ ’ pnt en the heoke, an
excluded (not covcmdJ. don't be auxpnsud
Companies that wntc “ 3’°‘" ““‘'‘“‘°’ 1”‘
.1 wholn new set of
a luloftltusn tn the mlmm M W on
building nade. have apcclal ttenn when yon get thtongh paytng tot (11091: h Ch _ H “ ’ * >
wntten ntte then pehetea that apply to addtnonat Cox/cmgL‘~ tet that one yon “ ‘C “L
what you ate dotng — not the flewet ltkc n all yeat that |S gotng te teqntte Dtd yen ean, but dtg betete the
shop or eat deatet down the atrcul Yon them. (No, yen ean't tetnoye them xatet, mqulmd tnne Wt1~ np7 Nope —lhcy
ate net paytng extta fur the.e eevetagee etthet, and get a refund. And no, yen wun’l pay. satne mason. That watttng
hkn you would tf you had a run of tlm d|dn’l pncc for Lhcm, utllcx, (ltd you’) pcnod 13 £02 all of the uulmna to be
nnn pohey that yon had te cndune abte te tnatk then hne. where yen have
But, one er the meet entteal things yen
(add) these msma onto. The ptemttnn b‘ b_ I I V _ ‘ tneheated that yen w|llbL‘d1gglrIg se,
tntght be htghet getng tn, but yen wt.m't ‘”"‘“‘ ‘° ‘ “ “’ “‘“ > .°“’“‘“ “ “" tt yen dtdn’t anew them ttnte te tnatk
eontatned tn yont pohey t. the dmadcd —
anvu anythtng wtth the low pnccd XCU E I _ 3‘ U d d then hnea and yon htt them — get yont
tnedet. ’ ‘P °”"”‘ “ “g‘°““ checkbook (Ii yon dtg whete they am
Collapan That muana, baalcally, no _ _d K b b I ‘ k —d ‘
when yon get a 1017 item a tnatet eovetage for exeavatton tt nndetgtonnd “”‘"“‘ ° “' “ am "“ "‘“‘ “ Y“

— [the epetattye wetd] yen tan .te where
een.-ttnetton eempany, they wtn hne. ate damaged. It yen ate dotng I 1 lb ,, I d ,, ,‘ Y 7)
mqulrc a cetttneate uilnaurantc wtth L‘xtava|Iun, yett'te net eeyeteel tt l1'11~ ‘ "“$‘ “ “P” ° ' ‘““ 3°“
eettatn ~‘pL‘ElfiC langnage, and yen wtu Extluflun l~ pmaent. (And tt yent It yen do what you're mqulrcd te do,
not begtn Work ttnttt they get tt T1'1l~ pohey ls wntten thtengh El Cheape and IF yen have a pohey dengned tet
epeethe xangnage te what yett may cempany, Inc, tt nun dcfimmly be tn wlml yen do, yen wtu he eeveteet. A
have te add te yent El cheapo pohey thetez) vw neetxe nun neyet, evet tntn tnto a

Cadtllac at the time of an acudcnl. .
14 . West Vtrgmm 511 2017 Issue:

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