Page 19 - West Virgina Magazine 811 2017 Issue 3
P. 19

mud. A la. of mud. Enough to get our golf carts stuck

and Ihsn wee to the nne.- who were bchlnd pn.-lnng

Ihern out.’

New In-ma were pnrelmed and deployed The

wreckage was moved to (112 nde. sign. went bnrk ln _

the gmund, then the rain finally burned melt out, and .

we were greeted with nn overcast .ley Lhal brought wlth

it welennre relres from llre past few days of heat.

compemor.-cooled LhelrhzelauntilIhemdnnitieli ‘  _ 1 i ' Ifl!
llndlly.-lnrlednpdrennrlllaolnllrenrnrnlng ,_+__ ,i ,-_F,. , K __ , “ _‘ ‘:1 :..
oneerheevenlwesnndermry,rlnngsrensnrpprlrlyell - 3 ‘EC  ATE  l , ;,g_- '
enernpnnnnlllrlrennelgdmlnlesldnnnmedanln. — '—,—_—',_»‘  .- —
llrne.-and calledlladay nmund sevenlnthz evening " _-._Le:=>:":~~r, ’ ' 1* ' "
The nwnrd. banquet that nlght annlred Ihlngs off, and v~ . -, V . ~_ ~ — v-
yuucansceyourlhtuiwlnnerizlln/IA/w.Il7rrrI('rud('l7.vtc!  . .

(Note: Water Event 1, Teleernn Event 1, rnwer Eventl v ,— ~ ,

and cn.- Event 3 were (hopped fmm the epnne due to V r

the late flan.) '

or course, thls Show wouldn't have lnppened wllhoul

the lrelp of our volunlezn nnd ~pon~'ur~‘, so a big up of r

Ihelncatzhalloalluiynu! . - es

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llmwlllztlallnl Uflllry Llmzte Karim; mrllpemars are jurigrd an /zccumcy and spccri.
2017, new Wes\‘Vlrglrllzn!11 .17

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