Page 3 - West Virginia 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 3

from the desk of
«-‘ x '3’‘‘‘% elcome to another edition of the west virginia
~ W811 magaziner Thanks to those ot you who have
emailed us in support of the magazine. we are
encouraged to hear that you End the articles beneiicial.
The west Virginia 811 Board of Directors sees the
magazine as a damage prevention tool that allows us to
reach stakeholders across the state more cost eitectively
call or email me with your ideas or making it even better.
. You've probably heard that there is a legislative cffon
' being made toward eiiective entorcement and universal
membership in wv 811 we've known tor some time
through the annual Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
‘H satety Administration (PHMSA) audits that our
state program has been declared as inadequate This
simply means that without eitective eniorcement and
universal membership, our program talls short ot the
tederal standards tor eniorcement programs. currently
the impact is reduced iuiidiiig tor the Public service
commission (PS0 and the loss of available grants to help wv 811 pmmote call betore you
dig and consequently, our vital underground inirastructure is at greater risk.
we hope to utilize our wv 811 Magazine to better intorin you as to exazlly what is going on
as it relates to the legislative eiiorts underway and that by being better intormed, you'll waiit
to become more involved
There is no question but that it will take a combined ettort irom stakeholders across the state
to ensure that such legislanon is passed. And we believe you have the right to ask, "whaI'~' in
it tor me?" we trust you will give us the chance to aiiswer those questions tor you.
l want to remind everyone about the upcoming west virginia constmction and Design
Exposition scheduled for March 21 7 22, 2013. lt will be held at the Charleston civic center
in Charleston. As you probably know, this event is the r2glDn's largest trade show ui its kind
with more than -1500 attendees last year If you plaii to attend this year's event, be sure to
stop by west Virginia 311's booth and visit with us
l want to take a moment to thank all the supporters ot the magazine Your contiiiued support
through advertising helps make it possible to have a high level or communication with
the damage prevention industry like we've never zxpcnenced before we hope you find
value by advertising in the magazine As a reminder, the magazine is sent out to the users
and members oi west Virginia 311 lt includes mayors, county and state road departmeiits,
members and excavators routiiiely working in our communities.
Thanks tor all you do and until HEXI time, dig satelyl
Tom Taylor
Exetutlve tiirectar
west Vlrglnlz an
em, Issue 1 wesrweiaa E11 . 1

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