Page 12 - West Virgina 811 Magazines 2018 Issue 2
P. 12

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I’!  that  | P- ,
‘ WE‘ ' Y c h ' 9
at Is our olce.
orne say, "Cnmmumcatmn is There is no quesliun hut tha« we've all dasrupuuns ln «he hues of the general
our naraon's llieline to belng- heconre ahsolutely dependent upon public.
ln-the-know," while nthers «he communlcnlinn industry In keep
say, ”Mur2 cummunicntiun us miormed and together. I guess A ’““l‘ ‘?‘ ‘sch “_‘t“h"‘1"““'““_‘Y

just meansrnmeiake n2ws."Rlgl1t «hatswhy them pronrte Lhemnst §°mm;{;=1 M f b2 °=fh°'~ are

or wrong, here is wha« we know in handwad«h far the longest mntract at ‘ °‘“fh [9 (""2 “ ""3 °“’h“t°°“’°‘5
the held. copper, fiher and wlreless the must anraetwe lnitlal price seems to "if 9’ ° “°“;°l“ “’L‘h:‘f“ 131 H
lerhnolngizshave rornlaned hoth drive the conrrnurueahonsrunrpetrmrs K 51”“ ""9: E“ “‘ .“:‘.‘ ° “ A
aerial and underground to create a at a mnuus pace In almost every corner 9“ 23"“: ° :5‘: F"“_'_‘ “Eff
maze of ducts and hnes that some nf the country. “'““°°““ ° “F 3 ‘°"‘' "‘°‘ "
locaturs declare almost impossible to . . “T1“°}‘ “°““ “"2 bfl“ "°¥d‘d by

_. _ ln«erne« eornparues, phone eonrpanres gnnng enough advance nuhce and good

“d°“““‘°‘Y °’ “°“*“°"““Y P'°‘““ and the cable indusrry are all vymg cun«aet infurmntinn necessary to get
Llkzly, it is net possrhle to for ynuz dollars as «hey relate «a ahead ui the work and nunarnare «he
overestimate the importance of communicntiun. we apprzciate the hustrahuns.

our nn|1'nn’s eonununaearaons Extra bandwidth and speed but E h . h b . _
lnirasrructure, gwen our dependence unrortunately, «he rare to he flzsl X‘ l“[‘1,‘5_“"f5l*’ TI“ ““‘}’1"t’“” ‘” “

upun it. Iusl «he lather day, I a. ln ID  an area has rreatert s-one 3'3: In :1 ‘Leg-ongjnofhzfe if“

a local restaurant next to a family unrntended cunsequznczs «or the . I A“ _‘ ‘(Eh 1;‘ _ * Lh _
olelgh«. l norlced «he grand«a«her professionals wurlung to keep :‘i‘":l‘f‘“;“““ .5‘ N ‘ ad ‘ ° g“ ft“ 01”
watehlng a news channel an Dne ui America's underground inixastructurz “h‘ ‘:h P’,‘’_!“ * 3'“ d” ““ ‘:‘u,““ _
the rnany ws hangang on awall. pmlectzd. EC“ ° ‘*7 ’h."“° 5;‘ °""‘°$| °“"
His two sons were ho«h watching a . ‘““"‘“'“°“ "3 W‘. ".“° “"7 °’

. An example recently crted by a cnntract throughout «he prqecl Is crrtaeal to
spnrtang event on annther TV and . . .
. locator was the only nonce he renewed ensure «hat other Llhllty Iocamxs can ge«
four or the older lnds were holdmg . . .
_ . that an suheontraetors were muvlng In from and shy In «rant uf «he proyect.

therr srnart phones scrollrng through . I h H‘ ha fl

snnrethlng, while the two-year-aid ‘“ °. ‘S “*3 “"5 ° “° °“ °“ A« the end of the day ho«h «he

. . recerved finm the 811 center. Not '
was watrlung a meme on a smart ._. 1 th . ‘ _b . Excavalnr and loeator have «he same
phone whrle ln her father's lap.  gm: °"‘ “‘ goals. Both want to take care ui «hear
Dunng the an nnnutes 1 was «here m_ d . H k E I °“;“:l‘1“?”"""*13’ “"“'_“_“;E"“P "'2 P““‘°
“M to (hem, mm Wm my {M s para Dxlca ae e cnmmumca mn an err ernp eyees sa .
. ,, , hem a cnmmumcntmn Expert leads ,
wards spuken, o«her «han paa rne ‘ E T’ I g f H 1 Ed d surely by nnw, we ve learned «ha« each
the ~'ah»” 1 thoulzrhlr "Nothml;1i1<e ° "" 3 ‘°“‘ °' 3 ““’“ " ““ DE us has our «nrsrrauons even under
. _ . unnecessary delays, damages to .
gethng «ogether «or some quahry the best urcururnstanees and many of
. ,, underground rnzrastrueture and
famlly rune.
w- M1! vhgtnusu 20LE,lnm2

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