Page 22 - West Virgina 811 Magazines 2018 Issue 2
P. 22

Communications Dy/nhnlalmhl
mm a safety pevspecnve, gooel naturally occumhg methane from both the lntcmel wnh a laundiccd eye, but
eonnmunlcauous are enucal. hvestoele and compost, oll seeps and l mu gs. mlad on cm,..,.. cm. ,. ha
The "who, what, when, whnm sun spots, anel ll shoulel lae olavlous that sh,“ mm ,, mu mud. m,,,,,..,mca,,,,..
and why" of any sltuauon that clvlllzatlons cunlnbullun to clunale ..,dm,a R dnpcndm NCw5p“‘PE‘fi

could cause death, lnlury, or llaxm to change as lnslgnlltcaut. Compamd to and um ml.,,..a1 MW, used ,0 have

thus envllonmenl ox pzupszty can makl: naturally occurnug cause. of clllnale c,ad.l,,1,.y, mm day, may all , and
the dlffsrcnte between a near ants. anel change, ahythlng man has done or l do mean ALL , .aem .a me la have

a calaslmplm l~ dolng ls, lIIl1'1C aggmgale, far less a .1“. and all appm l,.a,.ad, 11“.

we have an hmd ‘hf MW of an hm slgnlhcaut. sald, them ls uo doubt that Lhcrc an:
boy who ened wolf. Afler several ialse Does that mean that man shoulel not ‘}}:"":h“’1“’ ‘“° “b”'°‘““"Y ‘°“"‘““‘d
alanns, no one belleveel hun. And then do nvzrytlung mawnably possllale to ‘If; °:‘“} ’ P:‘“°“" ‘” “"‘ 5”” “‘
one day the wolf showed up. The same “ “‘ “ °" “"3 “CL

could laesaldrovchlcleen Llttl£— ac of l U, , : , , ,   , ,, wl.m.m,m¢,..,,,,;¢.), l..,“,m,,
except the sky, as far aslknow, never ”' > ~ ‘ A ~ ~ - ‘ ‘ -  ‘ ~ « * mo mm}, m,,.,...,...m.,,,,,,..p,,,l,al,l,,
f°“- E’ ; j s «w , , ., lllslcnough. ltls much bnlmr to
Credibility is crucial. A ‘ * ‘  * ’ " ' "’ “ " ‘ - ;al'~'om2t*-Intlfl-1:3‘?-It‘}a1 P‘-‘lt°““l“”)'

< . V\ V t. s angcvoussl alon anllso

lhappen to bellcvethalellmate change . if , ‘- , . L 11 : _ mmmll ~llcnI and watch an aeeldeht

as In fact oceumng. l elo not, however, . s happen. The means of colnlnunlcatloh
bulmvulhatLhcllumanconmbullon  xi ; L  1 \ 1 ' V ; ‘s g: T ,1 z‘ 1 and the uxgcncy dl:p2nd~ on the

to clunatc chaugc ls slgnlllcant. . . , ,. , speclhecucumstances. You be the
Cons-lder thataslugle volcano, Kilauea  > p‘ a;; at M, a ; _~ _j ludga 1“, .,PmyW .,_, dmdeyl-l,,..k
In l~lawau,emltsahoutzllontohsot ” 7 \ ' yr » ‘ about H To usea foulballmctapllur,
untaung sulruv dloxlde gas (soz) gas 4. , , l , , g _ L run wlth your head up. But don't run
each day dnnng penod. otsnsoalncd ‘~ V '« ‘ ’- st » « Wu}, sh,-.a,sl

L‘r|Ipllon.T1mldoC~ not lnclude E f h ‘ .

other undesuable evnlsslons such as nuugate pollutlon and global w.1rmlng7 ° ‘“ E 0'“ ‘ ‘"-

parllculaéca anfi otllcphpnmlbly less :b~'olumly lxllnglz As nlew |c:hnDlr;€;)«' ,,,,,,, ,_,,,,.Ed ,,1,,,, l)HMsA ,,,,, ,5 m,,,,,,,y
n0xluIl~ IIl~tl gacen on.e,gases. ecolnesatala ean econonuca y WC,,,,l,5,d_.,,,C/p,,,,,,,,E5,,5,,,,,c,,,,,,,,,,
lhavc uo ldea how l<.lauca vates |n leaslhle, lt ~1luuld be auplled. That, mm W UFWIW 5mm ,0, 52 PM
lenns om. ~lZL‘ as tompamd lo othnr however, does not nnean that altemanvc W5 LLC mm, /W Iflmmzgzmm
volcano. anel l dl.»n’l know how lnahy lechnologlcs shoulel be ~ub~ldlzed at ’

aetlve volcanos Lhexn ml‘ at any glvcn the expense of furfllur rcfinlng (pun

lune — but Ihcn: has to be a lot. Do lnteuded!) L‘X|sllng lechnologles Let the
ac m.1Lh.lfIhl:m am, a anyglven aaaa aeaaa Ell 33

 h m _h d, nnnnn
< robabl cl.mscrv.1t|ve)1ndKlhuc1 w “‘d‘’“’ ‘” ""“° d°‘”" 5 

P Y * ‘ ‘ ‘ c0mmunlc2lllun7 Slrnpk‘. Thucls so -2
'5 ““ “"““5° "°'°““°’ M‘’“‘“‘ N“‘‘"“ lnueh talse lurovnntlon out there tlnl 3 
“'P““‘“5 °“‘2°"'°"‘“°"‘“‘5OZ“ thepnl;llc(anellcohsldennyseltpavt ? 3 2 A 7 1
as lrsoz  .,a,,av, ale ~s..a of the PM W” WWW —: nnnnn
stum c-lnltted by voleanos, I}lal’~ ’ — ’ ,, ,, 9 2
who or what to bcllevc. ln the old A 7 1 a 5
over 1 l‘n|“lOn TONS of pullullun that dfl W ‘E It Wm m the mm a U D“ =
occurenahllallvuadl and every day, ’ ' ’ P P ' .¥ flflfl
_ « lelevlslou, oz taught In school, ll was o
seven day~ a weele Add all the ~mok£ , V 1
Gospel. l dun [know ahoutyou but! a 2 7 3 5

‘‘°"‘‘'’‘‘‘‘'‘‘''‘‘‘’' ”‘° "‘""‘“‘“““’°"‘ nolon cl subscnlae to anews { Hand '

auststaaas thzuuglluullhuworld, ,3 t ‘ P‘ P Ilflfllflfl

l don t watch the natlonal news. lose
20 . west Vlrgmlfi on em, !ssue2

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