Page 16 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 16

S By Bob Nlgmwunge:

was born and raised in the small 1. Look beyond your immediale dig

lown ui cusliing Oklahoma, ‘ area and visually survey «lie land

wliicli is known in ilie pipeline ab surrounding your area looking for

inoluslry as llie pelroleum pipeline \ pipeline marker posls. Plpelinz rnarkers
crossroads ui ilie wurld crowing _ are normally placed at roarlways, creek
up. my dad would onen lake us on _i crossings and properry lines and may
a sunday drive ailer cliuroli lo lour * ' nor be visible inim your dig area niese
what lie callerl the rank farms, wliicli . markers are mean: as a warning that
were quickly growing wlienl was .. a pipeline is buried nearby and do not
a kid 1 lliouglil that all inlerslale necessarily represenl the exact locntiun
pipelines carried crucle oil In cusliing of ale pipe.
9““}‘“"‘"' A‘ ““ “““"' I '‘“"‘‘d L.}‘“‘ . 4 2. After ealling B11, make sure in
in the us, we have over 299,000 miles of .

. _ . _ answer yuur calls, check your voicemail
natural gas rransmission pipelines and _ , d Eh k 1 H . I _
over 171,000 miles oiliazarolous liquid ' I ““ “ Y“? E“‘“.‘ ' WP“ ““’ “re

_  . _ . . _ , buried in cunfllct willi your dig area,
iransmission pipelines. Tliese pipelines .» . .
“Md? mm mam“ ‘h _ E i ' pipeline operalurs will allerripl In
P P P“ ‘”"—"” °’ , i ‘ nutify ou in rliseuss Llie delails of our
ilie bulk delivery uf natural gas. crude . r , | Y * * . ’ .3’
. _ . _ ]Ob and may need lo be onsile during

oil, a vanely or ruels for veliieles anrl , H Lh . 1

aircrail and an assorlrnenl of inner a 2”” °“ “W e" '’‘P“ ‘"2"

refined energy producis. Mosl of lliese 42 3. Wurk viiili llie pipeline operalor and
pipelines have been in the gmund fur a . follow llieir inslruclions They are there
very long lime in find, over 50% of our to lielp you saiely dig across or near
natlon's pipelines were conslrueled in ilieir lines wlthout jeopardizing your
ilie 1950s and wens during the creaiion saiely and llie saiely ui Dthels.

of our inrerslaie pipeline nelvvork and , 4 S . I _ _h u [1
some pipelines were buill even earlier ' .i , ‘ °"‘* 3:?“ ‘"2’ ""2 ‘ “. °""”“ ““
mm mm 3 you may ink. ‘Dc noi drive oyer or

I > park lieayy equipmenl on llie pipeline

Transmission pipelines are the saiesl iiglii.oi.way untll discussing it viiili
form of lranspririalion for energy ilie pipeline operaior. You may need
producis. They are made of sleel Io insiall sieel plales or rirnlierbridges
pipe with welded ioinis and have over ilie line to lielp evenly olislriliuie
proleclive cclatlngs added In ilie ilie lieairy load over ilie pipe.

exleuoz ui llie pipe in lielp prevenl . .
corrosion and manage ilie integrity of N“ "'-“*€§1*'°W fish‘ Wu’ def‘-re»
«lie pipeline. Damage (1: «lie proleelive I “E Y‘’“ *’ “V: 33”?” i.“'‘’‘ ‘ ‘ “"‘*_
coanng during Excavariun aclivilies ‘ “’ §“‘'‘T‘*‘ ""11 d |"P*_ “i‘:°P*.‘“‘°’“
can lead in corrosiun oi ihe pipe and 3}‘: "'“V?°“ F “"39" " ‘35‘“$ “E”
ullimalely leak oipmdutt Lhalczln ‘ "2 °’‘‘‘““' “"9” .

lead (in a catastrophic evenl long after

the excavntwn i~' E°Y“P1?l9- I mnlly on ilieir pipeline right-of-way. This is Bob Nlghslvolxgrr is llir msidral and cm
Vmled YOUTH‘)? and ‘M H quick MIC“ io ensure the safety of the zxcnvatlon of Utility Tnmlmg Amdmly Bub lms cmcr

for pipeline 2XP1u»mn~'- Iwas aurvrised crew. lliose living or passing nearliy [he 25 ye/lvs iiferprimice In (hefield ofullllly

at the sheer number D‘ P‘P°1“‘° excavation sire and llie iniegriry ui ilie Iilalmlg and ti/lrtl/zgr pl’f1/[‘l1i‘lAm Fin qu25—
infidenb‘ uvlfiaded 1“ 11“ 4'9 invvlvmg pipeline. mm: D! ciimmrms, Bob can be mzrhni in bi>b@
?XC=‘V““°“ IA!/zse/zit)! com

A iew rips far digging saiely on or near ’ ‘
ln many cases, pipeline personnel will ,,gm,,mig,, pimgm
need to be an sue during excavation
14 . wgsr Wglma 811 201.8, isrve A

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