Page 21 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 21

nvnral weeks ago, a polmcal figum made the
eommen. "...hl:’~ golng to cell llre lrulh ancl he
shouldn't woxry, well lhavs so s.lly because ..’s
y .- somL*budy’~' vczslun of lhe truth. No. .he .ru.h.. "
. y, _‘ ' and clanhed .l under que.— by slaung, "No, .l .sn'l
‘ _l_ ‘ _ |ruLh. Trulh I~n't lrulh " My head .s sull rcelmg from
_ .‘ .‘ .h.s commen. and us It was not only .n Lhc
4; “"‘ \ a polltlcal sense Lhal l v.ewecl .l, but .n evezyd.1yllfn,ln
. V \ y \ V hus.nessl.1e and .n my personal l.le. And I do nol buy ..
V1,.’ \ ' g g‘. ln pasl arnclcs, [have made lhe commen. tlmloux
4‘. ._ ‘ , mcloslry .s Cxtmmzly compel.l.ue, a fact of wluch we
ll ,' ‘n 9, am all aware. And much ol Lhls compenuon .s because
. . . - . e uw . l~.1waz e ewor. ulanew ormo
l l ‘ " h l b d d cl L}: k E r i
’ ‘ 3,3,: y ‘H compelmon has al~o been cmsrglng, namely ~afnIy
‘ ' ' - ‘ saiely smusucs are like C.AAPl~ for accounting Much
I ‘ ‘ l.kc applying cenerally Accepled Atcounllng Pnncnalcs
_ ‘ '2’ ‘. lo a company’s slalemenls for cvaluzlllon and
- _ com anmn, lrere are ru es or rev.ew.n ~21 er '|c~‘,
' r . K, P 1 1 i g f 3
y g . 4 , llre ral.o. derwed {mm llre DSHABOU Lug. a log
-- ‘ -, 1 ‘.1 where compleuon .s a remuremen. for mos. eompames.
-~ , Adherence lo GAAI’ lnrluenees Iruurancv: races, hondrng,
‘ - ‘ ‘ burrowing ancl olher banklng relal.on.h.p. ancl the
I. ‘ \_ - percewcd for a company to he able to complele
.he.r work. Now salery srausucs are vlcwed as a
,. marker for rcducud msurance nsk lo lhe owner of lhe
con.-lrucnon manager
so now, many owners and many conslrucnon man2lgu'.\/
5 ! _ general tonlracloh are requumg lhe sul.m.s..on of
1 - salely numbers as a measure of lhe expecled comphance
7 . lhey w.ll find .n chose who are awardecl eonlracls.
-\ —  And Lhh i~ an unclerslandahle and vlable mqulmmcnl.
But unrorlunalely, Lhere .s .uh, .n.erprela..on of
. ' . ’ what .ne.denls shoulcl go on Lhc OSHA Log, lherefnm
- s _, I ‘ lhe numhecs and slausucs do not truly rellecl lhe
44 V — -7 -~ pcxfurmzmtc rceorcl .1~ llrey ~1muld llrave min more
' , c lhan one cxzlmpll: of a los. work Injury ease bclng
;  ‘ . , l , recorcled as a only case clespue very specmc
* ‘. ’*« . Q; -» 7“ r rules lha. leave lmle gmy area .n making llre call. or
-.  _ , l pcx}Iap~ an unury where a drug lesl emerge.
*» A v ? :.,_, ~ ‘: so acompanyelecls nol lo record «he lncldenl clespue
_‘ ’  V_ _ - _ = spec-.lie cl.recuon from OSHA to .nclucle .l. ln order lo
> ~ have a lrue .mage ol wha. each ancl evnry company
‘ l '5 does from a saietv pL‘r~pnclIve, lherc .s no room fox llus.
1 ‘ \ V The compames Lhat pcrioxm one way wh.le porlraymg
, ‘K -. ' . , anolhcr will nlnmalely be cl..-covered. la... lha. may he
I . Cu. ‘ as ’ aner a cost ro wmk£r~, llre pro,ccl and the owner
N,’ - V K _ lromcally, llus menrallly has ;lh~n iuund ... way
« ' , . ~ .nlo mduslry sarery awarcls. e same numbers are
%,i  ' "maosaged" lntu mflectlng the ~amc kmd of perlocmance
,; : < egg-‘.~_._:~ , . .n annnpatlon of an award so «he award is, at leasl lo
" >- _ - - me, hollow. To the n><|cm lhal .l .s bung awarded on
. , ~ _ ' " ‘ ialufizd numhecs and slausucs, .. .s meanmgless. And
 -‘C ‘ ' the fox the pnnun w1.o makes «he changes
' ‘ _ ' .s lhal as Lhc "allercr-.n-ch.ef," they have to mmcmber
. Ar‘ _ ‘ yers.on ol lhe truth .s aelually llaumxh If them
_ I __ _ 5.; ' V is only one version, the one recorded and ealeularecl, lhe
--.- 2 ~ __.A Ms K“ ' one shared mlcmally ancl CX(El'r\a“)'yl1'1I2IIl(|s easy ..
* _ c— lhe truth .s |hulruLh Anytlung else makes alasolulely no
‘ , _.. x ' . S»; sen.~.e.@
v  ._, v - . §::,"3 , M, an  am.  an ml .9 C.)
_e 7 I _ -, 5., Ml .1/in  Mm.‘/av mm mm» 17 am
em, Issue 4 West Wglma an . 19

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