Page 8 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 8

Update on the enforcement provision of the West Vlrglma 811 Dig Law
‘ est VIrgmIa'~' Underground Fne.1me.-
Damage vrevennon Law went mlo
; V. ‘ effect on Iunz 7, 2013. However, there
. _  _ .»(-V. . r.- still wozklobz donzbefnrz the
- --‘F ~ Tc.‘ H \ actual im lemenlalionoftlmlaw cantake lace
-  ‘<-- t~..... u. - ._ P P '
; .»' ,  &.‘.'3'.: ...-‘”:i.’-‘‘: 3 As.stn|cd1nIh2law, the enfurczmentbnardis
- iiw _’ .4 T  ‘ j t\__  _‘r;» "  eornpn.-ed of 10 voting members. These member.-
\m; _;'e;( ‘V. ; i c.-. _.33 .-.  V; "’,;.;~,‘L‘:~ -'1 arelobsappcunledby the Governor The
. we -*4 ‘ M ,  ‘ . ’>\_ '_ -A-,;;—,E 2Ippo|ntmL‘nL~'tubemad£am ns:ouow.-
. F‘ _ e, _ - . ‘ ) .. 
In  . *‘:._ r , ~‘{ . A * v  (1)The Pre.-rrlem uiM1»' L7ul1tyofW2atVugima
.‘ ‘E’ Q  ;-4 ,  \ ‘  nrI}1£pm~'id2nI'~'ds~'1gnu£;

.  ,_ ,. ., ,« '_ ..~ ,

j _ ‘ ‘ ‘. J, ,“‘.-or _ -  (zuone reprzazntzmvzniIh££xcavaliun,uul1t}4

;.e“  -' n K, _ g_ ‘\ ‘ .«?.;'€>.‘~a nr.neeon.nnenon mdu~txy;

1'11." ‘:.~_“\‘:}:’.: _ fur Ff - ' "  (3)one renreeennnvennbennrnrnrremree

- e..__ .\ 4-. '4. ; .e 2!y,

- _.:, .' I 51: - -~-arr
/ .3“-—_~_ .- . ., (V-.‘,,:v-K.-\< (4)Th2ExccuuvnD1reCIozoftl\2WuatV1rg|nm
‘ _(  K‘ ' , ‘i  I ( :?__~;._- _ Mnnrerpouengne om.-designee;
5 . ‘ ' \ \ ' (5) The Exeeunve Drrenor of the W2atV1rgima
.. -, ~ -,' . ' -‘.3 ~ Rural Wat2rAswc1at1on or us den nee;
-, ." J E 9 . 3
_ ad  ’ (6)One reprzazntalivuuilhenaturalgas
, _ ‘ “(ox ; transmiasionordistnbuhnn orhazardoushqund
. r‘ ;.‘.'t%‘._. rnan.-try,
( ' v’ > . ‘ :.
._H r K‘. - -)3 ‘ ger (7)0116 reprzazntahvzaiIh££lecInE,cable,nr
 ~ ("Ii ‘. v ,‘ cummunicauunsindustly;
.\_‘.,2§ e x ‘  ‘ (8)one résrzazntalivu onhe pnvnrelfi owned
’ ,‘ ‘ . I ‘ 1‘ ‘ A . v V. [er an or wmlswatzr A£!VlCEa m u~'II'y7
,. I \ R.’ ._. gr‘ ‘”
1 K '.  1': I ‘» ., . (.,, 33" 4‘ (9)0ne repr2a2ntr1l|v2frum Lhegenemlpublit;
.22.. ._ '>" 3‘ aqz _-  .
.7, .-<_ ,4 5? .—; "V. L._ ; (1U)T11eChallmanuit112PubI|:Serv1c2

,  ‘I.\ , K‘ .H  _- _ cnn.rnn..on orLhecha1rman'sdesIgI\22

>;;.-"V,-‘-(hi  {T7  V_  ‘ (f'.;rg;;+: 5: . while the appointments have not nu been made n..-

Ln‘!  -( 3" V» . _ ~ ,1? ,___ . ( «;,N4 uilhuprintlngllisexpuctntd Lhatxlwxllwunbe

‘  :.r .-.<.- ‘ \ < ,—.  ~ ;; ~r,-.»:.v.- mm Md

fix’ _ \‘.r V > .-_'_., r;i":"‘ ..r.:;-2:-2-N. P '

_ " "’   .:.*Z-;.3:;-,.~\”«.- Folluwmg appnmlmunla and Lbe ~2l2cuon ofnificers

. . \-I 5 ~ _ , "" ~ We - -gt:/I wxllbegm thelaboriouspmzessofeslablishmg rule.-

\ .._ 9- I _ fl __.  -_\(1_,\ _
,  .v - f, -  _. g ‘ e,V.. and regulauonulmzborwxd wruopemennrler. Ln
‘ ' " , fit» Q ‘, ‘: ‘.4’. - V pamthispmcesaia mquirediorafaxrandbalanczd
 —~‘L_:s» 1.1 _,, P: ’ ‘ ‘ ex» nppmach loidenhiymg whatconslltutnaavmlauon,
."§fij’§,,_g___.: _‘ _ H 1 bow gofinnexe Lhevinlfaliun adnd Lhe neczasazy
_ reeor zsplnggumg Drwaz
The beard nun then bare to eon.-rrler the proees.
u[ how (be.e alleged vxolalions are ~ubmIlled lo
the board, define acceptable training npunn. and
the proee.-. om.-nang, handling and collecting mm
pename. for mpeal vxolauons
There Is hope am all of (be.-e alepa can be taken or
that the enforcement of the new law can begin a.
earl nslatnfiret uarlsrorzaxl .eeonr1 uarler
y -1 y q
wen keep yuu infunnzd a. to Lhc prngres. being
made on enforcement as it happens
re?  gh / Remember to call 811 befure ynu d|g and then dig
.». §  safely! W
5. West Wgmm 511 201£,!ssu2A

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