Page 8 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 8

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 A D3. 130
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new I
 R I I I I I I
C C 61' 
mu mmmbc, “mg a. my [hue and learning about hazards and
duk um day Whm mm was peoleelmns. some good practlcm.
tho wund of a large avvatvnt 1. Pmpam nn Emergency Actlon Plan
=Xl>h=>mn» Strangely tht» was not my Lhc lob. As pmparallun, rcvlzw

uncommona-mt since wa~ next door Ihc plan documents [or the loennon

to a tm~h no-nlvnmnn station which cf all cxhllng nnlmes and me ~pCElfiC

V Pcnorhrally blow up whnn acme Item loenunns for tlm work to be pemmneol.
,_\  that wan not ~ul>Pov=d to bu tn the A pm-plannlng mccllng wllh ullllty
“\ cnmloactot svamnhow madn It tntn the ownl:r~ that have f.1mlil|L‘~ In the dlg
‘  -._ cumpnelon But tlu~ lune was dlifcrcnt. am would ht a Pmdml rmm as M”
. a =,“ I The gmund and the bulldlng all shock
33, . ‘- slgnlllennlly elesplle Lhc sound llsell 2- Notify and work with any lntvd
' ‘ seennng ell.-lnnl. Wllhln so enlnnles, we PIp=hnv opnratnn In your excavation
/ * hem lne news that (hum had been an arm» Notify them of your vxlxntvd
, 1.. , b_ cxplouon nearly 25 nnles away, and II type of work, schndult‘ and tyloa tat
r W scum’ ennsln.enon Cqulpmcnt med (e.,;.,
V 5 dlmctlonal dull veesns open em)
, I Two wneleen running a bullduzcr wlll.
‘ .1 upper attachment, prcpanng for the 3- Ask tht‘ l>tl>t‘hnt' olonrator tf they
t lnslnllauen of a fiber UPIlC1lnL‘,1'1ild will have a n=Pm~2ntatt\'= thrn‘ (tn
7’ _ mpmmd a z5_,mh Sh lmM,,M,_,“ ccflaln c2l~L‘~, indcml law may mandall:
5, ’ ~ llne. The gas lennsnnsslon line a mptowntnttvc hung on one when
 ensselosseol lne pmpesea excavation Working tn Proximity to a lnvchnct
. slle.1l.e cxploslun and ensulng me had as you alopnaanh ohg over and work
. l.lem1lyn_,....,,,.m1 9.9., bum,’ k.m,;,,g Immediately pmt tlmlr laellmes. Invllc
_: _' , unly smnll plles of.1~h.Somctlung had th=m to n ~nf°ty mavttns»
“ ; gent‘ vary Wnanlz- Than‘ was much 4. cnnlnel Lhc appropnak‘ cmcrgrsncy
. . :; °P“C“‘t‘l|°" mgarohnz tht‘ came and medical m~pondl:r~ for me slle(.) so
dlffcnng conclusions were maclmd. ml [hey we Mm, 0; you, wmk
»‘ Th” and “mm mm“ fmmd my Al~u, mvllc them for a solely nleenng
V ‘ vlew~ toward safely and toward As cl.»nlmctux~, wt‘ svt numb to
_ > Exmwm Ammug}, mum ,,,_,m,1m lne lnlneneles of (III: sue, but a finst
-  ‘ -- . olaytlnolny opemnon, l am pnvllcged le mpvndet com-ng than for th= fimt

sn an olno's one Call Law enmeemenl "mo WI” ml ha

board. And m l ‘Ilia! eomplnlnls whcrc 5_ Mommg um), and Plammg
cxcava|or~ am wurklng around mcdlum huddlcs become Mn mm mum;
and lush pnessnee gas lmcs, l dunk back d,,,,,,g mm”. The mm. 19., ,0

lo Lhls lnmdcnl and nlhees llke |( m huddle M” be mmpmw by

The nlles and snregnnxels as well as Imvmvvd Ptodurtmn

lne besl pmeuees for working around 6_ REP”, my dflmgm (“Md 0, Wm
undugmund unlmes am cnllcal and all “sliced, ,0 ms imlny Wm,‘ Damage,
cxcava|or~ shonlel nnolemnna the {Mo mm ,0 the Pmmm mung 0,, am
they tnkm th= n~k~' that thw =mP'oy°=~ plpellne, can enuse Camslmpluc fmlurc
and the pnblle am exposed to and am". am mad,

lne pmpee mctl\ud~ ln avold them

A “mph ,,ndmm,d,,,g of am 311 Control all of me vnnnbles you can and
pmeess ls a good slnn, yel (hi: mles [or be prepared for the unaxvcctcd Thvn‘
mM,mg Mound gm mm m mm are many best pracucL‘~ and llns amtln
complex and mum dcmandmg and [or only r=l>rv~vnt~ n low Sntnnlz youttdi
good M0,. up for sneeess h cnllcal to .1 guod


Slntc zllua, PHMSA has cl.»-~pon~1.m:d M

R!’ 1162 wnrk~hol>~ (R? for M! ml ll‘t4‘lltll/ n‘Hn‘l’/I4 we prctllllw 0] lb: Ccuvggr
Recommended Pmcumn There -s a , ml s [U Ml no  ....,.;s  Hum 37
great deal nl benelil from nllenollng non

5 . wen Vlrglmn E11 2019 Issue 1

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