Page 15 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 15

Avoid hold times.

Your time is vaiuabie. Using the Web

Portai aiiows you to use your time

submitting tickets. not waiting on the


S_ubmit tickets on your own ‘,""“"“"‘ "" <

time. ’ ,1 . _ _

Not oniy is your time valuabie. but ,. I

you’ve got a busy day ahead of you ‘ ‘

By using the Web Portal you can ,_,,_, ,

choose your most convenient time to ‘

submit your intormation

WV 81 1 Web Portal

Use the same maps the one call °'_:"": "°'I° ‘‘‘f'''’'"“ “L
talks use_ up a e a (‘ma e reques .
Since you are iooking at the same maps.

you“ be able to mam you, Own WW To iearn more about how totake advantage or
area. and nobody knows your work area ‘W5 W931 Se'V‘Cev SWPW 9010
better than you do. www_wV8-I1 _com

and disk on Web Portai icon to register and
start saving time and money today

Better communication. §—_ 7; ’> ‘ '

Since you are identiiying your own work ‘ > V N 
area. nothing gets iost in the transiation. ‘.""‘ ‘ "-" "“' 1
No need to say it again I

- * V . I
And the number one reason to use the Web Portal is: N”

It promotes_ stability in WV 811 é __I _, __ -_ _ _ ‘
members’ ticket prices. * ‘

This is reallya no-brainer Not oniy do " I f R . V

you make it easier on yourself, but at 7' " X ’

the same time you show the members 

you’re working tor that their bottom line i ‘

is important too W I)

2919, issue 2 West Wrginia 511 . 1:

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