Page 3 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 3

from the desk of
y V
atronal Safe Drggrng month enrls torlay, but hopehrlly gorng forward in 2019 we'll be
remrnded to rlrg safe every day’ west vrrgrnra 811 was brrsrer than normal thrs year
Not only drd we have a soarrng treket volume but we were also movrng rnto our new

on’-rce complex lorated at 205 Berkeley st. rn Charleston.

The granrl openrng for our new ofirces was helrl on Apr-rl lb and rt went off without a hitch.
W2’vc rnrluded some photos of the aetnatres rn thrs rssue From a bluegrass band, great food
and the 811 Balloon, we eelebrated throughout the day and finally concluderl wrth Counlandt
srnith, presrdent of the board of drrectors of west vrrgrnra 811, euttrng the rrbbon arrd
eonelurlrng the rlay. Thanks to all the folks who celebrated wrth us and to those of you who
couldn't make rt, we encourage you to come by our office anrl let us glve you the tour

our board of directors has long been supportrve or educatrng and trarnrng our members

anrl stakeholders as rt relates to safe drggrng Thrs iamllty proyrrles us wrth the unrque
opportunrty anrl space to make that possible.

Many folks eontrnue to ask us about the eniorcement provrsron of the law that was recently
passed. Much of the grrrunrlwork has been dorre, but the enfnrccment board has not been
completely appornted by the governor yet. obvrously, untrl all apporntments have been
made to the board, entorrernent ran not take place. Hopefully those apporntments wrll take
place rn the very near futum and eniorcement as outlrned rn the law wrll begin.

we'll keep you posterl as to the progress of the entoreement program through thrs
publrratron, so stay tuned.

Thanks for all who remrnd us that the west vrrgrnra 811 Magazrne rs reeerved, read and
appreerated. From the begrnnrng our board of directors fell like rt would be another zflcmve
tool ln gettrng the "rall betore you drg" message to our users and members.

Your icedback has ronvrneed us that rt rs helpful m kceprng you rn the loop as rt relates

to damage preventron and changes across the state our eornmrtment to you is to keep rt

Thanks to those of you who choose to reaeh your targeted audrenee through thrs magazrne.
Berause of your rnvolvement, we are able to reach these rndustry players, and at a cost
effective prrce.

Let's all work together to keep our eommunrtres a saier plaee to lrve and workl

Tom Taylor
erecrrtrre urreetor
we.t vrrgrnra rm
2019, est: 2 Wesr\/lrglrvlzu E11 . 1

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