Page 21 - West Virgina 811 2019 Issue 3
P. 21

w  S  Ewwgel
‘ V t or some reason, when we think been asked a question by one ui his
,  of leaders, we otten think of adult leaders about the meaning of
- - i bold, chansinatic people, who, leadership. He had already served
_ despite the odds being stacked in many leaderslup roles, kind of the
against them, unite people under them qumlly ettective type, with a strong
and show them the way to a successiul character. His response was part or
. - ' outcome. while leadership can and my education on the subtect. in his
otten simply reters to those in some response, he recognized that despite
' position of power or authority in an the tact that his role as an offltlal leader
" organization or group, we generally was over, or had at least changed, the
- lean towards a descnption ascnbing other scouts in the troop still looked
’  Iran.» and atti-ibutes to the term we to hurt when a decision was made by
,.o"  think ot someone oihigh integrity and his successor His response continued
q,l‘~‘~, honesty, a good communicator that with the observation that sometimes the
,>‘ > —  _/.. . , inspires others. way to be a good leader is to he a good
1 O  2 i tollower. And thus, when they looked
‘: " "‘ “fl Tl“ " "“‘““‘ ""5 "‘°“' “““‘ °“° ‘*“5”‘Y at him he showed lus support for the
., - _u,‘\—‘:',"“' t  °°“"‘“"“f“ Y"? °“‘h°““°:(‘°f"EW“l"_ eitorts of the new leader in the troop, a
 9  ,0; T”’‘“ “We 3' “R '“5‘ “ ”“ ° "3 ‘ move which achieved the desired result
* 9:. it .— in the Bay scouts otAinerica we talked
‘ \ -_L ., '!!t- n ~ - a lot mm lndzinhi Mm it Wm and empowered the .scout now serving
’\ “' /“ what it meant how iIt'was exercised and ‘“ “‘"‘ °‘“’?‘“V' H‘ ‘”“‘ "b’°‘““'V
~ -/ ' * * . d 1 never tor ot it.
\Q how it looked. As I discussed this with ‘°”“‘ ‘“ ‘“’ “" 3
 ~ _ . . , A ' him, I thought to myseltthatit was a lot In today's world, as we spend a great
A ’ to heap on a young man, one who was deal of time in our companies working
. not even of age to start driving or vote on leadership training and leadership
_ when W M a 1“ M’ We can umuy developirient, what is it that we really
g exp2cI7 Do we truly understand it?
‘“°$““‘ ‘h‘"‘ “‘ ’““‘ 5"‘ ‘° ’°' what truly constinites Inadehltlp?
denne ourselves in that mold, to build A . _ Lh _ _ . _ . _
. ssessing is is the t"lr~t critical step to

°“”""‘” '“‘° °““' M“ " “'° "“ the rocess it is int octant to examine
'“““Y °“"“51‘ “’ 1”“ ‘}‘“ ““"b“‘“' all lrvels oi an or n:iz1l|un to find
privileged enough to possess the traits, [mm ’and to Sefwhfl} has mm

‘he P""°” "’°’°“" “ “‘“"“" “““' them so cood leaders understand

Yet most of us want to be a leader or at the ummm ml and M“ mg’ on

. least perceived as such. No one wants . 3 ’ _
. . attaimng that within the parameters
'5. to think of themselves being hehind .
s. / that they are given And cultivanng
the lead dog where the view never d _ f d f H , _ d
‘~ —-'i - chan es a lamb bein led or one or the ' °"‘ ’°‘“ 39". ° °“ °’“ P""" ‘°
_ \ _.. _,, 1' 5  Y 1 hi f U V an excellent insight It can he too easy
.:;;. ,- ?“"“Y “".‘“‘”“° “"3 “ " ‘’‘‘°’ to concentrate on the inostvocal, the
s — . o r , . is charactenred as less than attractive, . .
c». . " \ , most active, when the leadership that
. , —. --s , less valuable.
, » _ occurs is there because of someone who
7' "‘ Atter one leiigthy discussion, our appears to lie in the shadows .
son wrote down some notes. He had
7 7 Ml twl irontty r.~t.rntas tier psccitttvttty ttrr csnyc ; tort SC», tiic a/in
at,,t,,,r mam/All nae Win35 t4ct)v‘<
2019, issue 3 West Wglrtta arr . 19

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