Page 3 - West Virgina 811 2019 Issue 3
P. 3

from the desk of
y V
' T’

eleorne to another edttron of the west Vtrgtnra an rnagazrnel we've heard that

many of you appreetate artteles updating you about the dig law and enforcement

of the law. In tlu~ rssue, we'll tntruduee the recently appumted enioreernent board
members. In subsequent rssues, w2’ll provrde quarterly updates.
The Wm! Vlrglnm 811 board of dlrectnn reeognrzes the unportance of keepmg our member.
and users of the ~'y~tnm tniorrned and the 811 Magaztne is one of the tools designed to
do yust that Be sure to check out each rssue as we'll contrnue to share the latest updates
and unpnrtant tnformatlon, all desrgned to keep our west Vlrglma wnrknnt, iamtltes and
eornrnunrttes safe.
The natural 811 day (August 11) rs recugnrzed by most all stakeholders and 811 centers across
the country Thrs year were pleased to announce west vrrgmra 811 wrll he a ~'pon~ur at the
state Farr m Lewrsburg. we've srgned up to be there fur the entue event [Tum August Blh —
17th. we're also plemnd to announee that sunday, August 11 wtll be 811 day all day across
the state Farr Grounds, wtth bannnm and srgns remrndtng iolks to call bciore they dtg. we
hear that more than 40,000 iolks are lrkely M.) be m attendance dunng the fan, ~u rt you are one
of them, stop by and urstt wrth us |n Lewrshurg
lrnrght mentron that the Paradrgrn ptpelme rncetrng. are cast approaehrng They are
scheduled to he held begmnrng August 27th through September 25th. lhope to see many of
you during that tune.
I want to thank the supporters of the rnagazrne. Your cuntmued support through adverttstug
allows us to reach our members and caller. wrth valuable lniurmatlon as rt regards the law
and ‘Int safe dtggrng praettees. Thank. for your confidence m us
Thr. rnagazme was not created for the homeowner or oceasronal user of the system, but for
those rndustry proresstunals who must learn to work together to promote puhhe saiety and
rnrnrmize the disruptron ofundcrgzound utthtres A great way to reach that audrenee l~ to
become an advertrser or supporter of our magazme. we hope you wlll cunstder tncludmg
support for our damage preuenuon eitorts In your next budget eycle.
Thanks for all you do and untrl next tune, dlg sarelyl

Torn Taylor
urecutue utreetur
Weyk vugrnu stt
2D19,lssu: 3 Wesr\/lrglrvlzu E11 . 1

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