Page 6 - West Virgina 811 2019 Issue 3
P. 6

V est  lrglnla  I Celebrates Natural
8]: I Day at the  est  lrglnla State FalI'
Ifltgé 3- 
s Ili ’ ' ~' "
wlln pecla um I‘ - ‘S, .,.
Thursday, luqusl B ‘ 5 
sum, Illllllsl 11
Featured Events
ummL‘r'~' c.rea:ea: Advcntum In ealeaaar, a/ ll, wlll sL'r\'c an a aalnral "On Angna: ll and lhmilghmlt lae
wea: Vngmla Ls .elaealalerl from mmlndcr an both lranaeawaer. aarl year, we mmlnd lreaalmlaera and
Augmk alla — 17k1'\ thl~ year A K110»: dlgglng an a living :a eall all pn.»fc~'~mnal :mltr:1:mr~ alrke :e call
qmck glanee a: :ae fzur .elrealnle pnur :e aay digging prraee: :a have all bcfnm dlgglng la realnee tlm n~k e:

r.- nnpre..-we. Mnaleal acts mnglng undcrgmund nalny lrnea markerl. amklag aa underground IIuI|lyl1nL‘,"
[mm lnaaa M<lnm :e are lcgcndzlry Every few nnan:e. aa undcrgmund aaral Tum Tayler, ereenlne dlrccmx ler
Alabama, ndc~ aarl r1:tIvItlL‘~f()r all zlgc uullty hm: .. damzlgcd bcc:1u~'L‘ Vv'c~t Virginia all "l: really la the only
group» lhl~' year pxunilsm :e be a BIG aanaeaae dccldcd :e dlg wltlmul ar.: way :a know which ul|l|tlL‘~ are buncd
:naee calhng all. In yaar arca."
R|ghl In :l.e anrlalle ul :l.e pnntcd When calllng all, lmaamwnera and The dcplh 1.»fIItlIltyllnc~' eaa \':1r_v
bmchurc r. are wea: vlrglnla 811 eea:rae:ara are eaaaeaeal :a we.: for .eyeral ruawllw‘, anea a. nromlnl
logo pmnmnng the N:1lIIra|811 day, Vlrglnla all, me laeal eae rall eenler, prevrana dlggmg preyeaa and
Angna: ll Although wvall wlll bl: wlnel. na:n'-lea :l.e appmpnalc n:lll:y aaevea aarlaeea. Utlllty lrnea aleal
ae: up [or me eaare event :an year, compalllm al :aelr la:ea: :e dlg. :e bc properly marked lreeanne evea
snarlay, AIIgu~t ll .. thclr ~pc:I:11day Pmfc»lon:1llo:ilmr~ are men .ea: :e when dlgglng only a lew In:11L‘~ ar
:e reanarl cvcrynnc, aarl eapeelally :l.ereane.:erl dlgglng MKL‘ :a mark :he d|gg1ngln a laeaaea :aa:'a pmv|()u~Iy
:l.e.e attcndmg :ae s:a:e Fmr, about :lle appn.»xlmakL‘k\c:1l|()ns of undcrgmund bccn mzlxkcd, :l.e n~k of amklng an
naparlaare ar calling 811 bcfum :l.ey llae. wlth rlaga, ~pIay pzunl er both underground uklllty llnc -tlll errae
d r.

“’ Sinking a angle llnc eaa caum marry, Vv'c~t Virginia all eaeenragea peeple to
all Day h an aannal ralaaave 1nd by mpiur ea-:a, fInc~ anal Inzonvcnlcnt milk: a lree eall ae: lea. than 43 near.-
:ae us Dcpartmcnt of Trall~port:1l|0n’~ otltagcm Every digging paaeel, aa (excluding salnralaya, snnaaya and
Plpcllnc and Hazzlrdmw Mr1lcnal~ nmllcr how largc er .aaall, wzlnant~ legal aelrrlayal belare dlgglng :a know
Si\[(_'l’y.AdI'l1ll’IHlYZ|klOl‘A(PHMSA)K0 a eall :a all laa:allrag a m:1|lbu><, wh:1l'~' below
L‘n~uIL‘ :ae practice of ~'zl[L‘ dlgglng l~ bulldlng a dcck,pl:1nllng a :ree aaa , 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
eraaeal In reaannanlaea by calllng all, a Iaylng a palm are all erarnplea ar }““ *““" ‘;"“‘“ ‘W’ “I: ‘W; ""51; ‘“'f"
aauonwlele l<llI—frcc number, belere any dlgglng prraeela :ha: nccd a eall :e all d‘-“ "“’“ ‘“ ""“‘““’“ “ °“‘ 11 ““ ““ ‘
L‘x:zl\':1lmn paaee: bcions ~t:1mng. '574‘"5 P“‘“'““”’ 99
With AIIgu~t ll alnaaa: here, ‘/Vc~'k
Vngmla all nape. llna rlale aa (11:

4 . west weaaa 511 2019 Issues

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