Page 12 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 12

A S tt G ‘d t P ti
I n ' ry and Property Damage
Ey Kama Mohru
'm sum etetytane madlng t1'u~1~ awate tar the dangcxs (lfbhnd
backing Not only is thete the pL»~~'Ib|llty of |n||Ir|ng ~umcL»nc
but ahn of causing ptepetty damage. Tlm guide w'l1lsL‘I\'C a. a
rcircshcr oi ~':\[v:ty mctuums ncccmary te (Wold ~‘L\(1'| ate.dent..


The htet tedtntetnent set mm bnckmg n te have a apumsr, >«nmc()nL‘
tn dtteet the dnyet. A .pettet t. ncccmary when the dnvcr 0|’
operator dam net have a mu view Of the backing path and hold~

‘J ttne [or any :0n~tIuctI(\n yehtele 01’ pteee tar eqtnpment, whethet
i tn a batth truck backing up tn a payet, a rnlxcr truck backing tnte
mm a hoppflr at h(u~t hntket 0|’ a tnatettah truck making a dchvcry.
Th.» t. the xmpormnk tale tnt dr|\/(‘rs and opcraturs. Don't back up
unIc~'~ yen hate a .pettet dlrccung ynut mu\'CmL‘nl It's an ea.-y
1 tune tn tetnemhet The |mportt1nl thing t. tn ehey tt
LEI’: talk about the .pettet. Tlm pemn has tn w£\kc1'1 nut mt ttthet.
a. wcll a. tnt himself and makc Hire the yehtele damn’! damagc
If-""“""*"' ptnpetty. Tim may appcar Easy. It ~'ccm~' that an the ~'puktL‘r haw‘ te
I 7 Gil  de |~ te thtett a yehtete to back up when the path is tueat of peeen.
‘ and objects. But thete ate dangL‘r~1n\'()Ivcd
-2’ ' " » * S()mclImL‘~ when yoII'm a ~pollL‘r, yen may1'1t1vL‘l(\pt1~s behntta

a vL‘hIclL‘. n m, ~'mp the yehtete fIr~'l. A~ y1.»II'm pa~'~1ng hehtnd tt,
cxtund yent hand at attn’. length and plate tt agamat the back of
the tehttle. Then tt the vL‘h|clL‘ ~tt1rl~ tn nmvc bL‘c:\u~c the dtnvet’.
foot an» Off the brake 0|’ ehttth pedal, you'll be able te fccl the
movement and gct out of the way

when dflccklng the dtnet, stand at the teat but wen te the

_. dHvL‘r'> Hdc at the vL‘h|clL‘. Thn gne. yen an unobslrII:lcd vmw
’ _ tar the enttte backing path and the dtwet tan ate yen t1eat1y lt’~
r‘ nnpettant that the dn\'L‘r undcI>lz\nd~ your ~'1gn£\I~. 50 get mgcthcx

tttth the dttyet hettate any backmg and cxpltun the ~'lgnal~ yen
n»t11n.~e. In thn way you can he tea.-enah1y ~um thete wtn be no
m|~'IIndcIstt1nd1ng. Always bc slim tta us: the samc ~|gnal~ fur the
~‘£\mc mm/c~‘ Hand ~1gnt1l~' ate mnth hettet than yetan agnah.
Bcmusc 1.»fno|.~L‘, a shouknd Hgnal may tmt he heatd at may he


mway. he sum that you can bu men In addtttet. te ~tandmg well

V tn the dtnvet’. nde Of the vcluclc, weat a f|u1.m:~ccnk\'csl.AlnIg1'\k,
_‘ . den't hhttd the dnvcr by ~‘hIn|ng ytaut f|t1~hlIg11kIn the IL‘an'1L‘w
‘ - nnttnt And, dayor mghl, when you \'Ut1lkbi\CkVt':\Id>, be camful
. net te mp.
.a_  3 4. t . » ; T()gct11L‘rnc~'a |~' nL‘vL‘r .n Important a.- when ll c1.»mL‘~ tta ipottcn
i 3 , S‘ -.',~ ~ . .. ?_««"~. and dHVL‘r~ ()[11L‘£\\'y L‘qu|pmcnt. VVork|ng as‘ a team, they net only
, -2,. 7 '~ = C r  « ptntettptepettybut k11L‘I1\'csm thett fellow W0rkL‘r~ as‘ wen
"a-‘ .;«=-_ - '5‘ An.“
~  ~ >'- »-.4 -- -"7?-n. Ettatett yuunch. Protcck your dttyet. Pmtcct yent team 6
la . wgstwgrmsall 2019 Vssueé

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