Page 18 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 18

women in Safety Excellence
mm» in at 2:msll:,2:‘.,:‘:::5:3::'.::i:3::::$:::il::::‘*‘
"""“‘°"“ W‘ ‘’‘‘’=“ '=*P“‘*“‘“ °“‘“P““‘“‘“‘ ior her lo share her messa e liul ii is clear more eduearion is
"Sh d‘“"“““Y "'3" ‘“E“' "‘"”’“"“' °““‘Y needed Peiha s il is alangua e barrier culliiral diiierences
‘““”‘““"“"““‘T“°““Y‘““°“°“°""’*"“" socioeeononiigohslaclesogranz numlieronhin s in man ’

all approach. women in salely Excellence (WISE) believes gummmifieg ‘hm IIIDUIA IIEIIEIIVI mm mum kfgI'IIlEd E O’;
we musladvocaleiorgendez-speriiic solulions.wilh dam E m’IEIm.Im Ike mew EMIIEHIDSI E
approximalely 2,UODm£mbe!S, WEE is the leadingmemher 5 P _ ’ ” 5 ’ I’ ‘

coinmunily within ASSP’s glohal memhership of38,U1J0 women are rare in the damage pievenlion induslry. As a
salely and heallh prolessionals. The group is coinmilled lo Lanna, one of the issues l<elha iaees is succeeding wilhoul
iniluencing indiislry and idenliiying soluiions ID salely and buying inlo sociely's preconeeived nolions ui who she is. she
heallh challenges lhal impaci women wurldwlde. Safety is a also can't buy inlo ihe nntiim ihal she needs lo work lwice
ieam eiiorl. II ialres all of us. as hard for half or lhe reward

d realizes eulhirally lhal
H d . WISE ’ ““ ' . '
Dgjnlfl <fI;MmI*;;'*l*If \ ‘I .I IIIII H I] II (I I. sheaannolainiinisn herawn
3 ' A l 4 9 worth by silencing ihe voiee lhal

"““‘ “Y” “‘“" “"9 "“3"‘ - - - keeps her slrong she is a Lalina
think’ Kelha Molina, Damage  lI I l - I v - I K _ . ’ I ,1 ml
Prevention M:magez—Wes't “ 1‘ 1‘ 1 I 1* <1 I '1‘ n;;;::§;;"‘;u;gj;;§;fvj“I;
Texas forT2><as 811, isa I _. I , _ I. I , d I d’ A L . I1
memberolwlslz. saiely is (K (I U] , (1 ll ()I)(‘l (1 HI , jI“m;“m:I I““I:‘§;';d:
P‘°“°“"3 ‘°““°“° "°"‘ ~ . . her herfiage hui lueled by it.y
harm-Fvrkefl-aivroiedins ll 11]“ 0“ I10] ()1 '

underground uiililies means .’ Reeenlly, lhe American sociely
you are saving lives by - ' i lI ' l v - ofSaiety Prolessionals (ASS?)
prolecling lhecompany and ‘l H,‘ ("H ( N 9 I5 ‘l '1 hosleclasumaiilonihesalely
employee iroin seriously . . I ' . I _ ,1  of women in the workplace lhal
devaslaling consequences. ( ‘.\S( ' I I I (I I I11 I ( ) iorused on solutions lo pzeveni
she eiiorilessly weaves lhe _ i - violence againsi women al work,
Damage I-zeveniion rnessage I I H I I 1; I ( )( K I ) l‘( K \'( K I I I I ( ) I I and encouraged employers

and wlsl-: message iogelher, H I to acquire personal prolecrive
realizing her role is lo prolecl . I ~. I i < I i I I . I equipnienl designed specifically
lhe public fmm serious ‘ 1 I H \ ‘ 1 I H I5 H "I ‘ I ioz women. More ihan so safely
imuries and possible dealh, I , I I , I I , II Expzrls galhered al lhe women's
which includes educating ( \ ( I \ ( \ ( . Wvrkvlm Saisty Summit,
iamily, iriends, neighbors, and - analyzing olisiaeles lhal keep
lhe general piililic on digging woinen iroin advancing inlo
salely leadership posilions in ihe

* ls ie .dh.lh ie.-3 .Th :1 -
saiely doesn't see one slakehulder as more iinporlam ihan °““"““‘“‘“ ‘“  “‘ °" ‘ P” "f°“_ ° “’“’_‘ gm”?
. . of lhoughl leaders iepresenied businesses, nonproals, labor,

anoiher. soine view iiher and elecrnc lines as "less ola risk" academia mmmm and !OfE~.‘.iuna1a‘.suc‘fl‘iOn‘. “I?
however, when iiher lines are hil, 911 aeeess can be iinpacied, “mm ir"(gluded 3 kg hm 'a’dd,e;I. b D,’ ’Cm. Wm; mm
which can lie devaslaiing lo someone in need or the service. mmdn Sm unimfifl Wm dI;wj;Ed ' end“ fI and
when elerlncal lines are damaged, it can mean loss of heal indwm and how LIICIIQVIHGDII IIIIEI;m ink ‘:32 WVIQI -
or aizcondilioning, no lighis, no power Nol only ranlhis ’ ’ ’ P ’ V‘
pul lives in danger in a medical selling hui il also means

'::;:I‘2PI);I"‘::°y":'£I{2II':d’:: :‘I‘I::‘E',‘,g Abhy rem‘ Z5 VZEC Piosideril — Nnllamrl Con5fr14cIimt Prlzcfircfur

* . * Hl1y5 CUmpImi?5 Ahby alsaseioesaa Admimsfnzfor lzfWlSE and
ihan anolher goes againsi her values, and lhe values ofTexa.s P, I1 I E, I V II ASSI, V II, I CI I S, I’ V I d
8l1.A~'tnk2}iolde!, whelherilisalinelocalor, an operalor, '95’ E" ' " I” 9 ‘ ”’ W” “W "' "M" “W C
. /1!nbbyf('rn@gmnIl.wm. Thc arhcle was reniiiilod 1l.')H( pfrmlsslult
a landowner, or anyone else, is an esseniial parl of damage WI DI,_I,RD WWW
16 . was main 811 2019, issie A

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