Page 3 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 3

from the desk of
y V
' T’
eleome to the final rssue of our west vtrgmta 811 magazure fur thts year. I would
hke to take a moment to thank the adverus-ers and supporters of our damage
preventron effurb who have made ll pos-stble to send thrs magazme to our members

and users acmso the state

The magaztne l~ put one tool wes-t vrrgmta 811 uses to educate stakeholders to eall betore
they dlg. And now, because enforcement has- begun, tlus magaztne wlll beeome even more
rmportant beeause damage prevenhon proiessronals wtll begrn to turn to the west vrrgima
B11 Magazrne to learn the latest nniorccmnnl news.

In tlus tss-ue, please notrce that we've begun a seenon that focuses on entoreement of our dtg
law. Thrs one ts lual an lniormatlonal artrele that lets- you know how to aeeess the Damage
Preventron Board's websrte and the Alleged Vlulnllun Report (AVR) fonn. Thts is the form
you'd use If you want to report that someone rs vrolatrng current law. Anybody ean fill out
the report by gomg to www wzzdpb com and eliekmg on AVR. Begrnnmg In 2020 eaeh rssue of
the magazme wtll have a s-ectron derhcated to enforeement news we are confident that you'll
apprecrate the coverage

2019 has been a very busy and exettmg year our eall volume ts up as compamd to the
pmvmus year. lncreased eall volume typreally means rnereased challenges in meettng the
demands of eallers- and member utrhtres. Also. you may remember west vrrgrma 811 moved
mm our new loeatron tlns year. we are cnnfidnm that the move wlll serve our members better
than ever. You are .strll invrted to stop |n to vtstt and take the tour of our new iaclllty.

Thanks agatn for your support and icedback. It has been my pleasure to work wllh you agam
tlus year l trust you've started the hohday season ufl wllh a great Thanksgnnng Best wtshes-
throughout the rematnder of the year:

Lers close out the year on a good note by eallmg 811 before you dtgl

Tom Taylor
Exetutwe orreetar
west vngrnra tut
2019, est: 4 Wesfl/lrglrllil E11 . 1

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