Page 7 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 7

Common Ground Alliance brings diverse stakeholders together
an Msgazmes
ml below the ~-“face In every awe lIe~' a labyrinth "The CCA ls workrng wlth lndustxy slakcholdus and
vi undersmund fm1me~ that er-~~'em~~' Ihe m-Intry» mgulatun to proolnee .-lronger, more nffucllvu rtwulh lhrough
some carry 1\azr1rduu~ matulali, otlicxa paxtlmnlllp, collaboration and the pumull of eommon goals rn
llfn-slwlalnllig rre.h water. nu: Lhcy’xL‘ all oleeply damagn prevennon," allc sald.
poxtanl to keeprng our nuuon mnvlng forward.
In fact, rhe CGA bnng. logclhcr 16 dlffcmnl mrlu.-me. that

And proleelrng rho.-e merlrne. r. of paramount eoneern lo are eommmerl to one common goal: rerluerng damages

the tompalilci that operate rheru, the eomruunme. that to undcxgxound rnlmrruenrre and pxotcctlng those who
devend on tlme rewurees and Khe People who lwe and work and hve neur lhe.~e lmpurlant r1~~'ch, ihc ~ald. The
work neur (lime lue.lrue.. uIgamzatlon's bust pmcutcs, wluch ure comldnmd lhe

But how (loci a group of s'takcl\uldnr~ u. dlvL‘r~L‘ as “‘“5“‘‘‘“‘ gm“ ‘°’ ““”‘“‘F4’‘’“““‘ ‘‘‘‘"3’ “M1 “‘“"‘‘‘$_“ h
hazaxdoui lrqurru companlL‘~ and your town's‘ watt: P'="="*;j°'i‘/ ref-_'$ flvpmgflgfii 3" if PK";-elvfluns me “Her
dlslrlct eome logctlmrlo agree on pollnci that help keep 5"-‘“P’ “ M“ 9 “‘“ P“ " “ l ‘ “ “‘

people mic’ Enter lhe common Cmund Alllanca Beyond rleveloprng cunacnslh urounol damagn prevennon
smh K’ Magma” Lylcy Pmdm and CEO of Gammon best proeuee~, oulmach r. u mo,or goal of the organlzauon,

_ paxtlcularly ln .-hnrrng the unporlunee of eullurg 811 pnor
Ground Alllancc, ~ald by lhn: late 19‘)U~, Lhcrc wao a need
‘ _‘ lo any ohggmg r1:uvItyacms'a Lhc eounlry. CCA pmvldna
lo gel cvLr_\/body lulkrng and bulk! conwuuua around V _
damn“ Pmvmmm rewuree. lo loeul gm nmmenh, Industry gmupa and one call
eenrer. to help them gel rhe wuxd out to (11: publlc about me
The US Depurlmenl ofTmnaporlauon look up rhe rrnpormnee to eull belore you olrg
cow/WED 0N mg 9
CM 0 -l>il><‘1in<*
W (1!  . ~ , .
_ 0 ( dlll«l§.’,(h
Common Ground Alllance ()(*,('lll‘1)(=(’2llllS(*

ehullenge and eornplelerl the ongmnl common Cround ' 1
Studym1999 ONE

"Thu study repre.-ems lhn: cullabomllvc work oflfil) " ( “Q 14 [A [Q ] )
Industry pmfumlolmli who rrlenulieol the be.l pmenee. to

olumuge prevennon," Sarah .-urrl. V, ‘.7 _

CGA r. a cuntmllatlnn 1.»flhatungmnlCommun crounol , u ~ 1 ' ‘A 1
srurly—u corunnlum bull! from the grounrl up ol lb v " ' 4‘ - ' V E _ 1 w

panlclpatlng .lukeholrler group. that eome tugctlmr lo \ , H] 171 J r  5 ' , if
mvlcw but pmtllcci unol look to thc futum of damage ‘I ,;< H H ll 1 ‘ H H ‘

 4 Hm H « I
"CCA beeume Lhc fixsl Industry asauclauon lo bnng -

rogelher pmpancrlh, opponenl. and |ndu~txy eornpemor.

who had one eonunon vlslun and one common g0zll—tu ' ‘ _ “"",‘._,"}.“,_§,‘f_f!"'}_fl,,


uelneve zero dr1mr1gL‘~," suruh ..nol. "[111 continues lo be in ~ ..

lhe preermnem damagn prevenuon maoclatlon dcdlcalcd ' I.‘ (\]:\v ti mp}

to prcvcntlng rlumuge rhrough the .harea m~pol1~lblllty -

ufoux mcmbcn."  1 

Sarah ..nol CGA pmvldci an opumul lomm where K W

atakcholdcn eun .hure mfurmallun and pL‘r~pL‘tl|vc~' uuol

work logerher on all open. of damagv: pmvcnuon r..ue.-

2019 you. 4 West Wu s11 . 5

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