Page 3 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 3

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2020 has roven lo he inleresiin in man wa s. Firsl oicourse is COVID — I .we donl
p g y y 9

even have In call il a virus: we know whal il does. and il has changed ihe dehnirion oi nomnal. No
douhl, il has allered lhe way rnosl or us are doing business. Having said lhai, lei me assure you
ihal wesi virginia Eu conlinues Io provide you lhe reliable services ihal you ve learned lo rely on.
we are relninded lhai April was saie digging rnonlh and allhough il was nol iorgoiien in wesl
Virginia, lhe virus cenainly iransiormed our usual very public celehralions inlo a very quiet and
privale recognilion oi lhe irnporlance oi "calling heiore you dig’ and ihe “dig saiely" message.

Our goal oi encouraging all exravalors lo make lhal call In Eu, while reducing damages is slill in
ironl or us, and i hope you will agree wilh rne ihal cogeiher we've inade progress loward making
wesi Virginia a saier place In live and work.

on a nalional level, were reminded lhai when lhe call lo so is made, darnages occur less lhan one
(i) percenl oi lhe cime. A special lhanks In all or you who cominue lo work lirelessly ior ihe saieiy
and proleclion oi our communiiies and iamilies.

As unlikely as il seems. during ihe i-irsc quarter oi ihis year, wvsu has experienced a slighl
increase in our incoming calls as compared lo lhe average first quaner oi lhe pasl ihree years. i
salule all lhe excavalors, holh proiessional and homeowners who make ihal call. Thanks ior your
cominilrnenl Io saielyl

Typically, i would have ihe opporlunily Io visil wilh you al ihe many conierences and meelings
we allend each year. As you know several have already been cancelled lhis year bul perhaps when
Ihings level am a hil laier in die year, we'll all gel hack on lrack. Hope In see you chen.

Even rhough we may nol have had ihe opporlunily Io rneei iace Io iace lhis year. iilhere is an
issue or concern you have ahoul ihe Sn process, donl hesiiale Io give me a call or send me an

A special Ihanks goes oul Io lhose oi you who have shown your supporl ior damage prevenlion

in wesl Virginia by advenising in lhis puhlicalion. Nol only have you given us lhe unique and
airordahle opporluniiy Io promole damage preveniion Ihri:-ugh lhis mediumv hul in addilion you
are ahle Io promole your producls and/or services wilh lhe very darnage prevenlion proiessionals
and slakeholders you seek lo reach and on a quarterly basis.

i look iorward In working wilh you lhroughoui 2020 lo provide an even higher qualily service and
lo iinproye our cosl eiiecliveness ior all rnernhers oi wesl Virginia Sn. Don'l iorgel lo tell us how
we're doing.

Tcun Taylor
Exzrulive nireclor
wesi Virginia so
2020, Issue 2 West Virginia 511 . 1

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