Page 16 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 1
P. 16

g Eyfinbfllglvswunger
Tips for Troubleshooting Problem Locates
hrougliout my loeating years, For Example: ln irleal eonditioiis, you - consider Deteetion Morle setting
I it's been my opinion, and l would ehoose a low range trequeney ‘Peak, Null, Dlmdlunal, single
Ihlnk other loeators would applierl by rlireet eonneetion to an Peat
agree, that in irleal eonditions above grounrl aeeess point to the _ 1 I M Y 1 H d d

the task of line loeating is pretty eut unrlerground line we eonsider this “'3” }”3*é‘5 f F‘ *1“ “P 9“
and dry. You apply signaling eui-rent target shooting the unrlergroiind line °"““ ° “5”

to a burierl target line wliieli ereate. a Higher raiige fmquenty setting. are . direetional indieation of TDC, l.ett/
signal neld whieli is broadeast out trom great tor solving problems when ideal R|gh| Amm. a, D,,m,aml Needle
yourtargeted line. onee a good signal eonditions do not exist However,

field is created, flndlng the signal field higher trrqueneies may create problems ' *’~’"*"“"“Y/g“‘" ‘“‘““S

and traeing the tielrl beeomes easier by bleerl ufl to other lines in the area, . fig“. C.,m,i [mi

and easier with praetiee. Teehnieally, we ereating multiple signals whieli eoniuse

locate the top dearl eenter oi the eireular both equipment readings and user. so ' °"="‘““°" '"d"“"°"

field, which shoulrl be loeated direetly high irequeneies ean be viewerl as a -1-“gs, Um Chammisflgs
above the buried target line. iorm or target shooting with a shot gun

If you're not eareiul you may hit more ' am of msel hne

But it you are responsible for line ‘hm cm W 2‘ WM‘ 0” MM

loeating and have eneountererl problem ‘ 5 Y ’ ' cvnduthvlw of target lmn

loeates, you are not alone. toeating catlier iii/oi-miitioii nth/znrl 5 mason . Cimnmi c,,.,..m,,ty at Iofialflblc
‘’‘°b'‘’’“‘ ‘“ ”“'°d b",‘“° ‘°““‘“°“’ Gather intormation trom Transmitter, mu“

‘h“‘ ““ “°‘ "‘“" TM“ ‘ “ “M” Reeeiver site conditions and system

every loeate rodeo (ompetmun I've Mapping The mung. and m(—h’ng‘_ ' depth of the iarsd hm

been to had a speeial ehallenge ealled am,ai,;,3'ta you bv you: transmitter ' ‘)1’? 0‘ bflfkfill mund 11“ “M
"The Loeate irom Hell.” —

and reeeiver will rlepend on the brand Sm Conditions

solving line loeating problems mqulres and model of loeating instrument you

reasoning to determine the eause of the have available. - loeanon of visible signs of utilities
P“’‘’'°"‘ “‘ ‘“““5 ““‘“’“ ‘° ’°"’“ ”‘° Gather iiifoi-iiiahoii /min rtsaurces at - wll eondinons

problem. You have to use your eyes and h d_

brain. The iirst step to solving a line “" ' - oration of access point

loeating problem would be to step back Transmitter _
and think about it. start gathering all ' ‘°“"“‘’“ °‘ ‘“"P°’"’Y 5‘°“"d ”‘““°
the inioi-ination known to you at this ' °“‘P“‘ °“"‘““‘ ‘““d‘"$ . presenee of other biirierl lines in
P°“" - applierl power level /volts the area

A gwd undemand-us of the theory of - eireuit/loop resistante/ohm. - visible eommoii bonrling with
how loeating equipment work~ anrl the other lines

ItmtIatton~ of the teohnology is enneal ' -‘ml-mt-E3’ mung _ ,d H b.

for solving line loeating problems . ,,,,3.},,,d omgnai apPi,ca,,,,.. ‘°|"‘ “ "‘“‘“ ‘C ‘’ ‘M’

The more you understanrl about system Mapping

how loeatiiig equipment wozk~, the ' Plmmml of gm-md «akc ‘

greater your elianees of sueeess when Remivep ' Gmm‘ ma 0‘ 1"“ "°"“"“Y "°'
troubleshooting This iniormation is WW" ‘° ml“

neederl to help determine the possible - Note the number and lumen of . 0;; Set ,,,m..,e.,,.e,.,,. .91,“ (mm 3
eonrlitions that £xt~t whieli may be all ~-gm!» d-awed an we while mom,“ Pom

ereating the problem at hand pczfvr-mug a usual ‘“’“EP and

seareh of the site. - Number of lines in the area
14 . West mean 511 2017, Issue i

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