Page 17 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 1
P. 17

- Physical make-up at the line sharing coiaiinon band with othei lines adiustmznts and trying again to see it
- mm«wo~»>n«e»«»eurmms 2;,fr:*:::;:‘:;:l;.:*;:;°‘::."“:::E:..,. 
depending on system .‘ ’ ' _ ’ _ Y Tmubleshootlng pcolilein locates
with the sttength and/oz shape of ynur
. . . . takes atience. with so much at stake,
- Location at top side access point(s) locatahle signal tield on yuur tatget 3 hm? M “wk D“ “'2 mm is
‘° “““"3‘°““d WEE‘ 1"“ 1‘“°‘ unacceiiutalale, especially ii congested
Reason - considei the size and type of line utility ccirridnrs. Line lecatois who
. . ynu are trying to and, including the paint a big question mark on the

U5‘ Y°“’ “_“",‘“°“"“ 3"“ ‘“““°‘“’* construction chatactenstic, type ot line ground DI’ paint the words ”l1:md dig
'“5°““‘S =“"‘5- and depth at line and it the target line nnly" on the ground ace not helping

- Keep in inind that there might lie is physically attached In another line at anynne. These types at declaiation
mmi digmni cause, in, the Pmblgm a tummnn point. nlarks contuse excavators and also
ya“ 3,2 2xPe,,E,.d,.g and mmi cause them In lose faith in the eniiie
possible solutions tat each possible call bsfvre ya“ dig P¥“C95»"» if you have
cause. Take action by using the pmcess I f yO U h a Ve a a difficult Inc-mhat hand. yw shfiuld
ateliinination, beginning with the inost . . awn IL Nufify 1 Eexcavamrof I 2
lugicnl currzcrive actmn O! adjustment Cl] ff] C U/1: / 0 Ca te un-demctieble line or damn-It simalfun
ID ovetcoine the inast lngical cause ot and get em it-valved and ask iii 2y
the ptolalein. Attei taking coi-tective can help solve the puzzle. Dainage
actlnns you should compare results at h a n C’! yo U PY:iVE;‘“““ 1:“ Shared Nivgnsibilitoyd
In see if you fixed the pcolilein. Don't - an a ten la es teamwor - e H 30
aveit ‘nk it! Start wit e siin le aina e tevention at 1121' an as D!

hi h th p . d i; P ’ p I. d H
checks and equipment adiustinenis and help when YD“ new it-
ito th ,1‘ ‘ ti .:’bl
E“ '3 3 :::j_',:“fi'1":S‘:‘,’fl:j;‘f_ :“;"m§’ _ Bob Nighsiuoitgev 15 iii Frtsldrm and can
Take ACNOII 9/ utility TY/lmmg Atiidemy. soii has o1)PY25

- Coiisidet site cunditlmis such Sm“ mm “W must hwy cause and years iIfPXpN1IVlEEi!! iiie,«itii1ofuiiiitylocai—
35 Cvnducllvfly 01 YOU’ lirfz and Famed mm mm “sing ti“ pmcw iiig and alamiige prrllfllllovl. rm /]iAI5htm5
the Conductivity ot the soil, visual of Eflmimfim Du,“ Wmmk ‘he at commtiits, Bob (I!!! be mzrhed M bab@
indications Dr clues of cilher liui-ied Obvious Take mm“ b mm“ atascaicii cam.

lines in the aiea that may or ciiay nnl lie " Y 5

8 1 1 M A G A z I N E s Q l
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2017, Issue 1 west wsna E11 . 15

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