Page 19 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 1
P. 19

call BeforeYou Dig
3 1 _ . .
' x. , .1 A plpellne could be buried
‘.41 .
‘ “fig near you.
T  .l!l}'i'_
egllafs below.
a llltetttteynuilig.

can Owners Bulld or Dlg on a ~


Pipeline rig,hts-at-way miist he kept free from stnietiiies ‘
and Dthez ohstnietions to provide aeeess tn the pipeline tei

maintenance, as well as in the event at an emergency. li a ‘

pipeline emsses yiiiii pmpei-ty, please do not plant tiees OI .

large shnihs on the right-of-way. Du not dig, build, steiie DI’ ,.

plaee anything on O! neat the tights-at-way withiiiit tiist 5 4 -
having the pipeline eompanys personnel mark the pipeline .
D! stake the rig,hts-at-way and Explaln the eiimp.-iny's _ , -
miistniction and easement tequiaements to you. b; ,._g _ _ . ;. '

The eo le of West V‘ n a de end
We Need Your Help V51‘ P _ ‘_ ;'9‘h‘| P t
on I lams I e lnes o e mee

The natiiin's inttastnietiites, mduding pipelines, aie a p P , P ,

matte! iitnationalsemii-ity. ltyiiii witness suspicious activity me” EVVSTQY ne9d5- That 5 WW We '9

an a PiP9““9 fiaht-Di-will P1935? W199“ it 10 the aPPml=riale depending on excavators to call 811
authnriries as man as possflzlfi, DI’ you may call the pipeline . .

epetatiirs niimliets. Threat advisories maybe teiiind at the before d'99“"9 a”YWhe'e ‘” me "'°mV
Depnrtnlzm of Homeland seetii-ity's website amw.i1ris.gtw/ of our plpellnes.


If you should happen to acoldentally

-I-ransmlsslon “Penna Mapplng strll<e a pipeline: lt ls lrl-lportant that

The u.s. DEpartl1|emDiT1aIlspurtatmn's ottiee of Plpeline yo” mmac‘ “S 'mme_d'a‘e'y' Eve” mm”
satety has eleveliipeel the Natiiinal Pipeline Mapping system damage could result in a future leak lf
(NPMS) tii pmvide intoimatiiin ahiiiit gas ttaiismission not promptly ,epai,ed_

and liquid trallsmissinn apeiatiits and their pipelines. The

NPMS web site is seaielialile by zip code 0! by county and

state, anel can dlsplay a eiiiinty map that is pnntahle. Fm’ ca" 3“ Before You mg! “as The Law_
a list of pipeline opetateis with pipelines in you!’ area and

tlieii eiintaet intiinnatiiin, go to wulw.rl;lms.phmst1.l1aLgml.  _ _
opetatois of pnieliietiiin iztzilirles, gas/liqiiiel gathering For more mformatloni contact us
piping and elisti-ihiitiiin piping, am niit tepiesented by t _
NPMS not ate they teqiiitetl tii lie. 8 DUI’ non-emergency number.
Awareness is the key to pieventing pipeline accidents. 1 W |  

You can eonttihiite In the safety and security at yfllll’ ' '

neighburhood by knowing when pipelines ate, and

kniiwing how to teeiignize iinaiithiii-iaeel activity or signs

of a leak, as well as how to respond in the ease of a pipeline _ J

aeeielent. Pipeline companies eentintie tn stiive to he goiiel w,[[Iam5‘

neighhpis, and lusl like any goud neighbnxhnod watch %

pnagaam, neighlniis liiok init toi eaclhlolher. lain in with the N

P,pE1,,,e companm ,9 pm, 0“, ,,,,,_,,,,s Sm . 02.15 We W'llltelmi eantania lnL Nlvlgmeraiarvad

2017, Issue 1 West‘/lrglrll-3811 . 17

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