Page 19 - West Virgina 2017 Issue 2
P. 19

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  .    .. .2-133:; ' J 52'‘ ‘ " -‘*-. We
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5‘?-Le;  ~35», »e»§.\9f" I ., ;:‘*» 05H/I CLJ!I)p1)flvlr£Ufllr(V:IL')“pwbnblyfnkKVlBf¢‘:,phBlU:,Ullitus,
"-‘)§;«;.g‘§;¢!'§.-‘:‘;~ I‘ z;_ ,';Q,\:'{ .5’ we; », \ I ,-' t~.‘- llHI1m£ll:l4frN)L’HI‘: YuI4.ob1It4I/Wulbeanrvit /iii»veiiimitenmiiiiiioii
2.  ’:é:-~%  2 :  A * ‘ ::::.':;2:1It9:12:12’:I:i:i::t:@,*:t;;:L:'2:zfitiizt’
Haw“, Hm“, o5HA,“§P,dinM allow the oiiicei to loll! you! ioIa.ite by 7 A» aehow of good imth, >

I I }Iimself/ heneti. mimedintety .-hiit down machinery or

Itm like you, OSHA Compliance equipment that the Officer aays doza
Officere have Mob to do They b’ ’:“°‘“'f’ “'11 q“’“‘‘‘’“‘' "‘;“““"3’/ nnlmzel OSHA alandarda.
IE~'pDndln.1posltIvE mnnnerwhen V01 ma -nan a enjen » a nng 3

they see a nneete mmmtnnent te °"“°"“‘d “° “" “d‘“""‘°“ °‘ 3""? 3"“ In most cases‘, iince the inspection i..-
may. p.,u.,w.,.g we H [M ,,,,. do nut speculate as to how an accident mmplmd’ ‘he Compliance Om“
that may Pnwe helpful In handling an °“‘"‘““‘ wiII huld a brief Cloimg conieience.
insveefivn - Explain Items that the coinptinnce The Officez will review the alleged

. c,,.,,iem,..y gm, me compliance cit’-ieei does‘ not understand or vioIation.- with yoii. You ..-haiitd lake
mm, and immdm y,,mE,f‘ mlalnlerpretsy but do nut algue. wzIlleninot2;‘~'cI that yD|.l ca: iniomi

youraaety IIECIGYDYCDOI malnr

' Re-Iuestand examine the offizerk ' The C°"‘P““"“° O“‘“’=”‘"" of the rE.~‘IXltS occa.ionaIIy, a Closing
cmdentIal~‘, and a.Ic the atopz and cuniemnne Wm be Postponed “mi
reason fer the vmt Aak what Iebs-te - the Compliance Offlcel dl~‘CuaSE~‘ the
mcordsIh2OificerwantsIomview l)n lltll f.-Iw lhv ingpmiun mi, i.,,/i,2,,.,pE,n,,..,
Determine which Wolkels and i . . .. _ _
company otticini, the Officez want. In ( ( t I I I I I] I :1 I mt ( ) I I I I «I I‘ Emvlexen "W5 Mewtns en OSHA
inteiview. , Inspectwn

_ “you haw any mmnmusped I l H‘ tlt I (‘xx In ) tIlI l 1}i:fann}i‘iIHeaviiigs — Ei;ipIoyen.- halve
that the comptinnceoirieevis not I , ‘ I I ,i U , ten: tte antnfon-ml eanng mt
kgmmm’GHYOMOSHAAM Om“ i (N lllllt II \ Hltl_._( . theOSHAAI'2aPImL1orfollnwIng
and vei-iiy hi.-/hei Cr2d2ntIaI~' Ieeetft hf nfitnlltlvn age‘ PT’P°59d

penatie.-. ea ege vio anon‘,

' Explaintt=theCt=mplinnee0fficer b H k I _ h I d _ any penaItie-,and/iiiataateinent
thntyDnre°mIvany'»po1iey regnmhng Pm “ 3”" ““° “W ”°'‘’‘ °‘’’' l'EquIrEl11EnL~‘Efln be dI~'tuss'2d.Thu
OSHA in~'PeCtit=n» re<IIn!e~' that you “mi ’“°“"“’“".‘“."‘”‘ V“ ”.l‘‘’“'‘‘ d° the OSHA Area DIr2cIDr has the aulhnrity
immediately eontnct your-nnin office °“"“ '“‘“°"““?$°°“d‘?‘°‘Y°“ to Enter Inloasettlemenl agreement
you: companya anfety diiectni DY “’ “*9 ‘““'“P", P‘“‘“"*’ °’ "““°” “°"‘ that Could revise the (itntiun and/Dz
eoordinatvr -nay want tv be preaent ‘he °“"“ “““ “‘““““ “"9” penaIty. In most cases, the OSHA Area
dunns the Inspection, in which case - Do not give the caniptinnce oiticev Diiectot wiII ~'}IDw the company the
yet{ my reqneat that the nffiter watt hee acczas to ynln’ doeiinient storage evidence, Including pictures or video.-
until he/ she amvee Piovide onIy those documents the Reviewing the zwdence may hetp

. 1; ‘hg OSHA c,,,,,P,,m€ Omm im Officer .-peciiicatty requesls‘ And mnkt: the ciimpany make a moie inioianed
3 “mm, M WW “Pm Pwmdmg a pmitoeopy of each document beioie deE|a|Dn iegaiding aznlement of the
wiLh the Inspection Iieioie yullr ..-niety tunnng them ever we-
dImcIoI’/Eourdlnnlor 2IrrIve.s, yaii . Make a M of nmpinym me °°NTW“ED 9“ "GE 19
ahuuld accompany the oiiicei. Do not cnmpiime Qffme! ,,,.m,;.3.,,5_

2017, lssue2 W:sI‘VIrgIrIIa811 -17

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