Page 10 - West Virgina Magazine 811 2017 Issue 3
P. 10

  West Virginia 811's New Damage
Prevention Manager
Katrlna (Trlna) Bell
  ‘- he west vrrgrma 811 bnard of
-_ drreeters recently hrred Katrma
_ *,— (Trma) Bell as the damage preyentrun
"V I manager [or the organrzatren Her
' -‘ responsrbrlrtres melnde attendmg the many
5 , g mtetrngs acme» the state premnnng sale
; ’ drggmg and wurkrng wlth the beard te
' rdenmy stakehuldere wllllng to work tegether
_ tu ereate a stroligur and rnnre uffccuvc damage
Tum Tayler, west vrrgrma 811 Ereentwe
Duccmr stud, ”Wc am plcawd th.1tTnn.1
wa. wrllmg to ~kL‘p out n: retrrement mm
tlue yrtal rele [or damage prcvcntlon.
our eppnrtunrtre. tn rnterart wllh ether
ikakcliuldcxs havc Incmasnd ever the years

and rt ls ‘u~t nnt peserble [or one persen te make all the mtetrngs. Hzlvlng Trma on
beard wrll alluw u. to eoyer mere gruund and that’. a gond thmg "

Keepmg west vrrgrma 811 |n from n: vz\nuu~ stakehulder group. re errtreal,
cspccmlly m the raee of reeent Federal rulrngs that now requrre cvcry state tn
deyelup and rnamtam a slroligur and mum L‘ffccl|\‘c damage pxcvcnuon program.
The eensequenees n1 [alllng to abrde by the state’. drg law ean and null rnelnde eryrl
punalucs ~uch t1~ nae. t1nd/ er trarnmg

As West vrrgrma 311'. Damage Preyentrnn Manager, Tnna wlll wurk an behalrol the
beard te help develop the relatronshrp. neeeseary tu enrnply wnh these mlrnge.
Irma’. baekgrennd h a great ht for the new role she assumee. Her carter spanned 37
yeah and she reeently retrred from HG Energy. Irma sard, "Ym nne of the lueky nnes
who began my eareer wllh Pennzerl and have worked eontrnuouely |n I’t1rkL‘r~bIIxg
through the yarreus eempany transrtren. that rmally ended m workmg [or the great
rnlks at HC Energy "

when asked what her role tor HC Energy was, she laughed and sard, "I really were a
let of l\r1l~ ever the year. l ‘u~t drd what needed to be dune "

Huwcvcr, Trmag officlal rule was that of a CAD teehnreran. werkmg wlth energy
eompanre. that fucumd on pmdumun, her cxpuxtlsc wa. wrtlun the rnapprng
parameter. at the organrzannn

Raeed rn Rrpley, west vtrgmra and havlng an entrre eareer werkrng ln I-arkersburg,
Irma sard, "No doubt about rt, lam a west vrrgrman." su, Inna, why ls yuur
marlrng addrees m Mt1ncKka,Oh|u? she s'a1d,"That’~ easy we were lenkmg [or

a hense and that wa. where the house rm ~Ill|l1g,]IHlacx<.w~tl1c rwer [wasn't
leokmg te mnye te Ohm; l wa. yu~t leokmg te buy the house. rm etrll all about west
vrrgrma "

Good luck, Tuna’ Luuk~' hkc Wes-I Vugmla 811 has hlrcd another wmncr. 6

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