Page 9 - West Virgina Magazine 811 2017 Issue 3
P. 9

he‘ ‘"0"? than 2}’ Ye?” i“ }he ml lhdlhlw l’hlhP ”W£’ve got an outstanding business partner in Anderson
Marahr alvng W-th ht» bus-neas Panlner Steve Equlpmznl," Philip said ‘Their commitment to servicing
Allen. ~aw an f=P}>°!llml*Y te atan tre-r ewn us with mechanics and parts availability, their expenise and
huarnesa reelann-ng anrfaee rn-ne~' threuzhehl knowledge or their equipment and what the capabilities are

Appalachia and providing civil contracting. and mi, flvmhmy B, Equipment ‘S gm“,

That was ahvnt three year» ago Srnce lhenr l’h-hl>'a company: when Philip and his business partner started Liberty
l-rberty Management. of l’ll<evrlle. I06 ha» expanded to Management they already had a strong relationship with
almost 35 employees, including 17 in the contracting division mmgm fl, jgndgmn fg, five 0, ,1, yw, gm? mm

whv rely on W‘/811 to keep werleera ante and Pwleel they've continued to use Anderson tor much or their
underground tacilities when they work in the state. eqmpmm mph

"[1 is a 100 percent call betore you dig situation," l-hilip said. "WE kmwn Em“ [Hahn] A__dmm,.. gmml manager
"l3efi=re we break ground anywhere we are ealhng 811- West in west virginia, since 200,8,” Philip said. ”W2've bought a
Virlzlnla 811% very hell>ful- They're accurater thnely and loader. a drill, an excavator and a dozer from them we also
etfeetwer which hell» ua de our ivh-” rent a tremendous amount ot equipment trom Anderson.
Liberty Management's contracting division currently iocuses We ve had e-sht pleeea — actually 12 Pieces wt at one time
on providing support to American Electric Power as they meludmg compactnra. rluzeni excavators, trucks, mini
replace older intrastructure in west virginia. e><=aVhl°ta and akld sleet»-

Portions ot the state's electric transmission lines and The ether Part of l’hlhl{'~' evlnlear-_y aveelallzea in reclaiming
,,,i,,.,gm,,,, gm aging, M, App is c,,,m,,gy updflhng surtace mines atter mimng activities have ended The
equipment as a preventative measure and expanding the Setfrflvahy’ goal  to réhgm the land: t: a "Lore n:turallala|e-
compan)/'~' power handling capacity while most folks might l erehl allea ea Dr l erenl Wet r Id t e en teal)‘
think of that as being an aliove-ground operation, Philip la land ~-ntahle tor a toreat, Paature. or i’-i.~.h and wildlife
and his crews have to move a lot of dirt to provide space for teferver or even ")d\1~'h_'lal develhvmenl They started

AEI’ to worle, and to make sure the utility has access to their w-th abmri $55 million in bonds, with a seal tn reduce that
,ml,,i,3,_ number to zero 7 and Ih2y'm well on their way, as enough

land has been reclaimed to reduce the bonds to about $30

"Generally nothing in southeast Kentucky or southern west mimm, .

virginia sits on a tlat spot, so you have to make a tlat spot tor

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their pad and provide access to it," Philip said. ”The access

roads are 12-16 teet wide, with 8-10 inches or stone on them /
and include drainage. The worle pads range ironi 30x30 up to ‘
100x100 square "

once Liberty Management prepares the site, AEP can begin /

their portion or the worle Depending on the ,ob that may

include building a substation, expanding an exisnng one or

replacing lines. some or whioh range in age ironi 50-70 years suspect a natural gas leak? .

"N" First. move your feet!
when AEI’ is nnished with the expansion at each site, Liberty .

Management comesbacle in to reclaim the pads and some of Th" ca” ‘"h°" y°" '5 d°w" ‘h° 5"°a“

‘he ‘°““‘*‘ 2’.”‘;‘.:i';,“ii.":,‘.'E‘I,"iTT1§i;.,"‘.“2J;2:'Z.33’;';.";,§§i$?i?Z";.’;YLTt'L§5L'£‘.:
H‘f mg “mg ED mm pfivm Pmpmyl the Wm dmm .,.,,.a,...i..ia.n.-a.,.isii..,n...,.aii._a,es-..r..
whathappens sometimes they like the roads to remain. But an .. at -.....n- by anao IH . i.... ... ..e.,n ea. r,.i.,. ésgins
the work pads always come out," he said. ‘jj",,“_,',m’;::f,’_‘f"_ff,fi“‘;,"',‘;“,' 9" "**“‘* M “E” '"" °"“ "' e‘ ‘t‘ "e
All of that worle requires a lot or niaohinery Liberty i..a,,o,,

lvlanagement has torged a relationship with Anderson 

Equipment company to purchase or lease a lot ui equipment ’ no-nlnlon
over the years.

2017, Issue] weervveiaiaaii . 7

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