Page 13 - West Virgina Magazine 811 2017 Issue 3
P. 13

destrucuve excavafiun and unmy locate zeebnobogies, can reducgpmjeuct casts. S‘: (wurse.,-Ki: Eddiliun «db 
methods are cunsxderzd Best Practices Aemdmg to }be study, uued C9,’.-xi fire a.e Id cLh\;acs::I“n: mzvafim
m most states " In a1..-u less mva.-we Savmgsnn Highway I"ru]2cEsU’Il1l|z|ng xa apndga eh va mm
and causzslzss surface damage, name SubsurfaceUul1tyEngm2Ermg,‘I service: or Eexca .
di.-rupuun and unpae: to .-mace eveey $1apenéagaubaurfaieungyzzin A‘ ‘ visit jab ms muss me Cumw
acrivmes Mo~1uulmu~' can be qlnckly eng.neenng( )c=m mu m - it h mm and mm mmmm. to see
and emmenuy uncnvsred Euen smaller, cost-savings. “mum mmmm Equipmm, a, “,2
‘"9"? ‘°‘“P'“ “““““ S“‘}‘ a” “bi Some have aid that Lbe vacuum sxle, cleaning up dueeniunax boxing
°P““ 1”“ “d ‘“b'“ ““ 5° '°‘““ excavator was‘ nddung more than dnn me; ur wurkmg yust ahead of
Wm‘ P"=°‘°‘°“r ‘“““‘'‘S ‘“ “d“°“‘ "”“ a high-coat .nuve1. But m mdays the excavntinn crew zxpwsing me
"‘ “‘“'““S’=°- world, the Cost ui a uulxty damage can underground utiuue.-.
Locanng unuue. via vacuum easily be exceeded by the Cost as the Fwpgfly “Fusing mg ‘mdugmml
exeavanun can also resultin uml :L-elf. Several gpeadrvaeuum inmsmdumis impomm ma lot
subslanfialmslsavxngs. Purdue > exeavandn are avadable, undudmgha mam” Bmpflhaps the mm
Univzrsitys Department ui nuddmg lrmlered uml Lhat ean be waved be md mpmam mm" H in make Sm
Conslructiun Management pub1a.~.bed a uuck, a skid-mountnd unu that can be emplnym M“ “My mum home
a study demilmg how be.-1 pzaeuee. mounted m a nude or a txacked vehicle to the” ‘wings in am and B‘ Each
m exeavanon, includingvacuum fnruaz m xnepapebneandu.-uy. hmgwmkdw Q;
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