Page 14 - West Virgina Magazine 811 2017 Issue 3
P. 14

K11 worker was trapped in t1 trench cave-in on or near your construction site this ufterrumn . . .
ATE YOU Prepa red .
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Tim‘/clloltrtt.-cl; or me ltmnllltlrpholo KIWWHJ arrc....aa Ivyubmt‘ HI NtHMCIvmlmt1 Thu .,a..a man are much Hmnwls ollh/fit/c/ct‘M1ct‘p filltllumclv 
nltllkcl< /lvlmm 1!! Mn: rt) ,a.ttt,.... aaaa, Dun . at Mt: cc.t..»o.»tauaarta,. aw ofvoul mat..-
2I'~ assume your company has an excellent satety Lrkewise, stop or detour all tmffic that might create
program You'v2benn trained and destgnaterl as vibratlons and causea secondary cavetn
the ”CompemnI Person" onstte.All the workers _ DO NOT mmpt In dig ‘he “mm wlwm‘ fl
°" Y°“”"*“”‘“"" “““'“‘°’ hm“ “PP’°""““'Y backhoe or zxmvatur the HI ment ma v turthcr
tramed Trench protectton systems lslopmp, shonng or d . I ‘ *1 P >
shteldtng) are In use You even have an emergency plan “‘1““ ‘E V“ ““‘
in place, and so on. Now. let’s also assume that another - Do not remove the victim's tools or equipment
contractor near your site has taken a few shortcuts untll rescuers arnve at the scene. such rtems can be
suddenly one of that contractors workers comes yzlllng. helpful in lucatlng the victim.
"A man's been hunedl we need your help!" .
ln addttton, the folluwlng mtormatton should be

what do you du? Below are some suggesttons collected

- staycalm . Numloerorworkers trapped

- Take charge ui the lubslle untll tratned rescuers . where the vtcttm(s) was last seen

arrive at the scene. (Flmfightzrs and rescue teams often 1 h

refer to thts person as the ”lncid2nI commander") ' T“ ““"“ 2 °"‘’‘““‘ °““"‘‘‘

- cet everyone out of the trench and account for all ‘ T1“ “*P“‘ °‘ ““ "‘“°“

workers. . sod type

- call 911 and/or your company's rescue team and . An esttmate of how much soil has collapsed on the

report the cave-in. Be prepared to have someone meet ‘,,Et.,,.

the tramed rescuers at a readtly tdenhnalole address or

landmark (tr the coustructton site ts dlifitult to find). ‘ T1‘? Prmnce of any lwtenimlly 1-amful

- keep everyone who ts not rltrectly mvolved In the .
rescue at least ten feet from the trench or zxcavatlon. ‘I l'~:°""°“ ““d ““““‘‘“°" °‘ "“ ““““¥‘°“"“
utt es
- shutdown all equipment except pumps used for
removmg water In the immediate vinnlty of the cavern Them" may be a very 5“°‘}E temlnal-§=n Io l‘"“P down
mto the trench to try to d|g out the v|cUm. DO NOT
12 . west mead 511 2017, Issue]

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