Page 8 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 8

avn you had a pmyctt wlmm you
worc unsurc of the locatron ol an
- ' ' ' unrlorground ul|lIty7Hr1vL‘yuu
' ~ _ had a pm]cctw}Icrcy1.>u dldn’t
‘ have accuratc rccords nn cxllmg utthtrcsv
You ~l\uuld cunaldcr finding a company
I that ~pL‘:mllzc~ In findmg unrlcrground
0 u r   n uuhtrc. Th: spccIzll|zr1l|unl~ Subulriacn
Uullty Engtnccnng (sum whtch has hccn
around for morc than twenty ycars SUE can
be uscd on projects to mmlmlzv: darnngc.
e  0 u e e  by lmpxopcrly markcd u..l.t.c. or
uuhtrcs that no onc can find. SUE provtdors
have trarncd field tcchntcrans wrth ycnrs ol
By WWW PE Cxpcncncc hndrng undcrgrounrl utllmcs.
C,,,,mm,,ey untortunatcly, ortcn pcoplc sccrn to knaw
httlc about sus or bullcvc ll 15 too Cxpcrhlvc.
__a_ V V sus rs defined a. a branch ol cngrnccnng
, t ‘l r’ t .‘ r ' st} practlcc that tnvulvcs manngmg cutaln
, ’ _ -» ‘fir .- , r _ n~k~ a~wclatcd wrthutthty rnnpprng ntlour
. _ " , ‘. — . _ - . . /“ d|ffCIIL‘l'IIquiI1lI’ylCVL‘lMl\l|l|(yC0O!dll'IflKlOH/
i;-5  3‘ -. " j . ..  ulillllyCUnfl|C(E\siC5s|'l1CIIl,L\Klllty dcsrgn
‘ -Q \ r_ _' and unhty coal ciumatsa. In othcr words,
— > _ 1 , l _ ‘ ;g'_ < SUE comblncs trndttronnl pracllccs ~ucl\
‘ “ — | \ , \ p ' gs .;‘- as plnclng utrhttcs nn drawlng~ based on
‘x V L‘ : ‘ t 7 , ,7 _ _ i , avnrlablc rt-cord drnwtngs, or asubullls, wrth
. __ a 1‘ t — _. "- 1 ' ncw tcchnolngrcs such as |1l|1l(ydCfi‘lgY|ilUng
~»—.,_\_,£. , ;.=. ‘H ,. vla surtncc co 1\v.s|cr1lmctl\od~, ~uch r1~
. _ , , g P ,
fCuhbFe E¥—£~',_.;;,,V ~ __<_.: ;,,;._o_- , tontng ul|lltlL‘~ and placlng n patnt mark
v:-;'f'- '__' —: —_  E  I; :‘ on the ground, and uuhty locnung vta
-""" ,, : — < ;_, . — .- nondcstructwc nu vacuum cxcavatlon, so, In
.> ,_ .05‘. _, r‘ ‘ "5 ' " hcu of not knowlng whcrc a utlllly h locatcd
. . . .'_ .. ‘ II “ mm"! or the accuracy u[ how rtwas plncorl on n
2» ' - r t drzlwlng. SUE prrnudcs thc ablllty to have
-.c a *3, t 4 ft   cunfidnncn In how thc ullllty rntonnnnon
' . 35- ‘ ‘ ’ t wr1~ gnthcrcrl and placed on a drawtng. Thts
‘ 3 z I ‘ l~ donc through thc usc ofQur1llty Lcvcls.
fa ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ "lhc fuux quality lcvcl. utthzcd |n SUE nrc as
l ' — , I - lollows
o s » — 4
Quahty Level D utrhty lnfnrmalmn I~ drawn
.f‘ . ” \ on plans from zlvmlabln rccords, srtc win or
- ~ Y » - » vnrbal rccollcctlon. Tlm ha. hccn tho typrcal
‘ ' method of ublamlng Illlllty |nfunm1l|un;
! l -' A‘ ' unlortunntcly, thc rccords can be dlff-lcult to
‘ rcad and nro ottcn outrlatcd. ln sornc cascs,
no rccords CXHI on the ul|l|tyIn~lallr1|1un
‘ “ , Quality Level c Above gruunrl tcaturc. arc
I_, / / aurvcyed nnrl thc lnioxmatlon ts brought
, l, ‘ r Into a CADD hlc whcrc thc quzlllty lcvcl
; D rnlorrnatron h ad,u.stcd, lf nocdcd, tn
‘ _ corrcsponrl wtth the survcy. For nxamplc, thc
/‘ 3 l " rccords show an El ht fool watcrhncrs lour
- t:
l _ [act buhlnd thc curh. Tlm wator valm am
‘ , \, allxvcycd nnrl shown to hc crght tcct hchrnd
1'...‘ 2‘ § , _ thc curb. stncc thcrc I~ only onc watcrhnc on
 ' , A — ‘ ~‘_, thc pro,crt, nnrl srncc thc valvl:~ am ryprcally
w L -— . , ahovc an ug11tfootwatL‘rllnL‘,thL‘ watcrhnc
 I~ shrttcd to bc hcncath thc vnlvL‘~
9.5;. - ~,_...._,_
'- .' " ' t "  . Quality Lcvcl B Utllmcs arc dosrgnntcd or
',_ / -~ ‘ "' toncd nnrl pntnt maxk~ fullowlng APWA
- ‘ z_,—._, -3 color codcs arc plnccd on thc grounrl
s . west Vllglmfi 511 2017 lssuei

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