Page 10 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 10

3 systm Nlghswongar
t has been my experience as a locator that when
l tollowed the same steps during each locate
and kept my truck organized, lwas much more
productive during my day and made tar tewer
1 mistakes. Although many locators may approach
the task ditterently, I'd like to present seven
tundamerital steps tor every locator to consider
— step 1: Fullnw satety procedures and use your
satety equipment and knowledge
Try to make the right choices and take a personal
approach to your satety and the satety ot those
around you. You are ultimately responsible tor
your satety during the day while driving to and
pertormmg line locates. The choices you make on
the }ubsit2 will otten not only attect your own satety
but also have an impact on the satety ot others. start
by identitying the hazards that exist or may 2><l~'t on
the }ubsit2 and then choose the appropriate personal
protective gear and equipment you will need to
pertorm this task sately.
step 2: Read ticket and check all priiils befnre and
atter pertorming the locate
During the planning stages ot the locate, thoroughly
read your excavation notice to gain a clear
understanding or the dig area. lt you are unclear ot
the exact locarion ot the dig site, contact the caller
ot the ticket tor additional details Access your
area maps, prints and records tor the dig area and
identity your dig area on your prints. Determine
the numbel, type and size ot liuried lines you have
.,., in the area, along wiLh the location ot the top side
’ access point best suited tor applying the transmitter
to each buzled metallic line or tracer wire. Prints
should be considered a guide and not a tact. lt your
print shows that you have a line buried near the dig
area but not in the dig area, it's always a good idea
to hook up and verity the line is actually clear
step 3: visually survey the entire scope ni work
A Vhuill inspection ot the iolisite is a very important
step to ensuring that all ot your lines located in
the requested area are marked start by visually

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