Page 15 - West Virginia 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 15

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- - - - OhL‘()[[1'\L‘ gmnm Mnglu challcngu to mic pxpclmc
what to do -f a P-pel-ne us ,.
Damaged or msturbed    
:nm~tIu:[I0n and maxntclmncc Before Vnu mg 0rcx:z\\'alc,
Even It you raw what ->PPmr~ to be mvly rmrmr dmmsc contact thc Dru:—C:\H Center bv ~.mp1y1mImg em [mm
“’ ‘“" P‘P"“"*" ““’“““"‘"‘Y “"“‘Y W P‘P"‘"'° ‘“‘“P““>’ :\ny\vhcrc1nthL~ Umlcd sum-L. Flcaw (all before you
A gwgnv ~cr-wt» dam nr mm to ma WP" ur wanna mm)’ mm Vuur pmycct, whuthcr landamplng, buxldmg rem».
ca|I~c:\ Iunlrcrilptumurlcak. 1: l\ cnucal zhatncut or mfimmunga maWmn~m‘m0n mm ,,‘PL_hm_
b'“‘“"‘ ‘mm W" N‘ “‘P'“‘"“ “ " ‘"‘P°‘<“”*‘ “W W :mnp:\nIc~ and mm IIuh[Ic~ mu mark the luczmon of
P'P¢‘1‘“€ mvr-er m~Pvct~ and “‘P“"‘ any d-rmgc to 111° lhcxrlxnuw atnu (u~t to you Plpchnc and utllnv mam.
‘W “Y m‘<“°d °PPm‘"~» MW *m°> “M 1”“ “‘q"""‘S M not ~l1ow the and mum. of the burned hm whm
dflnhw ‘“ bu WPWU‘ to (‘W *m'".~' °“’"°r WU 0' W cxC;1\'at1r;gI1uar p1pL'hnL'~, manv companww mu K-q....c
Drwrfinll center by duh-vg 811- Do not mm?‘ m mm mm they huvc .1 pxpclmc mmplmy rcpm.~m1tal1\'L~ ormtu to
W ‘"P“"‘ [0 W ‘W Y"“'*"“ “ <‘ "“" “ “*P‘'‘“‘d "‘ lnxpcct 1nd pmtcct the underground pxpclmc Faxlurc to
|‘:k mlmlc t nhv v1 - L  kl ’ ‘
;‘P:::§‘;;u Fwhgixancm: 13:; 'f}«“f::r"“>kj'};§P:_;‘;I:j'< V mIl1)xI1 l;uforL~lcx:a\.StIun .. lhlc luzhdmg E‘aI]I~c‘:\xda1nngc~
’ ’ ‘ " Y m uncn lL‘IhL‘> ncalni cm can 1: cc muuut
c()mpany’x namn‘, Cnmrgcncy telephone number and “[1mm,\’:\,’;), CONWPUED ON ME M" P’
pxpchnc n.mlcm~ ‘
2013 Issue 1 West Vugmra 511 . 1:

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