Page 17 - West Virginia 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 17

High Consequence Areas ln aeerrrdanee mrlr fcdcral regulaaon.-,

some area» near p1pcIinc~hr1vc been des-rgnared a~' Hrgn consequence Areas For

rne.-e areas, supplennenral nazard asses-srrrenr and pmvcnuon prragrann.- lmoryn

a~' lnregrrry Managennenr l=rograrns- nave been derelraped. if a pIpL‘]Il1c()pcxat()r

hm l-lrgl. cons-enuenee Arcm, Illfunnrltmn about rlrese plans nnay bl: ayarlable

rnrougl. their company's welmre or by contacting rlre ()pcIat()r'~' rorporare


Tlrere I~' a wide range or produrr. traveling through llm thou~':lnd~ of miles of . .
prpelmes, everything from gas for your ear lo oxygnn for nospuals. Many of - " P"
rne.-e pmduct~' can be highly flammable, harmful ll rnlraled, mus: eye or slon I . j
rrruauun or puss-rbly raus-e difficulty brearrung. some of me malerrals rould ‘ _

eause eruuronnnenral damage. Berause Ln’ these polenual hazards, rr I~' Important 6' 5 .'

[or our uergnbors to be able to rerogmze a prpelrne leak. , _ -, it all _ ‘ .

, I , . » a g 9

can Owners Build nr Dig on a Right-Of-Way’! rrpelnre ;

nghl~‘—0f—wr1y rnusr be kept iron from srrueruree and orlrer obslrueuons to .

provide arres-s to me prpelme [ox mzuntnnancc, r1~' well as rn (11: event or an  V , v~ ‘
emergeney it a prpelrne eros-.e.— your property, plum: do no: plant rree.- or I ._ _'~_ ‘ J 2 - - ..
large shrubs on the ngl\t—oi—wr1y,D0 not dig, build, score or plare anything '1_ E » .
on or near rlre nght~'—<lf—way without fix-I lraymg rne prpelme eompany's , 4 . ’ »
personnel mark are prpelrne or stake are ng11ts—oi—wr1y and erplam the a, _ -

eompany's :on~'lrIIcm.m and eas-ennenl rcqulrcmcnb In you ._ 3 Hot ) .

,« , . v r , 9.,

We Need Your Help Thul1zluun’~Ilifxmlnltlurce,Including prpelnre.-, ‘ 3‘:

are a marrer oi nauonal ~'ccunty. if you wltnc~'~' s-us-prerous arrmry on a prpelme . , " ,
nghlrnlrway, plcr1~L‘ mporl u to me zlppmpnau: aulh0nllc~' as soon as puss-rlale, ’ ,- ' .
or you may eall rne prpelrne npL‘rr1lor’~' rrurnlaers. Threat arlyrsrarres may be > 2 -9 _
round al rne Deparrrnenr of Homeland Sccunty'~' websrre arm.» rlils gal’/lihspllbilc . ‘ - ;.f ,1 ~

_ _ _ _ r . "‘.', «J «"

Nallonal Plpellne Mapplng System Fm’ rrrrrrnnarron about prpelrne. .‘_ . -
operarrng In your area, you may contact the National mpelrne Mappmg System p ," ‘

(NPMS). Tlus datr1ba~'cu[plpclmc operalors and me lorarrran of their lrnes- _ ~

wa~' desrgned for me public to hrwl: arees-s to Contact rnlorrnaurm tor prpelme Y ,_, fr, _ _
eompanres operaung in your are. Tlus rnlornnaruan can be found r1lzmllll.n;lnl5 '9 . . . ,
plum do! gm/. vrsrr www ,llm..oz duf gull/llhulmpllrllwfl/Uffirtw/Uffi(€—p:prl{l1c—$/1fl'»‘V tor , :41 3‘ » ' _ '
rnure lnformalmn l=or mlorrnauou on ~a[L‘ exeayauon, go onlme and l/mt lllulw gm ‘ —- ‘» “ ‘ 

f. wlltlltullgluum‘l/zlimnrrmm neg‘; ,1
\ . ~« '-""
‘  - ' \ -~ ‘ A\vr1mnc~~' i~' rlre lrey ro prerenrrng prpelrne aeerdenrs. Yml can contribute to _
g .x ,_ rne .-arery aurl ~'ccunty or your nmghboxhood by lmonung wlmm prpelrnes are, A ' I;
. :1 go‘! and lmrrwrng how to reeragnrze unrulthonzcd arrryrry or ~‘|gI]~ cf a lcak, M an
_, well as how to respond In rlre ea.-e ora prpelrne aeerdenr l=rpelme compamL‘~' . —
V ‘ ouunue to srrue ro be good nerglrlaors, and ‘Int like any goorl nerglrbrarnorrd ‘. r-r
-' ‘ ' aren program, nerglrlaors look our lor eaelr orner. lorn In with me prpelrne ~ " r ’- , .
. eornparues ro kvcp our ranulre. sale. 3 a ' “.
-V A
‘ L.
~ —.
‘ V n.

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