Page 19 - West Virginia 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 19

u~uallyc1.»n>1dcrabIy dmcmnt than The mawr neeemplnhment set the Pxpclxnu Safety Mz\nt1gumL‘ntSy~kL‘m>,
what plpcllnc ()pL‘rt1l(u'~‘ mu~l Invu~k thud cmc mucung nth. appmv :1] appllzlrs In bu gt1|rungm1.»mL‘nl|Im

to comply wnh t11L‘IL‘guIt1l1()ns. whn uf§192 1707 VL‘nf1cam.»n <1! ptpehne Basically, (1115 d1.»Eumcntpn.»mutL‘~'
p:ly~ [L»r:1.»mphanCc7 Tl1ccu~'l<uncx~'. n1t1lcr1al:onsl1(1mslccIlmnsmhsmn plpclxncsafcty en1tnte PHMSAha-
NOT the ptpehnenpemtet. na p1pL‘hnL‘~ Tl1cIL‘wcn:numcmII~' alulon |t~plt1lcz1k k11L‘m()n1cntbulIt
ptpehne upurntur eannnt paw the cm! nnadmeatten. and tlarlficatlonx but would not >urpn~L‘ tne 1t 1173 wete not
1.»! mmphhnee thmugh In the Cu~‘l(\mL‘Yy the cmc gm ll DONE! PHMSAl1t1~ tneetpenated by tetetenee mm 49 cm
t1'\atp1pcl)1‘1C(:pcrt1l<\r w1Il~'n()n coma taken what they can z\n"<\ppnrtun1~u:" 1=htt 1<2z ~'1.»mL‘l1mc In the tntnte.

to cxxst and the :u~t()mcIs mu he [nccd appn.»:\cl1l<\g:\khcI1ng data regarding V V

wnh uvcn hIg1'\L‘r (mt Icgncv p1pL‘lInc~ A. long he Ihcv Th‘ GOOD ““‘”“’ PHMSA ‘“ ““ ?“’°“ “
The ‘gm d1 [or me fim CPAC mmmg haveh ma~<u1t1blL‘ bt1~1~ mr epetattng ‘""““‘ “5°“‘—" “‘ «"““ “"" “"“ '"‘d’

.~uppn~'cdIv the "etpy ~tuff" 7m. P ’ 5 “ ‘ 5 — ‘ 3
I ‘db hv _ d [ h, d mmlIccldt1l:1||I~'t [1.»rlhc~akl_'m H

comp ett yl LL11 K) t Lmcun mummg am my dmmnmubc Ht1vL‘a~'aN:a11d11t1ppy2Ul8 5;
"‘“"‘“‘5’ "““'“""“"P“""“°d te ulrcd bul~t1l1~'l1c1llccl1n1 um

c11angL‘~ were w1t11dr:1wn and the 9 ' ’ ‘ ‘ ‘3 ’ [oVmrt'1‘H'ud/mm }'H.’\/ISAMMKrllrrwzlly

regarding the nIImbcr()[k\ct1l1uns W111 , , .
apphcam.»n<\f~'uvL‘r:\Intl1cIpIopn~cd b”‘km_d Thmpmfimqummm Vim‘l'VU>t1{('!Z1‘D/I’1;11'[tt1l $1/slmu Cnm;1[1—
c11angL‘~ clanficd Forcxampk‘, Wm “mm WNW“ “hm me mm me and L);1('!’rlIu)H5 semtes/at cz l’rm—
PHMSAl1t1~pmp1.»~L‘d madd the ‘ ‘ ‘ «ten, LLC tmml [(7)111[nrNH?A'§ZrK(‘r71II
,, ,, ,, Iulcmakxng bult11I~1~, In my Opinion, L
‘”°‘“‘ '“'‘'‘‘’'° ““P‘“““ "“°°""'°' al1IIc~tL‘ |n whnlbcllcvc to be the
vcnfiablc t1ndmmplL‘lc"n:n.»rd~ 5 P ‘ 4 1 6 7 13 3 2 5 9
right direction.
Bt1~cd<u1publltcunimcnlm PHMSA C 9 5 5 1 6 2 7 A 3
a teed t11at"ml1ablL~" onlv Cnnfuacd seveml nthet Balms \\'L‘rC nddrcmcd Ill 2
5 — - 7 2 3 5 4 9 :3 1 s
t11L‘1~'~uL‘wIlhdrc\\’ the m mud the third cmc meetn. and the next 2
P P 1; O

c11angu, Appllcnbxlxtymtl1cpmpn~I1d KWUGPAC mL1l1ng~\'t'crctcnkau\'cIy ; E 7,2 a
c11angL‘~,L'g,tmn~m1~~mn lInc~' \'~ schcdulcd f(\rlV1arChand]unL‘. How 3 3 4 1 3
gt1lhcnnglInc~'\'~' dhtIIbul1()nsyslcm~ many more mu bu Icqulrcd 1~t1n1t1llcr EL 5 6 9 4 H
wa~ae1ate~.~ee1 Dcta1I~t1ddn:~~111g uf~pu:IIlatmn. ,

tlmc Pctlnds, the ~IzL‘ 1.»! ziuna In % 2 3 5 9 7 ‘ 4 5 5
bccxpnndcdand rcc<\rdkcL~pu1g T"“"*‘°”‘°P‘" 'h" “5"‘d"“°“““ E e 9 4 2 5 ta 3 7 1

1. that tt t1ppcar~ that Al’! RP 1173, . 7 7 7
|'L‘L'[L\Il"Cl1'\L‘hI~\’\’Cl'Caddl"C~>«Qd 1 5 7 6 3 A 9 E 2
nurieu ulilitiesiur even! man  7 =   « a
woman and child mtne ll.S.  Lt,/r/,~ ¢~-:..at_1,7,-
Tl\E‘IE‘£!FE‘FHOIEINEII11UUbH[IOHfE‘fIUHlH(1BfCUOUM1 7 . '  ‘ ' *°
umntxes 111 me United Slams ;1c1.ummglu data1;11111pned _t ,, 7.».
byL‘.GAfmmvanousu1d11stwgrm1ps 7 ‘ -
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g 8884382-8777
1nro@11taseateh.tom Q!” yt_‘Q}7‘Kf;t":\}7’ER'
call WV811 lleinre you dig! www utasearthcom
em Issue 1 West vrvgmmfill .17

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