Page 15 - West Virgina 811 Magazines 2018 Issue 2
P. 15

sewer, gas, walel anll lelepllllne so-ealled ”bad all " coneeln. lnelllde uIlliliC~ "stay legal” \'\’||1'1 OSHA.

and eleellle llnes. Pllol lo the slall loo llllle oxygen, loll mlloll oxygen, my #3 _ Carefully Analyze me

of actual eleavallon llolk, lmllly flammable gases sllell as melllane and S ,1

ellmpanles mu~I be eonlaelell \‘\’|(l1 nallllal gas and IDx|E gasm sllell as “‘

adeqllale, eslabllslled, lll ellslomaly llylllogen slllr-lde and ealbon monoxlde. An llnpllllanl lesponslblllly rol llle
loeal lead nmes, tlmn allvlsed of Almospllelle lesllnp, along wllll llle use cnlnpelenl Pexwn ls sllll analysls.

llle plllpllsed wolk anll askell (U of vcnhlatlon eqlllpmenl, ale (wt: of the E\n:n wllen slllplng, solls analysls ls Llle
delennlne Llle lucatmn of llle lllllllles. mosl eommon and lmponanl melllolls yely alsl slep ln elllloslng a pmlcttlvz
All undclgmund lllllllles mllsl be of addrcsung llazaldlllls ol polentlally syslem.

ploleeled, sllpplllled, ol l'C|'nU\’2d lo llazaldolls atmo~'p}u:res H‘ h d d N K I I V _
‘’‘‘’‘°“‘ “'°’‘‘”‘ WATER ACCUMULATION i ml “El“sll"l§' ‘ re 3 O I de [H211 W?

- 7 D slll ls eoneeme wl ]|IS

- ACCESS xl ECRESS 7 Tllese ale ]I.I~( wlllkels |'nu~( nlll \'\’Ol’k ln llenelles 01’ lalll 7 slable Ruck, Type A, Type E and
fancy welds rlll Cnlcnng and exlllng an eleavallons wllele lllele ls aeellmlllaled Type C.

Cxcavallun. Tlenolles and zxcavatlons walel, ol lllllele Wfllflr ls aeellmlllallng, OSHA _ _ 1 C P _

deepel than zolll reel leqlllle a mcl1n~ llnless alleollale pmcautlons ale laken E W ‘l‘ ‘° “'“P’=““l‘ °:l‘°" "‘“*‘
of aeees. anll egless. Also, each wolkel Ii llle Excavation wolk lnlel-nlpl. llle P” °""‘ “‘ °““h"“‘ "‘°l““ ““ °““
mllsl lle \’\’lI1'1ll'I 25 feel bf a laddel, nallllal flow of sllliaee walel, Lllen :‘l“"““‘ “*1 “E 95”" “‘“ " “j““_V“‘““-
lamp ol slall Eaell means oraeeess and dwcxsiun dllolles, dlkes ololllel means ‘“““‘"° Ygf“ “'“P’=‘f"‘ °”°"
egless mllsl be \'\’|(lllII n ploleelell alea may be leqlllled lll keep walel Out. 3“ “**‘"“° " ‘‘’“‘°‘ ‘N °“°"""° am‘

assllme all llle soll ls "Typc C.” ln fact,

- VEHICULAR TRAFFIC 7 wolkel. - ADJACENT STRUCTURES 7 many eonllaelol. and lllllllles lake dle
exposed to lfafflc mu~‘( be plowdcd Tlle slablllly lll sldewalks, ~‘m:£l~‘, pD~ll|Un lllal lvs all Type c.

WlLhl anll m|X~‘l weal, Walmng Vols 0}’ adllllnlng lllllldmgs, walls anll lllllel ,

odlel lllghly Vhlbk‘ garmsnh slgns, sllllelllles ean be ledlleed by eleavallon 5“? “4 ' U5‘ ‘ P"°‘°““’* SYN”
slgnals, baxntades and/ol flagmcn may apelallans. speelallzed sllllnng Wm, om ma,,,,.,.., QSHA ,,3q.,,m.. ,1“
also be leqlllled. syslems, bracing and/ol llndelplnnlng llse ll: ploleellve syslems ln all llenelles
, FAUJNC LOADS 7 wmkm am 1:1;-d~\‘A;= Iricmztfblllw grid ieéealfillons that ale dcclpcr Lhan
nut pelmlued llnllemealll ovelllead Wmkm’ * P "2 1 1- \= =Xccl>lmn mvo we

loads. In addmon, employee. 1'l'\I.l~I ’ ' ff "=~ _°’ °"“""“_“",“‘,,‘l“ =l;}3*C "(kt
sland away lnlln eqlllpmenl llelng - LOOSE SOIL on ROCK 7 spoll " ‘}:"*‘ ‘‘‘‘‘l“‘‘°‘l‘l‘/ : ° ‘B? _‘‘:)I‘“ "Y k
loadell ol unloaded rlom lvellleles. pllL‘~ (anll eqlllplnenl) mus: be sel baek W“ tV°’“i“ W" ‘' “‘ “°‘°- ““ “ ’°°

, l. l:>< leme y lale.

- WARNING SYSTEMS FOR MOBILE  ”‘° “lg” °‘ “ A d E h _ _ I _
EQUWMENT 7 Wm‘ mbdc . In  a llened ol cxcavatlon h es.
EL‘[u|pm€nt ls opelalell neal the edge - FALL PROTECTION 7 walkways “““ V‘ M °’=P}r“‘ Pf°‘“°“"‘ °>*‘“"‘
of an zxcavatlon and «he equ|pm2nl wllll slandald gllallllall. ale leqlllled “ “'1' ‘.“T“'"d ‘“ °"" ° “ '’‘’‘°‘‘‘‘“' ‘°’
opelallll does not l’Ifl\’E a elenl and wllen employees D! eqlllpmenl CxOS~ " ‘“V°"“>

dlleel V|I:W ll: that edge, Warning ovel eleallallllns. wells, plls, sllans, Nllle that ln some slales, loeal law.
syslem. 7 slloll as balllealles, spollels, ell, mu~‘t be ballleallell ol covered. ,aq.,,m M D; ,,,,,,a ..y...3,,.5 m an
°' “W “S” ’ “'6 ’°“'“‘““" Pay|ng elose alleallan Io eaell al :;;="=1"=~ fats“ ‘°“_‘ ‘mt 0' ';‘°r° dy-=°P
- HAZARDOUS ATMOSPHERES lllese lmporlanl pulentlal dangelllll. WW‘ °“ W” “W “S” “‘“’“*-
7 Tllls seellon ll: tlm osHA slanllald ellellmslanees will llelp lII~ul'l: wlllkel mm m [M .,,,u.,,,. go, P,,,.m,\,a

l. designed lo pm|EEI wnlkels rlom saiely, as well as llelp eonllaelols and ,.,,,le,...;

— camwugo olv me 15
A  _'x 7 .
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Slut Nu)! ”/lulu’ all ll lllllllaaala lllll-ll. ..-yallllalaa, YA.l‘tA)v'lll4)<A‘ (V1/l'fV)LVIAIOL’)5,;.m.l Tlllwc’ ml!
em, Issue 2 was Wrglma E11 . 13

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