Page 17 - West Virgina 811 Magazines 2018 Issue 2
P. 17

CONTINUED mam pass 13 g


This procedure calls, iirst, tor classitying the soil, then reterring to the charts 4.. .sg '

and illustrations in the OSHA standard to determine the correct angle or the  " ' A j
sloping or benching . '

From the OSHA standard _f , “

TypeSoi| Angle ofBarIk I ii 5-_
Stable Roek Vertical wall ~: V J, 
Type ASoI| 3/4101 (H to V), or 53 degrees , "
Type B Soil 1 to 1 (H to V), or 45 degrees
Type C Soil 1 ‘/2 to 1 (H to V), or 34 degrees  __ ;_\_
. , , , .


This is a systern or wooden walers, cross braces and uprights that support " ' "_ V‘ J ' T -

the walls or a trench or nxcilvatlnn. The osl-LA standard specifies the " " , \.. .
sizes of tirnhers, based on the various types of soil, the depth or the trench .

or excavation and the type or timber used to build the structure (oak or

Douglas i’-ir) .

Hydraulic slioi-ing systems have replaced a lot or timber shoring. Developed -»>" * V

in Califomm in the late 1950s, there are two rnain types of hydraulic shoring . ‘ _
systeins vertical shores and horizontal walers. Both einploy aluminum  — ,,..=§_ r

rails and hydraulic cylinders that apply pressure to the walls of a trench, . , W

creating an "mchlng effect” in the adyacent soil that prevents the walls trorn ' V ,

collapsing. e /


Trench shields are aluminum or steel structures designed to protect workers

by withstanding the torces of a cavein Izcgardless ot the material they are

inadc of, the principles tor trench shields are the same.


Orcmiomlly the chart‘ In the OSHA Standard for slaving and bend-insr 4 star Hi‘Ht‘h Dorsumils‘ Nnsmli‘ umv Di‘ Mt‘ D1‘»‘f€l)IIm<)!l to
or timber shoring, as well rnanutactured systems such as aluminum pulledIu>v1<m'<tlIt‘nv!rltt»cxtvlzrtlrtlxttetturlhtxttc
hydraulic shoring or trench shields, are not appropriate. There may he

lubsltz conditions or other tactors that prevent the use of all these systems

In these situatioiis, a registered protessional engineer rnust design a systein T S . _

specifically tor the ]nb. The engineer has to be registered in the state where “ “‘“'“‘““"

the systein will he used and will have to ”~'Iamp" the design There are By having a properly trained and authorized
addllional requirements as well, all of which are covered in the OSHA competent Eerson onsitc and tollowing
standard the General I<cquireincnts section or the

 ts -    
The properly trained and authonzed Competent Person rnust inspect ngorously and repeatedly inspecting every
excavations daily tor excavation, you and your ernployees can

_ mdmiom of Pwibk Cm_im; work safely in trenches and excavations. .
- tailure of protective systeins;

-   §’:,";7,":“;1:55;?:;fi;:£3;:::’::Z;%;"”
- or other hazardous conditions. Erptiavicrit, LLC whit-h pruvldcs sales, rcatat

eqtupitient, repair scrl/ICE, and surety lraiitmg to
I;1ispeci}i‘ons rnust he conducted prior to the start of work and also as needed mflmlmm (WWW M WW mmpflmgi
roug out each shirt, atter rainstorrns and atter other potential hazard. W, W“, -,,.m,,s,,,W mm 0, WM,

increasing events The Competent Person must also check adjacent areas and W,,,E,.X,U,,,,,,s,,,Ww,,; '
protective systerns (betore and during use) and look always tor indications '

of possible cave-ins and hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions. 2913' mg 2 Wm mm 5,, , ,5

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