Page 19 - West Virgina 811 Magazines 2018 Issue 2
P. 19

DidY uKn w G mmuni ti ni th K 9
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mm one ct11I'~' beglnnlng ln Rnche~ter, NY ln 1%‘? untrl one call cnmmunlcntlnno. Theie urculto — known [or thelr
torlay, the need tn eall belore dlgglng has‘ heenrne firmly rellablllty, but requlnng okrlled te:hmunn~ tn manage
entreneherl nearly everywhere. Always, the first step — together wlth the lnbnnnd, toll tree number~, made
rs for exearaton to eontaet the one call eenter and give up one or the largest eoet. of upemllng a nne eall eenter.

lnlormatlon about then pmpo~ed cxcnvatlon proreet. what lt was‘ common tor the coal or memberahlp In a one call
happens next, and hnw -onn, delermlncs the ~uccc»' ot the eenter to be comprwed nt a memaage lee (-nppnrnng the

rest of the pmce» and whether ll re~ull~ In a ~afely completed opemtlng per~0nnL‘l, office ipneu and anlrertmng) and a
exenvatlon. comnulnlcatlon lee (for the lnbound toll—frLve number~ and

the outbound dedrcated clrcult~.)

ln a local area, an ex:zl\'r1lor nrnply nralre. a loeal eall tn the

operator deugnnted to recelve those Calls. When "one call” ln 1981, Oklahoma One Call (now Dkle 811) became the fin‘!
began eovenng large area~, excavators were relnetant tn eenter m the natrnn to oleplny a l<lm:, "d|al—up" outbound
lnenr the co~t u[ a lung rh.tanee eall, In addmon to the eo.-t rne»-aglng aystem. Under tho ~y~tem, a receiving punter

u[ a pereerverl "work delay” by wzullng [or |IU1lllC.\(f£|Cl1lly only had to rnarntaln a lneal telephone number [or the
upert1lor~') to lneate and mark therr llnca. To help overeorne one eall center'~' computer to ”call” the prlnter and sclid a
re.-ntanee, one call centers‘ rn~talled toll tree numben pruvlded me»-age.

by the telephone compilnlci and adverthed them as‘ the tree

1 f W Th __ ‘I H K _ b‘ V Although total dml—up commllmcallnns wa. rnltrally

1”‘ ‘ "’ “°‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘’'“ ‘° “"" —’ “‘ ° ‘‘° ‘“"“ ‘“ “ “° met wlth dwzlppmval by the one call estnblwhment the
"'"°d b" '“'“‘“"‘ "‘ “““‘"’ trernenolon. (cut azlvlngi over pnrate hne netnvnrki, anrl a
Once the excavator made the Call and fulfilled the duty track record of effluent performance ~'onn brought the whole
tn notify the one eall eenter, and the eenter haw‘ lull’-llled |ndu~try arnnnol.

rt. re.-pon.-rhrlrty tn aeenrately reeorrl the nletarl. of the with W adm“ U‘ M alm(Wmag‘cfll dam mm”
planned excm atron, nntree n[ the pendlng excavatlon mual

eapahrhtre. ()[ll'IICYhC[*l’CIt1lL‘d techlmlngy, all other metlmd~
be communlcated to the ownera of burled facrlltleo near
_ _ of lnbound and outbound eonrrnnnreatron have been (or
the prnptnenl excavatlon ~lle. ln 1%‘) Roche~tL‘r, that wa.
~non wrll be) cnmpletclv ubiolele. lt wrll be fun to me how
“‘°"‘"‘l"""°d '}‘“’“51‘ "‘““““ °f ‘°""“’° l’‘‘"‘‘''‘ '‘“‘“'d by ~()on 1nd how {mt what we now know or 1~ 1dv'lnced
“”""‘“° l'“°"” ’ d°d““'“d’ "“"‘"” “"““°"“d ‘°'°Ph""" :omn:IInlcatlon~ teehnnlo 1ls'ohll~bvthe‘w1:~lde H'ln
c|rcull~. , M M5321‘  3 ‘3 ‘ 3
on; rt 5 going tn - a wr n e!
Netwurk~ oi prlvate llne~ became the otandard rn outbound
/ 1/ 
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vmovl mus ltllunlm UN ,  -"
. ‘ l , ‘ ~ ‘ ' 4
Call~3"‘ com '1'“ r ‘ ' * * '
t,_ ' , .
www utasearth com

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