Page 6 - West Virgina 811 Magazines 2018 Issue 2
P. 6

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Civil Penalties Now a Part of
E the West Virginia Law
West vitginias undeiginund Faciiities Damage Prevention law w.1~ amended this past iegisiative session. one or
the major changes l~ civii penaiiies tot anyone who D deemed a viniatoi of the iaiv.
There aie othei amendments as weii and anyone who excavates, locales oi oims/operates undeigiound utiiities in West
Virginia should become familiar \‘\’|I1'1(1121flW.Th€ amended law goes into uffccl on Iunc 7, 2018.
Aii changes have been highiighted in yeiiow tot your convenience. Look it ovei and it you have any quisdions, contact
us at west viiginia 311
We'll point you in thc i-ight direction!
CHAPTER 24c. the context eieaiiy iequiies a oi mass of mateiiai is wrecked,
UNDERGROUND FACILITIES ditteient meaning: razed, iendeied, moved, oi
DAMAGE PREVENTION. iemoved by means otanky
SYSTEM damage undeigiound facilities:
Piovided, That ”demolish” and
"d It ”d t’ 1 d
sue-1-1‘ Purpose‘ eaft‘fi‘53ii'si3’i'oin§ ’a'£’ti$'i‘t"ie”2 9
It is hereby deciaied to be autherfized Purshanl *0 the
the Pmpoge and pone), of the PIOVISIOIIS of article three,
Legisiatuie in enacting this Chapter twee-IHWO of this Code
aitieie to enhanee the safety of fr art-clfeltgyo, chapter twer-tY—
the citizens of this state and to ., 7/ WW3 ° '5 C0 9-
provide ineieased loioteetion any im a[:f‘;‘f§§m;‘f“V’V‘fth (lEmelgenCy// means:
to undeigiound taeiiities tiom or weafzenm of the Sn 0“ _ g
damage ue to excavation oi for or the final or émgplele e (1) A condition
demolition by pmvidmg gm. the deétmmorii of an undfl Pmund constituting a clear and present
opeiation of a one—call system tot mm M 3 'mmanCe§ danger to life, health 0! i>¥0PeflY
use by opeiatois of undeigiound lotezéivé Egg“ mm rm by ieason otescaping toxic,
facilities and by persons engaged flown Whgch gécmdifi to cqrrosn/e or explosive Froduct,
in exeavahen 0' demolition in the opiation piactiees ofgthe ‘"1 °’ °“'3“ °’ ““‘“'“ S“
the vionity of undeigiound 0 mm 0! “ate 0! Metal hydiocaiioon pioduct, exgosed
,ad1me_.,_ P . » . . wiies oi othei hieaics oi efects
regulation, requ-res repair of in an undeigiound taeiiity; oi
iepiacement. ( ) h
, , ,, . ,, 2 A condition t at
51401-1 Defimmns» ,,demolm[’oen‘?}‘;L':*a‘n§°;ny iequiies immediate coiiection to
As used in this eha tel, unless . . ’ assure the safety of the general
P opei-ationby whichastnictute public and 0pemm_pflSome1_
4 . west Virginia an 201.8, issue2

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