Page 8 - West Virgina 811 Magazines 2018 Issue 2
P. 8

°°N’W”E” “'0” “GE 5 civil liability tor any act or both, may apply tor available
one or mole Submmmmees omission done or made in the grants, inc_lu ing those awarded
in perfoming “S taskg pe}:-tlormance of their (tunes f th yTthe United gtatesppepartmeait
Appoinmems to the bowl Shall :1 i e‘ serving as mem ers o e lo] eraraeporiitlonesl Ipeanse gn
lemme  - ::;l
e (1) The President or Miss board  compllfl with any restrictions
Utility of West Virginia or the * (3 d .th e place on any grant received
president's designee; ggglgggjggefgfgol v;Xlpet;‘l;eS_ mm a governrnent agency. 11
(2) one representative Nothing contained in this section   f;§:gefi‘;fe‘:i“"i,fd|e
of the excavation, utility, or site shall be construed to prevent [hi 6 1 ft ‘eh
construction industry; any sponsoring organization tor stgfefi‘ hf  ;:anfP“’1°°“‘S
(3) one repmemaeive of com ensatm its representative
 ::;§§.::e;f§::;i:::¥;.t....s. mi:2sl1,?‘;:;:::2::;:?;.r
"‘d“5"Y? considered as a condition for with this article exceed the
(4) The Executive Director their employment. funds available in the iund, the
of the west Virginia Municipal 6) Every two yam the annual operating costs shall be
”“g“e°"“"“‘g““.‘ . boatdshalleleetachalrarld ri%°n"rfé‘r°§§3é2i?e‘2€§’.§’i‘§§‘1‘iiTlr.e,
(5) The Executive Director other officers from among its .

. . . call system from the operators in
of the West Virginia Rural Water members as the board deems an amount 9 Hal to me amount
Association or its designee; necessary. neeesmy mgfiset the me of

h (6) One representative of investigagved and administrative
t e natural gas transmission or services. n er no circumstances
distribution or hazardous liquid l§32:_f‘;1g'§';e:{,“e‘;‘$§;";§:d shgll grliy _operfalii‘n%cos§§ b
industry; ‘ or ela i ities o t e oar e

eh ;v>one»gme«««uve .,‘:l?l;er':;;,‘;:':';t r",‘:.:‘:::t£l.:‘:::::::c";,.l:;::::.s.
o t eeectric, ca e, or . »

(3) one representative or the Underground Damage Facilities 4

privately owned water and /or Prevention Board tor the puépose §24C-1-3; Plltles and
wastewater services industry; of carrying out its duties un er resgonslblllfles of operators of

(9) one repmemafive this article. All sources or tunds uri erground facilities; failure
(10) The Chairman of the limited to, grants, assessments,
Public service commission or and civil penalties collected (a) Each operator or an
the (hag,-manls desggnea gursuansto this hafflfsleé 52:11 be ufitidnegground tici If}; in this stfite,
<el The board shall meet m2’rf$T§re$§?n‘i§g rr.“si'e ru¥u iyitemeti§‘2f.‘§‘a.3a‘ir.“v3ii‘ifii.e

“°‘ 1955 ‘1"=“.‘ “me P?’ Yealuwitt‘ at the end or the fiscal year shall underground facility is located.
a date and tlme to be set by lte not revert to the General Fund

chairman upon at least five days’ but ehan ,emm m the me go’, <b).Each member

notice Provlded by United States the exclusive use of the board. 5”" P'°.V‘de the ‘°“°W"'8
mail, electronic mail, or personal The expenditure of moneys in Information to the one—call
delivery to everfi boatd member- the tund shall be at the discretion -“>Y5‘e.‘“ 0“ ‘°"“-S de"e1°Pe" and
The board may old meetings of the bow to any out is lolovlded for that Purpose by the
and Vote by telephone, video duties under this article Excess °“e“" SY-mm‘

°°““e‘“.°“r °°mP“te'r of othet tunds shall be used for purposes (1) The name ot the
electmmc mea“S- related to damage prevention, member

(9 six n1en1be[S of the including but not imited to, .

board shall constitute a quorum, public  programs, 1mmf20>fT,{‘l§,t§;,§‘{,:l:l;l°

and a majority Vote of those ‘”‘“‘“3' “M ed“““°““1 under round tacilities as
present and voting at any one Programs for excavators, eeeefbed b the one;ea‘n
meeting shall be necessary to operators, llne locators, and E seem. and Y

tfansactbusinesg persons to reduce thelnumber _ Y- r

< )1 th b f and severity of violations of this (3) The n1en1be[’S gffice
. 8. T‘ 9 3 53"“ ° artlcle. address and telephone number

williul misconduct, the members e e I h. h . . . b

of the board shall be immune (b) The Publlc Servlce 9 W ‘C ‘“‘1“"‘“ may. 9

r - - directed as to the locations of

individually and jointly, from Commlsslon or the board, or ’

s . West vms an 2o1.s,lssue2

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