Page 12 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 12

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129.3. .- ' A5 .“u~'.». ; r .' . ‘- ta - WV zurf. '8’.-aka-.«-.,. v ‘ .4,
vcn after an than yeat. ta; consists‘ of mate than 45u,onu me. of Really, the beauty ta; kcupmg Iluhty
aythg ilCr()s~ the etauhtty, rm hIgh—\\'ullz\\gc txan~m|s~lon ht.e.- and 5.5 lmca .are and In proper WOrk|ng
.-ttn ft1~c|natnd by the lnllllolh mxlhon mde. uHoct1ld1~mbuuunImus, etdet is they anew u. to hye out
at etty lights that appcax On the l|nk|ng thoihanda of gcncmung plants‘ hvcw‘ acamlcmly. And when lhL‘rc's

1'10r|Zun about the .ame umc as we'te to factuncs, heme. and bu~mL‘~.~L‘s‘. ah oulagt‘, It's pmtty theehyehteht,

mid to put taut seats‘ and tmva |n the somcumcs for Inns, huhdted. Ox r:\\'r:n

— Thu POWCI gnd wt1~ blull Over a ,
locked and upng}1{p0~ll|Lm khulhands of users‘ EvL‘n tt |t 5 umply
hahdted yeat. ago and a lot of the _
not being able to watch the how you
Wh|lcIcn]oy lhulxgllti and the CuflL‘nllnfrt1~truCtum l~ DYE! htty yL't1r~ low mbmw W‘ hm to dmkmm
eenyemenee. L'lL‘Clr|C1lybnng.s to m, old. The eutteht gnd ls yulnetable to mm’ mum ‘Wyn lmimd M M mm
pcrhz\\p~bL‘:auscIl|vc and workln the weathet, naluml dl~t1~tL‘r~, EIeetto- Wmfréom Lhumdgc Bunhugmml
undcrgmulnd ththa.-tty, I can't help but Magnctlt PIIl.sC(EMI’)wcap1.»n.~, and
— etaheett. l~ not the theenyehtehee, nur

thunk er the lholwanda of lmrd-W0xk|ng cybcr-attack. Mn [ht mmgc H H W amtk an

M“ “M1 ‘l_‘° "“”‘°“‘ "‘ '“"°’ °f P"'”” Whnlc mmt u[ that h beyond the safety [at the gehetal puhhe and rat the
hue. hem. the Eollntry. ,

average pet.-on .- paygIadL‘,wl\\t1lh Wurkcrs at the hat, um.
I tead the othu day that the w'lLh|n our etahttel (fut the must pal!)
Bccaum mt1nyIIul1tylInc~ ate buncd
us clcctncal grid h the Iatge.-t l~ htaw we dettde lo cxCa\\'t1lc heat the ,
undcxgrmlnd, |k . (‘my to forget they
Intuconncctcd maehme an Earth It Cvflrrgxuwlng humhet of undC[g1'D|Ind
ate thete and that they teeny ML‘ the
uul|tyI|nL‘~,cs‘pcC1allypowerlmci. — —
la . wgsrvrrgrmsflll ma ems

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