Page 13 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 13

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framework of mu llvea. That's why ldemlfied i.» to Contact 811 before you weather candltlons They band

we have to be so careful about digging dig. You areaprotessionnlexenvatnr. together to ensure every home and

anywhere. Until we have underground Let the piutessionals .it the an center every business is sate, warm in the

utilities located and ldentlfied by the gel in touch with the nghi personnel at winter time and tool in the summer

utility or its lucnting mpresenlallve, we ihe utility company. By doing so, the lime. rrnieetingiheirundergrnund

don't know what's under the ground utility company send a prniessinnal inirastrueture is serious business with

nor what might be disrupted lt's to locate the zlppmxlmnle location of the them because they know the potential
important to know the l1~‘k~‘ and how underground line before you get there consequences of accidental contact

to flvnld getting iniured irum accidental Nut only can that save you time and Wllh Iheix utility lines

Contact with these buried llnes The muney, but can be the dlflerence maker , ,

must obvious and unfortunate cost as to whether you or your employees 1“ ° “" ‘“" W“ ‘“ }‘“‘P'“5 ‘}‘“"

_ . kee Ihell htsonli cuntaetin 811
ofcontilcl Wllh power lines or gas gel the nppnrtunlty to go home after P 3 Y 5
. before we dig and we give them the

P‘*"““°’ " ‘““"" °’ dmh ‘he ‘°b‘ chance to help us remain sale until we

And that's llke playing Russian yes sir, we all owe our friends at the move safely away fzom the danger of
Roulette, except with two bullets in the eleclnc cooperatives, publicly-owned digging lnlo their buried lines

gun... probably not a good decision and pi-ivaiely-onned power (ompanlcs ,

of mum me My ‘D E“ M a debt graiitudetior keeping the “ ~ “P 10 l'°“-’ W
undergrounduiilitiesloeaierland °“"‘“ °"““g'“ ““°‘ " “em

ems, Issue 3 West Wrglma E11 . 11

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