Page 16 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 16

5/ Bob Mghswoflggr
lypieal line deiecliun receiver uml is designed to take signal iield hecumes disiurled ur nu lunger perieelly ruund,
mnny rypes of rneasureinenls within a signal held lhe accuracy of the zqulprnenl is affected. The degree of error
lhai is perieelly ruund and pulsing al a known or sei iii ihe signal rereiver is directly prcpurliunaie ID lhe degree of
requency. This is reierred ID as "ldzal cunditlons" in distortion of the signal wave.
man e ui rnenl manuals. The receivin unii is desi ned to . . .
PYOV}i,dEqinfl:|l'l'l1fltiDl'l about a signal by lagking mzasuximenli Th“ “'2 3 “W “,“““ ‘”“.Y5 ‘° "‘““ ““ :""“P* “"“. "““"‘“Y
. . . . . iii ihe signal yuu re lceanng. Before lhe iirsl mark is placed
wilhin lhe signal held. These rneasureinenls include the [h d f _ N I Ch k i
signal srrenglh or inierisily, directlonal or guidance tn ihe mp ““ F gm“ ' ““'“P“’“ “ 9” "‘°“‘“'“"‘‘“ * ° 9“. ‘f’
_. . . _. ._ eunsislenry A ievv examples wuuld be In lceale the line in iirsl
dead cenier of the signal, ui-ienialiun Dr direciiun lhe signal is
. _ . . ._ _. peak made and then swllch tn ihe null inude or arrcvvs tn see
lraveling, esiimnled amount iii curreni giving rise to lhe signal H’ ‘h d _ “'21 I M 1.
and alsu a dislance calculntiun [Turn the bottom of the receiver ‘ “ ‘‘‘° 9'’ “E”? "“ “C” “’“ ° ° ‘“°'
to the renler of ihe signal. This lninrmatmn helps the lucaiing Anulhzr quick way to make sure yuur signal is reliable is In
leuhnieian deiermine lhe esliinaled location, pathway and lneaie lap dead cenler of lhe signal and slowly lift lhe receiver
esrirnaled deplh of the line. slraighl up [mm the gruund If lhe nip dead renler reading
A mmmfiml EM Sxgml MGM“ um’ ‘he "mm, is begins to dniilu une side or the clher your signal is dislorled.
_. . If your signal is mund, the top dead cenler indicahun wlll he
designed in iind the exact mp dead cenler of a perfectly ruund . .

. _. al the same honzumal lceanun, no rnaiier how iar away hum
eleclrumagnehe signal. There are inany varialiles lhai Dflen th 1. Y l_ d [h I h h
cause lhe pruposed signal wave to disiurl its shape. when the *3 “"3 Y“ "'9' "“ C“ ’‘ "’ “ *3 °“"“ 2° '“‘1““ W ‘“

.\\ ll<JTll(‘l‘< lIl(‘l\\’ \\\\:l\\ To lllzl I{(‘
r- £ \\‘1I]‘(‘\\()lIl‘\\‘];_‘ll2ll]il'(‘llill)|(‘
»— ' — ls To l<mm\\ to]: (l(‘il(l (‘(‘llT(‘l'
;, ~ ml 'fll(‘\\‘l_Jllill illltl ~*l<>\\\\l\\
i ‘ii: . IIIT 'fll(‘ lwol\\‘<\\l'mvllgllt ll]!
2’ , , ” lrulll Tll(‘fJl‘UlIll(l.
s ' 7 _- I lrying ID deiermirie the relinblllty of lhe drplh estimation.
,' _ 7 Take a deplh mensurernenl ai gruund level and lhen lift
‘ fi ’ your receiver up ahuul a fuel and see if the reading now
K ‘ _«,_ - ,— e — indicales ihnl the line is alicui a (not deeper. Anulher valunhle
__ ’' vi rneasureineni pruvided liy incsl receivers is ihe currenl
. i, 7 ~ ;‘ rneasureineni. when you delecl mare than une signal in lhe
\\  ’ i ’ area, check ihe currenl reading on each signal. The signal wllh
7 , » lhe highesl currenl reading will lie lhe line you're applying
pg‘ ‘ ‘ . ' A. ' ' lhe signal on.
Aline lDcaIDr's mark is an eclucaled guess, and musl lucaiurs
knnw ihnl yuu are rarely given a secund chance to mark the
buried line curreclly while pinpuinting the lucatmn of the
_ line, ii is very imporlanl to measure mice and mark nnce. I
' "' ‘ Bob Niglisimiigu is me prraidrnmiid CED af uhmy Tmmmg Amrlemy
, _ Bab has my 25 ymrs Alfflxytrltln? 111 thefmlll ofullbfy locauiig and rlimi—
' «V «s. ‘ age pmwnliovl Far queshaiis or mmlvlm1f5,HoI/ can be rrachrrl al bum
' I «aw-‘ -"»~ ~ '5 ' xlmarnrchcmii.
14 . wgsr Wglma 811 201.8, issue a

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