Page 18 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 18

I P I H I h I.
nsurance rlces lg er or ower?
You Do Make the Difference
av Wglvlla Fumes
The Pohcy CEHZEV In:
new M5
csldc~ calllrlg yeet agent now ALL the lnnlehng. tn an atea/tewn. lt A) Red Mu~tt1n};, ttnt.-, C()n\\'cnlbIc—
anel then et epen yent htlh, a tetnaele olltbnszlk OC(|Ir~‘ 7 and fl.» zsy/e eltnet — ssaauon new
hewnteth KIl'l’1L‘d(\\y(|L\\fi‘EL‘hd — a c()ml;any eeelel gut nepetl eettn 5 B) Rm dam MP Chmmi 55 W0
thlnklrlg:lb:lutln~uIanCL l nllnulc~’
driver 7 satwtlu new

t1'll.»llghts:l—blltl:lkct1monlcnknow Y‘ H _l d K _‘ V V _d

«md|<'t'~~vv-1v<lucnn~n\\'v>'<lum|f “"““““‘ ‘“ ““”““ “““‘““" Whlchmthew:tzlradllvxluthlnkwlll
sonlcmnncy. lsnwt,lI1l'~<cL‘ll()vy'mlc¢ §"t:1>m;$g:3"d l>a'<‘":'ak=1;l}"ll c(,,,mu,a.(,,,,,,,,ca ‘

Vt hbwvd et t —lnl.»ncccc e

5“ °‘ ‘ ‘ L all—wm.»d building had heen dnntllcd Teelays vl:hlclL‘~ ate £|]l'h0~Kdl’I\\/L‘Y1l_'~>
Ildnu~ll'tmzlm:rw1'lL‘lhur tt )5 te the ttty. Ikwt1~glnoInl()us—L‘vL‘n In sum: t1rL‘:\\>. And lr\\~'(\
eetnntetetal et pchonzll, (L‘rl£\\In lhIng.~ had ralIr(\\t1dlrt1(K~ end teenel so the they ARE drlVl_'rk‘s~‘ The tetnpetet
ate tate cstzllzlmh —tL\\'nt1gcd elttvet. pmducb the tetnpany ntanntatteteel "dIIvL‘r” t. the "hct1rt"al‘ld"bIalrl"
(~uIpn~L‘d7), high p(\\wL‘md vl:hlc1L‘~, could he loaded nghk ente the Cars. et the yehtele. They ate t1l~<l~l:rl()u~Iy
hl.»lhc~'nlzldccrlllr1‘lyo!wood .eet , l_'xpcn~‘I\\.L'lnrcpau/replace Anel,.tnee
 the teentty wan ne ate hydrants ;j";;d*;n*'jt“53{"j<‘;;L];f;;1;';;lg;g;g the \\'L‘11l(k‘ .. neatly  wllhnut
neathy. Let’. put thatal1—n»eeel hxluac OK hmizbc; ix‘ Cd 1‘nd bmkch ‘Tim .., t}... an m,].,,,, W1,y,1,C c(,,,,Pa,,y
nght aete.e the ~tmL'l ttenn eay, the b {d t t ‘P: (‘I'M .- ’ Vv'll1l.»flcn"mIzlI”a vchlclc,rzlt11l_'rk1'\\ah
GuIl:l[Mcxlc0 leaulelhaye stud 5}" "'.’’‘”];.m "“.,'.‘ H k. 3 5.N:."P" tepatttt.

"eeeattItent" but the Gulf acts up cvcry " ""f‘t““5R P‘_’“‘f {Y “(:§~‘;‘ ,‘t‘;‘" f‘ , h

 muc1'lml.»rclh:lnthcAllt1nllc '“*'j)“;“'th};‘j§L;1 ld " lg‘; ma §<omt>lan.w»ncnupIl1
Wbminyou mwmmmwlmpm 22;‘. nod L1’!/v0h‘~1,( ee eeefln mtcszl {LY:|Ca1nL()I({\\’hl,()L‘yIlIL net
mdammndwmmmmmmbu H Elainlc ,wt1c tt}.‘ g}(‘\\1ngt()rCC()upll tn tt.;ee/ttEtn.t~
you an “M mppmd m mm H mm, a tte C(Y)lnl}[)t1ny]:\\;‘|IrL‘ htvttyt Idng. L t. \\\\L‘:|y lt ylou ltlld a $1.>lk‘Y,()kYUko;l~c
Wm“ ywchwgmmmimhc guym tEntagtttenta eee V aye laptéette . ntn ewe, low ongwl tt ta L nt
{ht mm mm A guy M “Y, Mmplm vLn l’Lln~ur£lnCL l/yt1~ln\\.(: ye t1'lt1l2Um tate mCrCt1~L‘ es the nrifglnal 7
L»rAlbuquL‘Iq|IL‘7 New tht1lcl.»mpalw'~ tetnettanee seen ptennnnt te rcmnd attett e In»

Pmbablv my‘ "Nb “mam Actually, k1'll.»~c le~.e. ate sprcad eet
V”-3/7 b H ' 1' h 1  Y , uvurawldcnIlmbcIuf1'll.»ml:~lny<luI
"‘ ‘""“"‘““ "“““ “““‘"‘ vlclmt'—1'lumC~(\\fthL‘~’\
lCtV ‘1~
oh,a.tettnhke Katttna weulelmgettt pteeltttatetnaelethete ntayhethtee Y >C ’ K 1 fh d 3?‘; ‘
pmbablv. Rlght t1'\\l~Vct1rL»rnnnc!urZU veate. Thle >“‘"j' °’“P"‘?,‘“ ““" " ““ “W
‘ ntean~ anv Cunlpanv that they WHKL‘ ‘M b'‘‘'‘‘‘“‘“5 ‘" ““°h‘YP“"““‘“'°'
New hew ahent hte. Is a tteeel hxluwl W mmfimcc M —(mm_‘m'm F cua~'l:ll, KOYl'IZ|d(\\t1l'L‘I\\>, mow at tee
ul In ntete t e lm etna te atea, Il~t>lornl~,L‘kc. uscx enenee

b M 2 W 1» b H h ;a;a.a,e.t d T1 1»

way down than, .ay, a buck et smnc cm,‘ Wm ab‘ ,1‘ value mode“ goes tnte the proccm nl paying elatnt.
bulldlng7 ln the eeuntty et right tn bmldm ,5 ,, 5 anel milking a rcmunzlblc pteht V and
mwn7Howt1kluula ~‘prlnklCI systcnfl 5'' t1'll~ls what yent ~t.1tc’~ ‘n~|Irt1n(l_'
what tt the Elulldlllg/ lmusc n elel — lt yee khlnk t1kll.»lll"why” rt1lc~' ate whzlt C()nIml~‘~mncr la thargcd wlkh

hew ate tlm~c eleettteal V/v'lIL‘~ lmldlrlg they ate, yee bcgln te ~02 hew yen ean Cnfortlng — enough ptetnntnn te pay
up7 Arc the yalne. tn the atea gmng eat d(\\\\\\’n en yent ptentntnn Cl:\\Im~‘ anel milk: a mzlaunablc ptertt.
down — et ep° we.-, thete ate t1r~()r\\ ,, ,,

h Aul<l|rl~'Ilrt1ncl:nlt1kl:~ltrcallvcllszlrz llyee ate llvurilnccawzlrc when yen

te., unlettnnately> < <
age, zlgc el \\'C1'u(lL‘, dL‘~Cnpll(:n et purc1'la~'L‘ a hente, let et vehtele, yee ean
Then, nt cuursc, thcm’~ the eeneept that \\'L‘1'\\I(]L‘, enetet yehtele. se whtth nlzlkc Ch()I(L‘~‘ that tan ~avc yen ~0mL‘ ass
ne ln~umncL‘ company wt1nl~ te WHKL‘ \\'L‘1'\\l(1C wlll yen he lnmlnngi yeat altet yeatr 5
16 . West ween 511 2513 Issue?

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