Page 15 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 15

Another prrnnnon for pennn apncvi azrvlces ui clue, and ensure that the authorized per.-onnel do not enler
requiresanallsndnnllnbzposmoned eniergeney servlcza, in tum, inform llie F 1 Yh Lh . _
outsldethepznnilspacsiozlhe empluyezliaumelhlngariseswhlcll :"“”'l:‘_f“ °""°l“P""““f’““°
duration of work bemg performed would prevent Llieni from responding :b:‘n‘;:,:’d  :s“p"m“:':{:il°"tV)f"§J;‘I3‘£)T
2. Ensuung that hazards are noi “’ ““ ‘"‘“5°“‘—" maklng a deci.inn about wliellier
inlroduced to n confined apace by 3. Training mud: be in a language and its employees can enler ilie apnce.
workers perlorrning tasks outside u.-e vocabulary that is understood by According to OSHA, not making a
lie .-pnee. one example i.-ago.-nline ..,. ._,, . _e_ . _V . dennon wlllbeconslrued aslacil
powered gznemlorrunningnsarby, 5,»...-L‘ _  -.-_ approvalAdrlninnnllyenierrngilie
but outside, (112 space ilinl causza «fix «sec 1 , permltspatzls defined asany paztuia
carbon munoxide to build up rnnde llie ,; i _ person's body breaking ilie plane uizm
confined apacrs. 9:.’ , ‘ Dpenlng inio ihe apafle.
3. Requiring continuous almo~ph£ric under the Occupatiunal Safety and
munilozing wlienever posalblz ‘ Health Acl, employers are responsible
4.Rzquiringcontmuousmonlloringof c,,,,,,,,,',, ,:;‘,, ‘ fj;f;°;;fjg;§f2§jj;*;j*£:‘
““3“”’“°"‘ }‘“"‘“‘ ri:Er7Jifr"pBvi'iv _ osl-line role is to 2ns'umPIh:,a2>
5. Alluwingnpezmit tube .-u..pended, . ' '  conditionsforworkmbyselfing and
rather than canceled - - . eniorcing alandards, and prowdlng
md ’, d.-’-. .F
Three new pmvisinns clarify exisling _¢ .  w“;“:‘:;;‘,_°:ov“’
requireinenis in «lie General Induslry ’ ' ' '
5.,..d,,d: Iheempluyze.Iiwurkzwsignmznlnr Formoreabnullhenewregulaliun,
, conditions change, further lraimng may and eoinplinnce asslitnnciz dncumznla
1- Requlnng Emvlnym I0 P"3"“'“ be required. and oilier OSHA rzauuxczs paint your
W°*kmXP°~“"=“=Phv*iW'*'aZm“ E 1 M i k].;nfiliedspar('5/
Ihroughzllmlnatlon orconlrol mp nyemm mvv-N 2 orma ns -
gum that only auiliorized eniployees '""'“"""' W
2- Ifnnd when an emvloyerimlving enleroperrnil.-pnee Einployer.-rnusi rl...nlr,loosu/n.n4rrnur.e.,rre.,iL Cwdllm
on local emergenry sew-rear ‘hr lake eiieciive at2p~‘ to ensure that nDn- fur .i.;.m.un.,.. norm-mm! ... {in drool
employer should nlzn ilie eniergeney
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Hbvkllrsnmw .r L4‘lyum:w42 vo...n.i, *l‘YA.l‘! my mvvvymcit »m,...i.ynu mildllncitn manly, !ll):mrllmrlly<ls n,a.u.~..ny Thu lwvknrs um!lllll!Ny!ciwllvll)Iul<,l) gas
...o...inr, rlflllI-VmIrtlloiIJu‘mcm! Wm, lmwml ln.r..rr. .n..,.m. no /1 cm.,s..n Sync: Evmu mm. o <rl]l‘!y miuylm My ,0»
2m, Issue 4 West Wglma an . 13

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