Page 21 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 21

D'ff t Ki d f I
b The Po/my Cemer
O 1 €I'€I1t I 1110 S 
Jrscksnrl MS
1 Drd vou notree the word. "current whrelr r.- eheaper and rnueh more
‘a’ “'5” “’““d °b‘"°““’ 1"" ' l ‘ all eorn relren.-rve And whreh ean now
l““ 1”“ “ °"“"“"“"”‘ ‘”“}‘ “ M W comfllndur the atorennentronerl
cu~'tv-rmer who Wat olnctnsnrz ln.~rrranee r.- de.-rgnerl to "put you back ,,B1mm,,
the polrey he had wntten wrth llkp you were betore the damage." ’

ar-otlrer -agent» He rm woncler-nz That's rt.- lab —tlm Pnnuplc or Dont a..rune that lnland lvlarrne r.- not
whether he had enough coverage on lndernnrty — back llkn you were Now, a~ good at l>rl-tlaetty ct-rvetase lnl-and
eertarn rtern., and l rnentroned he apply that: lt you harl a trve year old M-rrme coverage I~' locrtect fer Wlrat
lambably lracl blanket coverage -and trartor that got .-tolen, would you be rt. lob r. —m eover Cqulpmcnt. l/lo.t
that a tew hundrerl dollar.-worth ol ahearl or the game rt they gave you a rollmg ~tv-tck eq-nvrncnt l~ elenxned
value. .-hown on the polrev wouldn’l r,m.d "aw "M0,; ya, and .,,,..,m,.m to do hard wuxk and the eqrupnrent
matter * tlrat he would set replacement eornpanre. are not gorng to do that wrll get bangerl rrp ln the proee...

eo.t even rt rt wa.- lr.-ted lower bL‘tau~r: E.peerally wrtlr Inland Marrne, whreh Even a brand new backhoe can get

of the blanket wluclr wt-tnld reaelr nut r. how eqrupnrent r. alnro.-t alway. drug. and dent.- rn rt. hr.t year I’lu~,
and cover the rtema -n q-eat-rrn wrrtten. And, of eour..e, a traetor wrll lnland Manne r. what's ralled "All

HE SM .,My mm. M “mm r1l\'rlr1}/‘skbn"cla~'~ndhzlalzln llnland M:nnn Ede  that
lndlvldllr1lly”, and l .ard, "ye./’ Tlree lulm d b‘/ll‘ gm W E“ ~' P an on “ mg rvrlrparrrl other excluded Enh null

.o p an on r eprerra rng, nneanrng > - v ~ .

whoa —l errngerl. you wrll get the rlepreerated value be wrrttcn a~ "5l>eelal Form" to offer
"Rcmcmbur all l ,u.t .-arrl about value.- "‘ :}‘“_‘t‘“_"lY““‘ ml‘ "““:°[“  ‘f""  ‘;‘f;:;:“’°

anrl a hlanlretl well, lorget evervthrng "0 5* “P eeemen em em“ you , ’

hm TM M “H M Y H fimm pard earh year wrthout dropprng the Marrne rloe.n t alway. nrearr rt .houlrl.
 all aitlait. val’. aa’a’ otygureau-vme"5~ye'§;~ Y §:j,Tg;‘:|;3;35g;e';;gfifgfygf
ramrmar-n=—«na >?"."“ “'  '",,.W; 3:! rao.,.rra  .,.,..,;at
e-“elect an-me‘-" i§5rf.°a“§"§r“a§a1;.“rv;fer.”r;. .i, ii ‘ Inland r’/rm Mm! Jfe Janea 
lnland Marrne r. u..ed1or eqrupnrent aborrt rt. Property, and l would wrrte nune that
anrl .-onre rtern. 7 generally made of But a Pump amt” chlmmm way

‘“‘'‘‘‘l ’ °““ b‘ °"“"d°"d “‘l“'l"“°"“ even a generator (ln eertarn rn.tanee.) Now, rt you dont have anythrng but
Bill they ean al.o he eon.-rdererl a. ,

,,PmPmV>,, And If mm" M Pmpmy wouldn t be exactly wrong to be wrrtten efilllsmnrél and a in» rornprrter., go
or  the  et a  ~>'~te"-'~ Cr:r{::lIe‘flr:‘:i‘\flfl::)nEc’xl:"1'K'§lfa:r$$?bl:n the Lriira1?tar§§X7L§.r$ei5lZ"§}‘§5§§r3Zve a
P“"‘P°r "“"°"t ‘“‘““°”r '““‘°r “Cr mm 1,“, “:1 as L. if at’; , E bulldlng and content. anrl rnventorv a.
ean come under Blanket eoverage (the P‘ — ‘ — l’ l’ 3' WC“ 1‘ C ‘H mm km W cm Him
total or the value. of eaoh rtern lr.ted That’. the thrng: a rornpany ran an M’ ,,,1P;;,y ’ P P

on the polrev r. adrlerl up) That total wrrte any ~.-peeral klnd” u[ polrev ‘

r. the anrorrnt of the Blanket anrl ean be they want. They ran (anrl rlo) wrrte Generally your agent wrll attempt to
applred to any rlannaged or de.-troyerl polrere. lor varrou. type. or group. matclr the coverage~ and ct-rrnvany beat
rtenr Thr.-, elearly, r. how you ean get 7 partrenlarly rt a group r. both large to what your hu.rne.. docs,Tod.1y’.
away wrtlr the value ot an rtern berng enough anrl neerlrng .perral eoverage rmnrance marketplace r~' constantly
.-ornewhat lower than what rt take. to rn eertarn .rtuatron.- They wrll develop cl-angmg» lt’~ In you‘ l>e~'t lntetent tt-r
replaee rt. a "pxogmm" —wl\lcl\ wrll apply to check wrtll your atzcnt before renewal
S 1 d K k V eertarn people dorng eertarn thrng. tune to make .-rrre there l~n't .onre new

°"‘“ F“ ‘““’ “" °°"‘l’“‘““ ‘“ ° W“ wrth eertarn eourprnent 7 and no eornparry program that wrll better ..erve

lr.-t out earh rtern and, rt rlanragerl, wrll my Th I 1 1 1 W" bwnm Your 1 cm ma , not

pay molding (0 Wm M H you Wm o er. ey er en rave w ro e rn.uranre y ... Kg y ‘

if V H I b d U K H I eornpanre. rlevoterl to (even rrarnerl fur) eateh cadl new trend, but rt rt benetrt.
" ' “ “ ' "° " ’ “‘ ‘ “ ' " $"‘“5 eertarn type. otbu.rne...e.- or entrtre. you, a.le hrnr to .-hop your rcncwal5—
to pay. so areuraey r. very rrnportant _ _ .
gm um, ,1,a,,l.M. ,.,,aa,ar ,,,,,g,.,m, and not ,u.t tor prree, but tor the be.t trttrng

wrth an lnlanrl Marne polrey tonn. And I K , mm C [or W

"blanket." don't apply That eu.tonrer “°‘ ““5“ 5 ’ ‘

.-houlrl now really eheek anrl and out so, you ean get punrp. and rnotor., lt re your buatnew and your money Dt-r"'t
the eur-rent value. of hr. rtern.. ete., rovered under Property — lcave rt m -on-eone el-e’- lmnd» 5

2019 Issue 1 wan Vlrglma 511 . 19

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