Page 22 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 22

New Re gulatlons
amaa /scum
n my last artlele (wntten In tn.-taued. when .y.ten.. de.-tgned fur haw ean they po~'s|bIy enhanee ptpehne
Isevtemberle l mentwned vnry low pm~surcs (about 0.5 pflg) am aaicty?
cxplu~'n.»n~ In Massacllusetti From ex sod H.» rvsmurc orders M a 1n lmr _
the Nzmonal Transportation Safety ,,.;::n,.udE 25”“, 50 p5|g)/ my bid l°<=l< lot Al’l Rl’ 11/ 3 Ptpellne

Board (NTSB) web ate "On septembet dang. happen. It appean that t1u~ may Sam)’ M“"“S°"‘““ 5Y‘‘“"‘’ “’ b“

13, 2013, abnnt 4 p.m naslexn etayhght have been what neeuned. ‘“‘°‘l"’”“d by ‘“‘°"““ ”'°"““‘ Wk“
tnne, an over-pmasurc of a Iuw- W“ W"-

Prmm mm”, gas dhmbum“ There were many|ndIvIdual~1nvnlvcd By um um you mad “M PHMSAB
.y.ten. eeeaned in the etty at Lawnenee I?‘ the elelalgn anld Imvlementatlm-Tt>ll GM hpdm Advmy Comm“
and the tawn. ofAndovcz and North l e P-Pay me rep aeementpta1eet- te [GPAO W,“ hm mmplmd “mm
Andovex In Ma»achusL‘ll~ that N753 ‘t tll ~Ift tl-mugh them all and ‘hm days of hmmg. mgming
ee.n1ted In fires Dr explo~Ions' at uvu so tut-av ldentlfy lndwtd--115 wlte were Pmpwd c1m,,g,3, [0 ga, P,pd,,,c .am,,
luc.1l|on~'." The |nvcs'l|galIon h ongoing. 5“-lty of art» or amt»-one tl-at mgummm ‘hat mgmmd m Aug“
On Nnvcmbrsr1-1,ZUl8,NTSBI~sund an °°“‘""“‘°“‘ Tm“ Wm‘ ““"‘““’“"' 21111. Mavbe part. at the anal nne
urgent Safety Reeammendatmn Report l’°“"“’ “ml l"°“°d‘”"‘ “““ ‘°“” }‘“"“ wxll be ptibtnheet in 2019. snnteume.
(SW, By ‘hm, mm mmmmm W” and .-hank: have been followed Other Pmgm‘ mm A LONG mm

available "The .-ystem ovcrprciaum Pmeed-lre~ were fallvwed

dflmflgcd 131 ,t,mum,/ ,,,d,,d,,,g a, Em, dmpm bmcfium 0 mm Unul next tnne, remcmbnrtlmllt h
least five l1ome~ that were destn-wed enmpnehend anynne mvolvnd wanlmg "‘“““ hm“ ‘° 1*“ “ “M” ‘W “‘““‘“‘

In the my at l-awrente and the town» lhmga lxkc tlu~ to happen on then ‘}“‘“ ‘° “°‘ ‘l“"“ b“ “““‘“‘ ““°“5"’

at Andaver and Nvrtlt At-rlaver Mv-wt wateh — no matter then Yak‘), verv bad If mnetlnng done not scnm nghl, SAY
of the damage wa. a maull of ~tmctum ,h,,,g, happened ' M [,0 wmcd,mg_, ‘

firm Ignited by gas‘-funlcd applxanccs.

SM”, ,,mm,m, Wm dc,,my,3d by what data |t an mean? Hnman. are net

natural ga. explchlnna. one pnxwn Petleel We Al-L make mlstflked» MW /arm I/zcabt reltmijmm PHMSA.

was killed and at 1ea.t 21 tndmduah, It-l~tal<e»~ tame llttle ltarm» Whatever For qaestams Dr eammms, ematl
mcludmg two firefighters, wem "“~tt‘l<e~ ‘We made (W1 ‘hm “W1 ‘P jjzzcobzlvllsbrgloh/1I.m'I

transponsd to the lmapllal. seven Dthez have been many) added up to a lta-'nl>le

firefighlexs mcmved mmur lnyunca." outcome-

why dud tlua happen’ How can umllar Tl-e l‘tlT5l3 v(lllPr0ba:7\}3éSl‘ll;\I~l1ult»dte1i<aftt 
event. be prevented |n the future? The Name We ntx year» M - en t 1

,a.a,aa.-e of Lhc NTSB1nvnaug.1l|un1~tu numcm-:~ evntnbutlntz taste» and wall a E 3 “EH
WW6, mm M, qmuom. hsllz numr:mu~ rccummendalmna. g 

New ptpehne safety mgulzmons 2

In my eptnton, the short ans'wL‘r |S W,” a1,m,,, mm,n1ybD Pmpmd E 9 4 2 5 3 V 1 5 7 3
human etwn Ca~'t -ton PlP° waa beans and enaeted. wtu plpclmua be any : 3 5 1 5 g 7 4 5 2
replaced wltlt modern, rellable plmt-I m1fc!7 I hope so. That Mud, xi the new '5 -

Ptpe» Tl-ere ta wee-llattv-tr-tl1attl-e regulations am 50 tomplcx that they ean 2' 7 5 E ‘ 2 6 ‘ 3 5
exhttng r>te~'»-are ~'en~'or~' were left tn be understood only by mdxvxduala with 4° 
Plate on tlte ald pipe and tlte new we ycaxs cf lralmng or by the mdnvlduals E 
dld not have stmtlat preasute ~enwr> whn cxcatnd Ihcm m the [int placn, "'

2a . West Wgmrn 511 2019 Issue 1

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