Page 12 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 12

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.. M ..-;»-the \ » 
u;ht.»el—way ate more new pipL‘~, worklng cnterully wuh hand lntcel en mt1p~' miunttuncd by local
Crowded than ever betote, louI~ tn avold known cxhung utlllllcs. munlnpallllcs, as they ate cnnualetecl
and that means |t's gclnng when mm“ dmmumlbmngng ‘he pn\‘akL‘llnc~' St1l':1L‘g()l_:~w|t1'lccrkaln
dlfficult tn navlgatc around unlncatnble prn nte ga~ hne..
V”) In __ ,1 I H but ptncnce t. lot the operator to usc
nelsl onngu . . low nun. n mg ,, ,,
mwhm ntcehntquecalled polhollng to get Sohow duyout1v1.»|dml»'lng
fl vlsllal confixnlzlkmn ui lhullnu that's lllfrmtructum that you can’! he: and

salet dlgglng tcchtuquee llkc bung crowwcd. Tln. |S u~ually don: don't know exnta The an~'wL‘r |~' that
dlmmunal dnlllng, otbenng, ate wuh vacuum excavntnan tn ptevent stlnmtlmvew yeu :zln’t ln ~'|tuatl0n~ llkp
gaining In pepulnnty due to the apcsd damaging the nXhllnglnfraalrI|ctI1l~c khL‘~L‘, a contractor wmlldn't be able to
and .ntety aipecti vcmn old mlunnecl wnh haml tools. ptevent the Ero~sbun: without open cut
“““‘}‘i"3 once W0rkL‘r~ know exactly where the "’‘‘“V“‘'‘’“

But just bec2lu~L‘ bunng n safer exnttng hue |S, they can pmceecl wlth cantmcten iay Ihl: moat common

it doesn’l mean thete aren't uaks the bunng pxoclws and lmtall then hnc type of Ero~sb()IL‘ that they .ce are new
involved. lnculent. oi cto.-.laate.- — a ~t1fcly nanclmc utthtic. damaglng tcmlenttal
serious‘ situation whnn: a nnw Iltlllty , acwcr Imus on lnslzlllatlon. Tlus mt1kL‘~

._ _ ButwhaIht1ppL‘ns|iyou dontknow
damage. D1’ 13 ln~t2lllcd through , ..en.~e, a. ~L‘WL‘r hne. hnve about u. bu; a
_ . . . the hue cxlati at all? lt 5 H1 tho.~e
an cxhlmg uullty dunngabonng I ‘ h K W _b d _ ehatnetet a. you would cxpcclauklllty
opcraIion~arcunthcn~c ;;m{';“'E°h";y m   “"%°“~ Iuhavelnmsldcntlalanmng, ~1.»lhL‘
wuh aid school cxcn\'t1l|nn mthnlques, °}}1‘“‘“°f M (‘"11 1'"? ""° °"° ‘"° gnaw
Wmkm Wmuv dlgammh mm Batkyaxdscwcxllnci—cipcc|alIy 1 an ohm’ ututn.
— — older unL‘~ — are frequently not

10 . wee y.em 511 2019 Lssue2

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